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View Full Version : Young Pair Question

above design
12-03-2008, 09:24 PM
I have a pair of recently formed High Body Turks. I witnessed them spawn and saw that it is a male and female. The eggs lasted aout 36 hours before they were completely fungassed over and eaten. The pair is currently in a community tank and I know if a successfull spawn is to occur I need to seperate them and put them in a tank by themselves with R/O water. My question is that these are young discus in the 8 month range. Should I leave them in the community tank for a few more months so they can continue to grow or should I seperate them now? I want to do what is best for the pair.

- Mark

William Palumbo
12-03-2008, 09:42 PM
Hi Mark...Some will say that when Discus spawn...especially the female...that she is done growing. I have heard others say a discus always continues to grow. For me.. I have noticed when my discus pair up and spawn..they usually do not grow too much more. When I have discus pair up in a tank...I usually let them spawn a few times in the tank to strengthen their bond before I move them to their own breeding tank...Bill

12-04-2008, 06:43 PM
Mark, 8 months is a bit young for most males to become fertile. I would leave them be for a few more months and then pull them out and see if they are indeed a pair. I have had two females do the spawning thing and fool me into believing they are a pair before so unless I see wigglers I don't consider any pair as a "pair". HTH

above design
12-06-2008, 11:55 AM
Thanks for the advice guys. I will leave them in the community tank until I see wigglers.

- Mark