View Full Version : Discus acting strange

11-09-2008, 09:59 PM
My 3.5" RT has been terrorised repeatedly by another 3.5" RT in the tank, and now he is cowering alot, rarely eating, and i just saw a big white feces.

Is he just stressed? there are only 3 young discus in a 90G tank and they are ruled by the one RT. i am seeking to add more but in the meantime the other RT is really spooked!

What do you suggest I do? I know you're going to suggest hexamita, but i'm thinking this is some sort of stress, because the fish is not acting sick, he is not emaciated or lethargic - just scared. I do not want him to lose interest in food.

Should the fish be isolated or kept in the tank (maybe moving it would stress it more)

Any suggestions will do ! Thanks

11-10-2008, 11:18 AM
Hexamita are normally always present in small numbers in discus gut. Constant bullying and lack of cover or escape has put a lot of stress on poor discus so his immune system got week and hexamita being uportunistic got the chance. My opinion is that you have to get more discus, three is te worst combination. Till then i would seperate the bully from the rest two by a tank divider and maybe feed the sick one with high vitamine food, maybe even with some metarnidizol in his food.