View Full Version : First time parents

11-30-2008, 12:30 AM
With a fulltime tech job and a self-imposed March deadline for taking the GMAT, I've all but given up on keeping an aquarium. But much to my dismay when I came home from work today my PB and Apricot, whom I thought were two males, laid their first patch of eggs. I tried to read all the posts I can digest but really just need some simple advise. Q: Since they live in a community tank with another LSS and punch of tetras, should I move the pair and their eggs to another tank? (Will the eggs die during the transport?)

Please advise and add any other useful information if you can as I'm pretty clueless as to what to do since everybody have their own methods and ways, might as well since no parents are alike. Chances are they will eat all their eggs before any fries hatch but I thnk I should move the two to a breeding tank for future reproduction. With that said if I take them out of their natural habitat will their mood be negatively effected? (Such a rookie question eh?) Anyhow thanks for all your time and input. I'm gonna be a daddy! Just think of the work and responsibility. =(

11-30-2008, 12:58 AM
To follow-up the community tank is 90G and the parents are 4"+, tank has pebble substrate medium planted well filtered. Water pH around 7 and heated to 86 degree. Given the setup I'd be crazy to leave the parents in there, I have started up a 35G tank so once I get the ok I'll move them ASAP. Let me know if I left out any important information.