View Full Version : A New name for an old card game...

12-10-2008, 12:30 PM
Hi all,
Something a little humorous to share here... at least I thought it was.

A few days ago I taught my 5 year old son how to play a few card games... Of course we played slap Jack.. He got a kick out of rushing to slap that Jack everytime one came up... This Kids quick too!:)

Anyhow.. I thought we'd make it more interesting and made it Slap all the picture cards...and as I tried to explain to him the concept of the picture cards....I told him how way back when there was two kinds of people....Royalty who were rich (the picture cards) and Peasants who were basically Poor.....

He nodded and said it made sense...so we played and had a great time..

Move forward to about 20 minutes ago... and my son asks me..
"Hey Dad, do you wanna play a game?"

"okay sure..what game?"

With all seriousness and trying to be a big man with the card game names Ethan answers..

"Lets play Slap the Rich People":D:D:D

I Laughed so hard that I spit my coffee out on my monitor.:)


12-10-2008, 12:39 PM

You make me laught too. The kids always surprise us. Itīs really awesome to be a dad.:D

12-10-2008, 12:41 PM
I almost lost my coffee as I read your post:D
I'm sure alot of people have wanted to play that game lately with the recession & bailouts currently going on.
Happy Holidays to you & your family Al


12-10-2008, 02:55 PM
Can I play too?? I have always wanted to play "slap the rich people"!! ;) :D :D :D

12-10-2008, 07:35 PM
Too funny!:D I bet you kept smilling the rest of the day.

12-10-2008, 10:55 PM
LMAO!!! That's a good one! Too bad it's not on video, cuz that would have been a sure winner of the big prize on AFV.

And he's absolutely right! We need to start slapping the dipwad rich people that are getting paid millions annually to run companies into the ground, and then have the audacity to expect the taxpayers to bail them out. :mad:


12-18-2008, 10:16 PM
Priceless :D

There used to be a show on TV called "kids say the darndest things" hosted by Art Linkletter. Your story reminds me of that show :) Too bad they don't make shows like that anymore :(

lol.. only us old folks will remember that TV show LOL
