View Full Version : new discus getting bullied

11-30-2008, 05:31 AM
just added my recent buy to the community tank and it is evident that he's getting the "new guy" treatment. 3 of the other 4 take turns chasing him around...should i just let him ride it out?

11-30-2008, 08:10 AM
get some more...;)

or, I isolate my bossy blue diamond into the 'naugty net' (netted cage sits inside the tank) when he gets too relentless for a little fishy time out, and not only does he come out with a nicer attitude, it seems to shift the balance of power, then they don't know who is boss... Psychologically, I could be damaging his mind:p, but, the others need a break from him...now, they are chasing each other equally...sorry, I'm not much help.:)


11-30-2008, 08:47 AM
they do all the chasing. he does all the fleeing.

11-30-2008, 10:44 AM
I was told by Craig G to try moving around your setup. Move the plants, driftwood, whatever you have in your tank to a different spot. It will change everything because to them it will feel like a new environment.

When I added mine, I had only one in there and put 3 more. The one I already had is bigger and definitely chased all of them a lot, especially during feeding time. I started feeding out of a worm feeder (all my food) and not only does it save a mess in the tank and a lot of food from going into the filter, it has also dramatically stopped the chasing.


11-30-2008, 08:13 PM
checked this morning and he seems to be part of the "herd" now...

12-03-2008, 07:28 AM
Glad to hear they worked through their differences. Maybe it was just part of the initiation ceremony. Fishy fraternity..Symphosydon Sorority..

12-06-2008, 02:05 PM
Discus psychology is really interesting, and a lot more complex than I had thought before owning them!

Each of my discus deals with bullying in a different way. Some fight back, some flee, some outsmart, some team up. I find that the pecking order is constantly changing even though i'm not making any changes to the tank.

The biggest in the tank, a melon, was very docile until she got a fungal infection, after she was treated and healed (never took her out of the main tank) she became king... curious...

I have a little san merah who's getting chased, i hope it doesn't stress him out too much :( i give it about a week though and we'll see another shift