View Full Version : Planted tank, C02, P.H controllers, Algae?

captain morgan
12-15-2008, 10:48 AM
Good day all:
I was wondering how many of you out there with planted Discus tanks, and pressurized Co2 injection, are using a P.H. controller and running your Co2 24-7 ? I currently do not have a P.H. controller on my setup, my Co2 is shut off when the lights go out by the solenoid on it. The only algae I currently have is a little GSA and a little GDA. My lighting is good and I do fertilize my plants. The only thing left that I can think of, that maybe causing this algae in my tank is fluctuating Co2 levels, from when the Co2 is on and when it's not. So how many of you use controllers for P.H? What brand do you use? Have you used one from the start or was it something you later upgraded to, and did you find it has made any difference? Or is it just another fancy toy to buy and use your Co2 up faster? Thanks, All replies appreciated.

12-15-2008, 12:10 PM
I use a controller set at a target ph point, so it's available all day but goes on and off with as the ph goes up and down. It keeps the ph constant but it does waste c02 at night.

I don't think there's any problem doing what your doing. I might change mine to the day/night cycle actually. You don't need c02 at night. Large shifts in ph from changing c02 levels do not harm fish.

IMO your algae issues will be related more to actuall c02 levels and/or good circulation throughout the tank.

Good luck!


12-15-2008, 08:00 PM
Hi I have a 150 planted tank with a PH controller, made by American Marine called a Pinpoint ph controller. I have had it for many years. I do not run it at night as there is no reason to. WhatI like about it is you can plug a air pump into it and if your ph drops lower than you have it set for it will come on and add air to your tank and thus raise your ph. HTH Ed

captain morgan
12-16-2008, 12:06 AM
I would think if you guys are using a controller and are thinking of turning it off at night because the plants don't need the gas at this time because they are "at rest" or if your thinking of doing this now to save on gas,- then aren't you defeating the purpose of the controller altogether which is to to keep a constant and set P.H. level. My understanding of it is this- for it to run constantly even at night to keep the P.H. at the desired level you set, and for it to shut the solenoid closed when the P.H. starts to drop below that level. The controller is supposed to run at night so that when your lights do come back on in the morning there is already C02 in your tank for your plants to start using right away. If you guys turn it off at night you basically have what I have- with no controller, and your C02 levels must build back up just like mine and are therefore fluctuating also. Ed if your controller is turning on an air pump to add oxygen into the water when the P.H drops to low I hope that it is shutting the solenoid closed first or else your just blowing all that good Co2 gas out of your tank with the air pump and really wasting gas. I don't think you would need the air pump if the solenoid is being closed by the controller as it should be, this should be suffice for levels to climb back up.

12-16-2008, 12:53 AM
Yes, that's pretty much correct. When I say on during the day, what I intend to do is turn it on 2 hrs. before lights on. I know from experience with my system that it takes 3-4 hr's to get to max c02 level. I have a 4 hr. "mid-day" with metal halides when the c02 is really crucial. Then turn the c02 off 2 hr's before lights out. That's my plan anyway.


captain morgan
12-16-2008, 11:13 AM
Just finished looking at your posted pictures of your tank and equipment setup. Your tank looks fabulous being built into the wall behind the bar and @ 300 gallons you have an aquascapers dream to play with. That is quite the equipment setup you have going on, must have taken a lot of thought,time,money,and talent to set that all up. You should be proud, being able to go look at what one has been able to build,construct and install for themselves is always rewarding in itself and probably just about as much fun for you to go look at -as the tank itself. I did say just about- right? When you have all that equipment to play and tinker with, and have it all in a seperate room from the tank itself must be great. And my wife thinks I'm to obsessed with this hobby. Excellent job all around and Thanks for sharing.

Captain Morgan

12-16-2008, 05:15 PM
Hey, Cap'n
I have a 180g planted and have a CO2 with pH controller which I run 24/7. Very little algae and what there would be is well controlled with a capful of Flourish EXCEL added along with my liquid ferts regamin. Follow the dosing instructions and be sure to NEVER pour EXCEL over the area where your fish are--disasterous results---I pour it right after I feed my guys. THey go to one end of the tank for breakfast and I pour in the ferts and EXCEL at the opposite end of the tank, near the intake tube. It gets diluted and blended and comes out the spray bar all diffused, along with the CO2.
Best regards

12-17-2008, 10:44 PM
Thanks Captain:)
It's been a lot of fun and I've learned a great deal.
