View Full Version : nothing left for others

11-18-2008, 12:11 AM
Hey all,

Currently I have 6 discus and 4 of them are man eaters, literally...they would eat my fingers off if I left them in the tank long enough :shocked2:. Anyways, the other 2 are not as aggressive and they don't eat a variety of foods, only FBW and FBS. Whenever I do feed them FBW or FBS the 4 aggressive eaters will eat until they explode hogging all the food. The other 2 only get like 2 bites. I have even tried putting half the cube on one side of the tank and another on the other side. Still, the 2 will not eat as much as the others. I was thinking to separate the 2 for a while to pump them up, let them eat all food on their own :idea:. Any suggestions or thoughts :confused:?



11-18-2008, 07:58 AM
Just yesterday I removed the smallest of four discus to a 75 gal cause the other three refused to let it eat in peace. I am hopeful that the smallest one will be able to eat it's fill. the only tankmates in 75 gal are six black phantom tetras a pair of rams and two clown plecos along with tons of trumpet snails that have been multiplying over the last couple years.

11-18-2008, 08:13 AM
hi basshead, howyagoin?

If you could slide in a perspex plate (or whatever)to divide the tank during feeding then the slow eaters could eat their fill without the harassment. I put my blue diamond into 1 of those square breeder net thingys (can't think what they're called) when he gets too bossy for a little while for some fishy time out. He comes out with a better attitude after a little while....he doesn't fight the net, he seems to know it's the naughty corner!:D

11-18-2008, 08:15 AM
And the fact that the 2 only eat FBW and FBS is even more of a hassle. The others eat everything so I feed a variety. I think I'm gonna give in and put the other 2 in a seperate tank and just fatten them up with the foods they eat because they are thinning out from not eating enough. If I put more food in the tank, the others just gobble it up. Gobble gobble :mad:

Hey Roxy, if you don't mind me calling you Roxy, its got a nice ring to it...sounds like foxy. LOL

Fishy time out, that it classic! LOL I was thinking of how to seperate the tank but I think I'll just put the 2 in their own for a bit. Great idea though


11-18-2008, 08:44 AM
well ordinarily I don't like to be called Roxy-it kind of grinds on me, but a few close friends seem to get away with it without me getting all bent out of shape about it. I don't know, do you like to be called "bassy" ? How bout, you can call me Roxy if I can call you bassy? bassyboy:)..bassybaby:alien:...bassydude:bandana:. ..basmeister:antlers:...bassalicious:p...bassafier ce:mad:?

My blue diamond swims across the tank to pick on my twin turks and then he looks straight at me like ha ha and I wave my finger at him and he swims side on and tries to intimidate me by flexing his fins.....ooo I'm sooo scared... He is actually the smaller of the boys but he THINKS he's bigger...His name is dum dum cos he just don't get it....and he just can't get it thru his flattened head that if he is mean to the others it's a time out...funny thing is, when I segregate him, the turks start picking on each other!!!!!

11-18-2008, 08:49 AM
I like Bassalicious...that does sound alright HAHAHA LOL. J/K

How about Hot-Rox?

Okay okay...Roxanne

Yeah, once you seperate the bully, there will always be another bully trying to take his....or her place. I remember my Blue Diamonds were always rough, what meanies! :angry:

11-18-2008, 09:03 AM
it's such a paradox....mean yet beautiful...like me...haha...jking. :D
oh, and being an American as I take it you are, may I say congrats on finally electing a President with a working brain! No offence intended of course, as Australia had yet to vote in a Leader with a brain also...:D

11-18-2008, 09:09 AM
Having a brain isn't the important part...it's how you use it. :D

And about the paradox, it certainly is, isn't it ;)
