View Full Version : Whats your other hobby ?

12-06-2008, 01:36 AM
Just curious who else has other hobbies other than fish keeping ?

i have been involved with Ham radio for 15+ years My call is N9QPE (coded general class) UHF VHF .HF

i also collect vintage audio gear , Records/LP's tube & SS . Amps & tuners, vintage speakers , = about 100 peices , 450+ albums

Fly fishing , mostly steelhead , coho , browns, & kings

part time ...computer geek/builder

12-06-2008, 02:08 AM
Distance running. I am embarrassingly slow, but try to do at least one marathon a year. A few years ago, when I was fitter, I did 3 a year - but I struggle a bit more now.

The Canberra marathon is coming up in April - that's one I haven't missed since 2001.

12-06-2008, 03:00 AM

I play Battlefield 2 modern combat online which is a computer game.

Do to my recent job (the reason I have Discus now) I can't but I was playing softball year round here in the Chicago area. I miss it sooooooo much though.

If and when, I ride my motorcycle (05 Suzuki GSXR 600)

Last but definitely not least, I spend time with my two dogs Chico (mini dachshund) and Capone (Boston Terrier)

Oh wait, I have one of those girlfriends too. Haha just messing around. I love her dearly and try to spend as much time with her as I can. Working two jobs and water changes takes away a lot but she understands. She enjoys coming to Chris's house with me so that's a plus.

William Palumbo
12-06-2008, 09:37 AM
Hi Ken...We have the same taste in gamefish too. Tho I do not fly fish as much as I would like...tho I have TONS of equipment for it. I do fish a lot!...mostly for cold water species like Salmon and Trout. Sometimes with bait(spawn) but mostly lures and mostly jigs, that I hand tie myself for conditions and species around the Great Lakes area. Ever think how a large Discus would fight on ultra-light tackle? Probally like a Big Bluegill!.. My buddies call my Discus "glorified" Bluegills!..I also do reproduction taxidermy work for those of us who catch & release...and want something to hang on the wall. Is just a facet of my artist background that I can apply to fish!...I also play guitar...but not as much as I used to...I do have a handful of them...like Discus tanks...One is never enough. So between my art, Discus and fishing...I have little time or money... for too much else...Bill

12-06-2008, 10:09 AM
Lol Bill... Fisherman here too...In CT...I'm limited largely to largemouth bass, trout and pickerel ...I spend alot of time fishing on some property my Father-n-law owns on Billings lake here... Its known for Large mouth bass and "billings bass"...aka blue gills....and thats pretty much what my Father-in-law calls my discus....expensive Bluegills!.. To be honest...I have been tempted to set up a Blue gill/pumkinseed tank!;) no heaters needed!

other hobbies....man I have too many!!!
*I keep reptiles and breed them....rat snakes, Tortoises, lizards etc.
* home brewer...ales, honey meads and occasionally wine
*Bird watcher....travel as I can to work on my life list (anyone else?)
* Advanced hobby photography
* Biology...if its alive...I study it in the home or in the field!
*computers..I like to rebuild them.

I'm sure theres others as well..


William Palumbo
12-06-2008, 10:18 AM
Hi Al...that is a plateful!...I have kept Bluegill/Pumpkinseed in the fishroom before. As you said no heater. Have the temperment of an Oscar...recognize their keeper and will eat from your hands. Tho I did feed a good diet...so I thought...they never got to be as colorful as when I first caught them and put them in the tank. After awhile the color faded and never really came back. They got to be pretty big, so I put them back where I got them. A Pumkinseed in the latespring when in spawning color can rival a Discus with it's coloration...I guess there is something lacking in the hobbyist diet that fish eat in the wild...tho I am sure they ate better and more in my tank...their coloration told me otherwise...Bill

12-06-2008, 10:26 AM
Come spring I may have to set that tank up:) My son caught a group of 4 inch Brown bullheads a few months ago and talked me into keeping them...so we now have 10 each 6-7" ones in a 75 gal tank.. I will say this...they love beefheart !:) I was thinking of setting up a 125 I have sitting outside with the a few bullheads, sunfish and maybe a bass...:) a CT lake Biotope...;):D


12-06-2008, 10:28 AM
ps.... I noticed that tangledupincichlids has some really beautiful long eared sunfish..http://www.tangledupincichlids.com/index.html

I don't have those in CT...but I am very tempted!:) what beautiful colors


12-06-2008, 10:30 AM
I'm with Porkchop ... computer gaming :)

New addition growing though :( Having built a high end gaming computer for myself I just couldn't NOT look into overclocking it :antlers: so now I'm in a deep coma of overclocking research on equipment and techniques. Fun, but expensive (at least as much as Discus).. with the challenge of the unknown.... ooooooo

If you're gaming on GameSpy, I'm known as MaadDaawg :D Currently building my way to domination in UT3 (with a long way to go :( )

William Palumbo
12-06-2008, 10:38 AM
Those are like the ones I had. You have to see the coloration to beleive it. The females get the most color. Here they are called pumpkin seed or just Sunfish. And yes they LOVE beefheart as well and will eat it ALL DAY!...My buddy had a small pike a few inches or so in a tank...that was pretty cool too. Al...I would hate to feed those bullheads...pure gluttons I'm sure...Bill

12-06-2008, 11:54 AM
I dabble in carpentry, gardening and my 1981 Mercedes 380SL roadster. I do all of the maintenance and fixing up during the warmer months. Summer here is short so I make the most driving topless.

12-06-2008, 01:10 PM
other hobbies....man I have too many!!!
*I keep reptiles and breed them....rat snakes, Tortoises, lizards etc.
* home brewer...ales, honey meads and occasionally wine
*Bird watcher....travel as I can to work on my life list (anyone else?)
* Advanced hobby photography
* Biology...if its alive...I study it in the home or in the field!
*computers..I like to rebuild them.

I'm sure theres others as well..


Al , wow you do have a lot on your plate ..... who kind of tortoise's do you have ? i used to have fed foots , yellow foots , sulcata's (get way to big) , i once bought a wild pair of redfoots adults .....did the deworming thing gave them plenty of room to rome but they were not intrested in one another and never got them to breed. ended up selling them to a friend who had a few pair already , i have allways wanted a leopard or a spider tort , but i understand they dont do well as well in the midwest (climate) not that it can be done , but why keep something that is difficult to keep healthy....i feel it just wouldnt be right , so tell me what you have and if you breed them .....i have a neighborhood friend who breeds reds and yellow, spider , i wish i could afford to buy a "spider" .


12-06-2008, 01:30 PM
Hi Ken,
I have bred my snakes, not my torts yet...The ones I have now are babies.. captive born last year...Red foots... Long range plans to bred them.. I bought these from a breeder out in Ohio I think.

heres some pics I posted a little while back... its bath time!!!:)






12-06-2008, 01:55 PM
I'm not a good multitasker. I generally become passionate about something and it consumes ALL of my spare time and thought. And it changes over time when it seems either no longer challenging, or that I think I can master the challenges but have learned enough to know that I'm not willing to commit the sacrifices necessary to meet the challenge. Or learned something that caused me to be no longer interested in the challenge.

For instance... I spent years in pursuit of an IGFA striped bass fly fishing record on small tippets. But I had to give it up because the arduous play required to bring in a big fish on a tiny thread of line wore the fish out too badly - achieving a record would have cost lives of many nice fish - not willing to do that.

Or planted tanks... I was deeply into aquascaping, but concluded that the really magnificent tanks just required too much work. So once I convinced myself (either correctly or not ;) ) that I could create/maintain a good aquascape, it became less of a passion because it just was not worth the constant work.

So over the years my single minded passions have been:

Freshwater fishing, then...
Bonsai, then...
Saltwater fly fishing, then...
Planted tanks, now...
Discus in planted tanks, but...

I'm kinda hung up on aquaria plumbing and automation as my hobby right now. The fish and plants are playing second fiddle.

It's always one major emphasis at a time, as old passions slip away...

12-06-2008, 02:13 PM

It's always one major emphasis at a time, as old passions slip away... I wish I could do that...my biggest problem is letting go one hobby for another.. and so I wind up just adding to the pile.....Not very focused though on more than one at a time.....and always discus come first.:)

I used to be more into photography for instance... .. I've got to have at least 20 cameras...35 mm SLR pentax models across the years...and now want to move into Digital SLrs...Heaven help me when I do!:)


ps..I tried bonsai...took too much patience and focus..so I opted for carnivorous plants:D

12-07-2008, 03:12 PM
i also go through all consuming spells, where there is empasis on one or two hobbies and all else suffers
bonsai --about 30 trees now in dire need had 250 bonsai and pre-bonsai (anyone want to buy some expensive pots?)
koi--back yard 20,000 gallon concrete pond under construction for 3 years- need about 3 grand to finish sealing it
orchids--a 14x14' green house with orchids and some ephis
over 60 roses--that have to be pruned in two weeks
2-18yr old yellow belly sliders female 14" male 10" purchased when size of quarter.
2 cats, 1 german shepherd.
cabinet making & finish carpentry
restoring my 3700 sq. ft historical house in Deming, NM it's real cool has a detached carriage house with two horse stalls in it and a loft. (in construction i specialize in restoring and seismic retrofitting old buildings)

toying with the idea of playing with wild heckels and greens again. have plenty of tanks, a 1200 gallon per day RO, and aquarium stuff.