View Full Version : Why do discus change color when scared?

12-02-2008, 01:17 PM
My new juvie discus change from bright blue to a very dark grey/black when they get scared, why do they do this? They also go and hide in the back of the tank when they are frightened. They are afraid of movement outside the tank, as well as Fivel, my resident neon tetra.

Don Trinko
12-03-2008, 11:17 AM
Yes; They change color for many reasons. It's when they are dark, hidding in a corner, and not eating that you should worry.
It takes time for them to get used to the local shaddows and movements. Don t.

12-03-2008, 01:44 PM
one word ....stress

if you have the sides and the back of the tank covered then you may want to take the side cover's off . this way they will get used to the traffic around the tank faster , i had a simular problem when both sides of my tank was covered so i took off the side that faces the living room so they would get used to the traffic & shaddows around the tank.....now they come "running" to the front of the tank when ever they see some one walking towards the tank.

good luck with your new juvi's .


12-03-2008, 02:37 PM
Yes; They change color for many reasons. It's when they are dark, hidding in a corner, and not eating that you should worry.

Well, they are usually in the front corner of the tank, and colorful. They are very skittish, but they swim normally. But as soon as I come close to the tank, or try to feed them, they dart to the back of the tank, turn dark grey, and sit there. When I am gone they come out again pretty quickly.

I am on day 5 with them and they are still not eating at feedings--they just swim away and hide. They will eat a few pellets off the bottom and a piece or two of brine shrimp. But for the most part, Fievel eats their food.

12-03-2008, 05:31 PM
Well, they are usually in the front corner of the tank, and colorful. They are very skittish, but they swim normally. But as soon as I come close to the tank, or try to feed them, they dart to the back of the tank, turn dark grey, and sit there. When I am gone they come out again pretty quickly.

I am on day 5 with them and they are still not eating at feedings--they just swim away and hide. They will eat a few pellets off the bottom and a piece or two of brine shrimp. But for the most part, Fievel eats their food.

they are still a bit tank shy ....5 days is nothing to worrie about , its a good sign that thay are picking at food off the bottom of the tank . my guess is they will start coming out and feeding in a few days , just keep giving them some choices of different food and once they start feeling more comfy in thier new home they will start eating more and not so shy

Don Trinko
12-05-2008, 02:28 PM
I have 4 Blue Diamonds that would not eat if I was in the room for several months. Now I can touch them when I clean the tank. Time will help. Don T.

12-06-2008, 06:35 AM
Don't feel bad. My discus:fish::fish:have been in my tank for about a month now and they still go and hide when I go to feed them. If you stay in the room long enough though they will all come out together and start getting all the food that is sitting on the bottom. My question is how long does it take until they come to the front of the glass when it is feeding time? They also turn black when they sleep in the back of the tank hiding. Not too long when they get up and moving the color comes back time the light hits them. This is what I am seeing in my tank. Hope this is of some help. 125 Gal. 10 discus


12-06-2008, 09:40 PM
Dont know why but mine always turn black and hide in the corner when i open the light

12-07-2008, 05:05 PM
folks, even humans change color when freightened. lol

one thing that i have not seen mentioned in this forum is that discus want to be at your face level. if you could ever compare fish in a waist high tank versus a tank at eye heigth you will see what i mean. i know it isn't possible for probably most of you. breeding pairs also do much better at that elevation.

12-08-2008, 12:05 PM
Dont know why but mine always turn black and hide in the corner when i open the light

If they were 'sleeping' when you flicked the light on, no wonder they bolted..takes time for their eyes to adjust....it must suck not having eye lids...

There are many creatures in creation that mottle their bright colours when startled or stalked. As Don Trinko said...

They change color for many reasons. It's when they are dark, hidding in a corner, and not eating that you should worry.

...folks, even humans change color when frightened. lol

especially white folks!!:D

Peachtree Discus
12-08-2008, 01:44 PM
....as soon as I come close to the tank, or try to feed them, they dart to the back of the tank, turn dark grey, and sit there. When I am gone they come out again pretty quickly....I am on day 5....

so that mean u been doing the "peeking around the corner" trick??? ;) after 5-days, the fact that they come out quickly after you leave is a good indicator.

i have had my 3 latest additions for about 8 weeks. they panicked when i entered for at least 5 weeks and were always huddled in a corner during quarantine. they are only slightly skiddish now. there has been a world of difference since i dropped a veteran (parrot-face tester) into the tank. i could dunk head into the tank and he would sit and look at me like...":inquisitive: so ......wheeeere's the beef?"

Autumn Wind
12-08-2008, 05:52 PM
When you walk towards the tank is there a light behind you? I noticed when mine where young that if I put myself between them and a light source I was creating a shadow and discus are hard wired to flee shadows (think flying predator) I put a timer on the tank lights so they would be on before I fed in the morning so they wouldn't associate me with being startled by the light turning on.
Now I have discus that nearly slam into the front of the glass when they see me coming and they never hide :D And they do learn to reconize you because they could careless when my husband comes into the room. :p
Try a feeding cone with frozen brineshrimp and bloodworms. It will keep the food up high and might help them find it easier.
Good luck!

12-09-2008, 01:09 AM
Roxanne, when i asked by blond fair skinned wife to marry me in front of 400 people she turn a deep red that lasted for 4 hours, i thought she was going to pass out.
as you've probably guessed she did say yes. lol

12-09-2008, 01:11 AM
back to discus, never leave discus in a totally dark room.

12-10-2008, 01:44 PM
...she did say yes. lol

...When she could finally breathe!!!lololol:D

yes, very good lesson there...always leave a light on for the fish...and always turn the lights off if you're going to propose to a fair maiden in front of 400 people!!;)

12-10-2008, 03:02 PM
Don't worry, before you know it you won't be able to stand up in your living room without all of them making a mad dash to the front of the tank BEGGING for food EVERY time they see you! Often I nickname mine hogs, pigs, oinkies, etc..... :rolleyes:

Not to mention they like to think my FINGERS are food half the time!