View Full Version : Brand New Discus are not Eating!

11-29-2008, 03:13 PM
I bought two new discus yesterday and they are not eating! They are in my QT tank by themselves. They swim around the tank and move around, instead of hiding in the back the whole time like I thought they would in the first few days. But they won't eat.

Pellets, frozen brine shrimp, or flake food just floats on down right next to them. These are what they were fed at the LFS and what they told me to feed them. I didn't feed them last night as the LFS instructed, but today they are swimming around nice but not eating, the LFS said they should be hungry today.

What can I do to get these buggers to start eating?

11-29-2008, 03:22 PM
i wouldnt worry about it to much ....it may take a couple of days or maybe longer for them to settle in . it took my new guys about 4 days before they would even pic at food at the bottom of the tank and now they eat every thing i through in the tank . have you tried any of the live food to get them starting to eat ...sometimes they cant resist the live food and the wiggles (worms) .

give it a couple of days ..im sure youll see a major change. Good luck with your new guys


edit.....if in a couple of days or so they havnt started eating... i would first try some live food (blackworms , white worms etc) ... i have also used garlic extreme to get them starting to eat .

11-30-2008, 01:39 AM
i wouldnt worry about it to much ....it may take a couple of days or maybe longer for them to settle in

The strange thing is that they swim around, or sit together in a front corner of the tank, and are bright colors. As soon as I start feeding they turn dark color and go to the bottom far corner of the tank and hide. It's really weird.

11-30-2008, 01:47 AM
Its normal mine took 2 weeks before they eat like the pigs they are now. Just continue doing what you're doing and clean up what they don't eat and you'll be fine.

You could always add some garlic extract to try and help. If you do just add 1 drop per 10 gallons to the tank. You can get this at any local fish store. Its strong stuff so follow the directions.

11-30-2008, 01:04 PM
Why do they do this? Sit and hide when its feeding time? All other fish I've had will eat after a day or so.

11-30-2008, 01:31 PM
Hi Cammie,

Your fish just need some time to acclimate to their new surroundings, that's all. Unless you have live plants, I would leave the tank light off for a day or so, let them chill out. They'll eat when they are ready to. :fish: Are your water readings all normal? Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, PH? What is the temperature? Sounds like normal adjustment period to me. ;)


11-30-2008, 01:33 PM
Your presence probably scares them. Like everyone else said it takes a little time unless you are the luckiest person on earth. I bought 5 discus about 3 months ago and it took them a while to catch onto the whole feeding routine but like previously stated when they start eating they just dont stop. One little trick is to turn the heat up to 30 degrees celcius maybe a tad more. The hot water will entice their appetite. And if that still isnt working for you, Up your water changes this will almost always work.


11-30-2008, 05:32 PM
Hi, I got 5 Super Red Turquoise two weeks ago and I had the same issue, I turned the heat up to 86, it was 83. The tank is heavily planted, and they more or less sat in the back, after two days, they started to eat food, now when I get near the tank they want to eat, and go right up to my double shot glass cup (has a handle), I use it to put the food in and a little tank water and wait a few minutes for it to defrost and feed a bit at a time 5 to 6 times per day. They are strong eaters now and growing. You should have no problem.