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View Full Version : Weird Film on top of Tank

12-11-2008, 08:57 AM
Hi All,

Last night I got home (dropped my coat/rucksack and walked straight to the fish room.) What I found freaked the hell out of me.

Three of my discus (including the alpha) were fully barred.(which they've never done) Two had scratches on their slime coat, the type from banging around into things, and there was a very weird film on the top of the tank -- one I've never seen before (tank has been up for approx 8 months now.)

I immediately put some food in to see if they'd eat, and got the taps running for a water change, while checking the water parameters.

0 nitrite
0 nitrate
GH 75
KH 80
6.8 pH

Did a 30 gallon change (110 tank) and used a ladle to skim off as much of the film as I could. The fish ate happily last night although I did note that the bars took 20 minutes or so to fade and that they remained aggressive to each other (rather than playfully competitive)


cut to this morning, the Film had returned. Fish were happy to see me and ate brine shrimp and beefheart as normal. Still aggressive, some water splashing, but no bars.


I didn't have time to do a water change this morning, but I retested the water and it was identical to last nights parameters, its a fairly heavily planted tank so it doesn't fluctuate much. I usually do water changes because it's been a few days (never longer than 5-6 days) even though there aren't any testable differences in the strips.


Weird as it may sound, the film is odorless and tasteless as far as I can tell. It has the look of an oil film (small sheen) but it isn't multi-hued, a simple reflective shine. It did form some air-bubbles in the film that floated around (very small, size of a pea.. resembled the air-cavities of a Portuguese man of war if you've seen one..)

I sloughed it off again today and cranked up my air pumps on both sides of the tank to try to increase gas exchange...


The fish in the tank:

9 Discus (up from 1 on Sunday, new ones were in a 4wk quarantine with same water as big tank.)
20 rummy nose
4 neon tetras (the only ones left!)
1 clown loach


Any ideas? I know its a bit random, but I'm considering turning around and staying home for the day from work, I hate to think something is wrong with their tank.


12-11-2008, 09:18 AM
Sounds like a protien film. This usually comes from food like beef heart an blood worms etc... If you have a spray bar, break the surface with it to agitate the film. The filter will take care of the rest. It is harmless to the fish though...:)

If you just have hydro sponges with a HOB just increase the air to the hydro sponges and see if that breaks it up enough for you.


12-11-2008, 09:55 AM
Protein film makes sense. the Feeding regimine has been pretty aggressive with the introduction of the juvies. I'll tilt the spray bar at lunch and keep the air pumps going heavily.


12-11-2008, 10:18 AM
I wanna know how you figured it was tasteless??? :D

12-11-2008, 11:35 AM
Well my first inclination was that one of my grubby roomates put their arms in the tank, but it was way too much "crap" for that, so then I thought maybe it was some sort of spawn that I'd never seen before, and finally I decided I should see if it tasted like anything, since it didn't have an odor :)

12-11-2008, 12:07 PM
Hi. It's a protein film. I used to get it too sometimes and the first time it really freaked me out. I had images of my discus helplessly gasping for breath as the "plague" covered the tank LOL. Just do a water change and up the aeration or use spray bars if you have them. You can even take a paper towel(non scented) and lay it on the top of the water (while holding on to it) and it will "soak up" most of the film. Usually its from overfeeding or blood worms etc. HTH Sue:D

12-11-2008, 12:52 PM

Thanks everyone. I upped the aeration and will exercise a bit more restraint with the feedings.

For now I've had them on (differing per meals..)

Frozen Brine
Frozen Blood Worms
Tetra Pellets

12-11-2008, 08:46 PM
I wanna know how you figured it was tasteless??? :D


.....I decided I should see if it tasted like anything...


....one of my grubby roomates.....arms..
