View Full Version : Buyer Beware

11-30-2008, 03:05 PM
I grabbed a tank at a local garage sale, it look like new but had been stored in a garage for a few years. To my dismay As I set it up yesterday for use, there is a leak that get bigger as the tank get filled. The LFS who is a friend and fixes tanks said there is damage and stress cracks to the frame and doesn't recommend taking the chance with a 125 gallon tank. So much for my $30 bargain, I got what I paid for. :(

11-30-2008, 03:20 PM
What do you mean by frame? The trim on the top and bottom? If thats the case cant you re silicone the corners and buy new (frame) trim? Sounds like a deal i just got, a 110 hood,stand,2halides, and a fluro reflector for 50$. I filled the 110 and there was no leaks at all, But it looks like somone had previously repaired one of the silicone seams i was thinking about removing the blobs that they repaired with and laying a nice bead of silicone.


11-30-2008, 03:34 PM
Bummer on the leak.. if its that bad,,,Craigs list it for $100 as a Reptile tank... It should sell quick if you go that route.


11-30-2008, 05:28 PM
Thanks Al, that is a great idea!

Hey DD85, the plastic bottom brace has a crack. The LFS owner is a friend and doesn't want to chance a leak and recommended just getting a new tank.

11-30-2008, 05:32 PM
Thanks Al, that is a great idea!

Hey DD85, the plastic bottom brace has a crack. The LFS owner is a friend and doesn't want to chance a leak and recommended just getting a new tank.

Have you searched for a new frame(brace)? I found some online but nothing to 125 gallons. Im sure there are frames available somewhere out there. The biggest i found was a 90 gallon from cciaquarium.com


11-30-2008, 06:07 PM
Hi, I repaired two frames, one on the top (most common) and one on the bottom, the top one was a 120 gal, the bottom one was 180 gal. Tell me about the frame problem and I may have a solution for repair. Also sounds like the guy at fish shop wants to sell a tank to you.

11-30-2008, 07:22 PM
Thanks Al, that is a great idea!

Hey DD85, the plastic bottom brace has a crack. The LFS owner is a friend and doesn't want to chance a leak and recommended just getting a new tank.

If you know which manufacturer made the tank (All Glass, Perfecto, Oceanic, etc...), most likely the LFS can order just the frame for you - you'd have to separate the existing cracked on, but you can then seal the replacement frame to the glass (and while you're at it, check the existing seals).


12-01-2008, 02:28 PM
The frame is just for looks. It does very little in holding a tank together. The silicone between the glass does all of the work. Though the years I have picked up several leakers from people. If you are so inclined you can just take the tank apart, clean the glass well, get new silicone, put it back together, let it dry a couple of days, and it will be as good as new.

If you decide to do this and want detailed instructions let me know.


12-01-2008, 04:21 PM
I did go to another LFS that drills and repairs tanks and they will redo it changing the plastic frame for $85. The glass s worth it and this guy will redo the whole tank unlike the first shop that only wanted to fix on glass section.