View Full Version : what is the best way to get PB

11-21-2008, 03:02 AM
I have 3 PB s one with almost none peppering , one with quite a bit of peppering. And the one with heavy peppering and the one has some peppering seems like are pairing up. I love PBs , What is the best way to get PBs free of peppering in my case ? Should I add some albino juvis along with them ? or is it better to have two PB mates instead.

I am also thinking of getting couple red meloon juvis along with them, which are smaller than the ones I currently have. What is expected if one of the red meloon and PB breed ? And the breeder told me that it is better not to have mates from siblings so it is better to include red meloons from somewhere else to have a better gene pool. Is this true ?

And please excuse me for asking this, I am just a begineer so got no idea about how this works. When they pair up and they are proven breeding pair, is it better to keep them in a big tank with other and isolate them whenever they are ready to lay eggs, or for the rest of their life they are seperated in a 30 gal tank ? If this is the case, isnt it bad for discus as they love living in groups ?

11-21-2008, 09:52 AM
The best way is to just buy some high quality PB's. If your discus pair up you could raise the fry and pick the cleanest, but it will be much easier just to buy some good stock and start from there.
