View Full Version : White Spots

11-15-2008, 08:54 PM
Greetings DL's

Check out this pick if you will...Where I have circled is where there are 3 "spots" that 3 courses of protozin has not cured. She has 3 about the same on the other side. I know the flash has made it look like its all over her gills but it isn't. (Gawd, unless the naked eye can't see it???)And sorry for the quality but that's the best shot I could get of the spots.

She acts normal, and she is actually a real sweety, she was the first to take food from my hand and is never afraid of me...I received her at the pet shop after apparent local shipping and a couple of days later the spots started to appear. She wouldn't eat til I hand fed her live blackworms. All the other males butt each other to be next to her. I have had her about 4 months now. I used to give them Live blood worms and Orca FBW.They all eat Hikari now FBS Mysis Shrimp & Spirulina Brine. (Ooh with added multi vitamins.)I also give them the Aqua One Discus Bits, soaked of course to soften. They all flat out ignore flake!

Now, could it be that I should not have been doing any water changes whilst dosing her because it would somehow reduce the intensity of the doses, or that I am not treating the correct ailment?

Thoughts appreciated...:confused:

11-16-2008, 02:51 PM
Hi Roxanne,

Can't see those spots too well in the pic, they almost look like normal markings......are they just on one side of the fish?can you get better shots?


11-16-2008, 06:17 PM
Gday Al

Thanks for the input, I will keep trying to get a better shot. Maybe I can only see them cos I know where they are.

They are on both sides of her face, in the same place on her gills, and they look like someone got some liquid paper & dobbed a couple of spots on her.

stay tuned for better pics......


11-17-2008, 02:25 AM
Hey how bout these...taking up alot of bandwith with all these...I'll have to go make a donation....:)

11-17-2008, 04:03 AM
I still can't see any white spots, the picture seems a bit cloudy. :o

I mean it really just looks like iridescent specks from what I can see. Sorry


11-17-2008, 07:17 AM
doh..if I keep uploading bad pics I'll get kicked off this site for wasting bandwidth considering everyone else's pics are gorgeous!!!).did you see the pic in the first part of this thread? I circled the spots on one side of her face, and just tried to get close ups with the next lot of pics....it'd put my mind at rest if it was just pigment, but, why would the little melon head as I call her, have pigment on her gills in that spot, both sides and seems to be gettin worse as in larger? although, she does get black freckles on her nose and her face sometimes that comes & goes...appreciate the feedback anyway..

11-17-2008, 08:00 PM
Hi Roxanne,

but, why would the little melon head as I call her, have pigment on her gills in that spot, both sides and seems to be gettin worse as in larger Its not uncommon for Pigeon based fish to have Spots like this.. The key thats its probaby just pigment spots is that the fish has them on both sides in the same location....

You can see an extreme case of it here in my "gold mellons"


11-17-2008, 08:38 PM
Hi al

Wow, I didn't realise you had a site-nice pix, I'm usually 2 brainfried from lack of sleep to take in everything I see on the page....I have 1 x blue diamond(dum dum), 1 x red melon(my little melon head), twin turks(no names) as I call them and a set of 3 yr old human twins, a four year old and a rottweiller, a half renovated house, and a few neglected businesses I am SUPPOSED to be running, but these cute round fishies take all my time & energy cos I worry about, but enjoy them, CONTINUOUSLY, so now you know why I am the way I am you may excuse my wackiness, please...Robyn is the TankWatcher, but I'm a tank zombie! First thing I do in the morning is check they are OK, even tho I've been up all night staring at them and at this site... Discus are not just fish are they?

I see what you mean by the pigmentation, I also looked at your 1st Gallery Page and there was a mellon with it. (gorgous fishies BTW) Hmmm....looks like I've been treating this poor fish with Protozin for NAH THING! You don't know how that messed up my whole set up with the medicating and the pulling this and that out of the canisters, not doing water changes because I was medicating her blah blah etc etc, my daughter dumped a whole can of flake into a tank I was in the middle of doing a WC on...See what I mean about how priceless you guys are? If I hadn't found this forum, either my fish would be dead or I would have just had to have given up because I couldn't imagine using such beautiful creatures as guinea pigs until I got it right.

As the 'brothers' would say, Got nothin but love for ya!


11-19-2008, 01:01 PM
