View Full Version : My angelfish is crazy.

robby ram
12-20-2008, 06:51 PM
I noticed today one of the angelfish was nipping on my discus. He was trying to eat something off on the fins and body of the discus.

Should I remove them? I hate to say this, the angelfish is not even that big - probably like 2 inch or less ( still a juvie ), but, they grow sooo fast, I got them like a month or so ago and now their dorsal fins are spreading and they do eat like pigs too.

I do not want to experience 'the parasite myth'.

PS: I love my angelfish, but, I love my Discus MORE, is that wrong and unfair?

12-21-2008, 07:20 AM
in my opinion, no it's not wrong or unfair...I would never have bought angel fish if I knew they would bite the faces off my tetras..RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!:mad:.You should have seen the look on the face of my tetra, well, what was left of his face!!I gave em away cos they are MEAN...discus are bossy but not mean, well, actually my BD is quite mean, but he doesn't do damage and that's the difference to me...:D And my red melon bit the tails off two tetras, so no more tank mates!! Does it sound like I am making excuses for my discus for the same thing that I condemned my angelfish for? Yep!:p

robby ram
12-21-2008, 11:00 PM
in my opinion, no it's not wrong or unfair...I would never have bought angel fish if I knew they would bite the faces off my tetras..RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!:mad:.You should have seen the look on the face of my tetra, well, what was left of his face!!I gave em away cos they are MEAN...discus are bossy but not mean, well, actually my BD is quite mean, but he doesn't do damage and that's the difference to me...:D And my red melon bit the tails off two tetras, so no more tank mates!! Does it sound like I am making excuses for my discus for the same thing that I condemned my angelfish for? Yep!:p

I just separated them to another tank. I did a 20 gallon Moss Tank.

01-13-2009, 06:22 PM
what is mean 'the parasite myth' anyway? so angle fish not good with discus??

01-13-2009, 06:55 PM
iv'e kept one of my angels with my 8 discus in a 55 gal ,and have had no problems what so ever keeping them together , i did find out the hard way that neon's and discus dont always do so well together , but thats the only problem i have had ,


Tropical Haven
01-14-2009, 03:01 PM
I keep angels with my discus as well and they have been very peaceful together for a few years now.

01-14-2009, 03:20 PM
IME, what works for some people might not work with others. Fish are living creatures and have personalities all their own, so that's why some angelfish might be more suited to living with discus and some might not.

If I had a dime for everytime in the past that I bought a fish that was 'supposed' to work with another fish, I'd have enough for a lottery ticket... :D I've also had weird combos that worked that was never imaginable!

Some angels just might not be 'as nice' as others...but it doesn't mean it wouldn't ever work out with the right angel...

01-14-2009, 04:07 PM
so is it true that angel fish carry some disease that bad for discus?:confused:

01-14-2009, 04:55 PM
so is it true that angel fish carry some disease that bad for discus?:confused:

Imo the angels carry internal parasites the discus cant deal with, whenever you see angels and discus mixed, 90% of the time the discus have dark stripes...

01-14-2009, 07:26 PM
Many strains of discus have dark stripes and that's their normal healthy look....do you mean the discus is being very "dark" overall? That can mean some form of stress or sickness. mike

captain morgan
01-14-2009, 08:26 PM
I used to have 4 Angelfish, they could have more appropriately been called "devilfish" always fighting with each other and making any small tetras into bite size snacks. I got rid of the Angels when I got my first Discus, I wanted the Discus to be the biggest fish in the tank and the main focal points. I haven't missed those Angels one bit. Now my tank is calm and peaceful, no more fights and no more disappearing tetras. I wish I would have swapped those Angels out for Discus years ago.

01-14-2009, 08:42 PM
so is it true that angel fish carry some disease that bad for discus?:confused:

Angelfish don't carry any disease that a discus doesn't carry. Meaning they both can acquire the same diseases. There is no special angel disease that the discus can't fight off. It's the fact that when a healthy Angel happens to be carrying something, if you have a stressed out discus, that disease will take it's toll on the discus. It can be vise versa, any fish can infect pretty much any fish. Keeping all your fish, Angels or Discus, healthy...is the ticket.


01-16-2009, 02:57 AM
i agree with Eddie 100%


01-16-2009, 02:30 PM
I myself have kept angels in with discus. I think the only time I have seen a problem with the angels thumpin on my discus was when the angels where tryin to pair off.

01-16-2009, 04:11 PM
Ok,thanks for the information Eddie :D:D

01-16-2009, 05:55 PM
so is it true that angel fish carry some disease that bad for discus?:confused:

Imo the angels carry internal parasites the discus cant deal with, whenever you see angels and discus mixed, 90% of the time the discus have dark stripes...

Really? Have a look at the pics below :)

Angelfish don't carry any disease that a discus doesn't carry. Meaning they both can acquire the same diseases. There is no special angel disease that the discus can't fight off. It's the fact that when a healthy Angel happens to be carrying something, if you have a stressed out discus, that disease will take it's toll on the discus. It can be vise versa, any fish can infect pretty much any fish. Keeping all your fish, Angels or Discus, healthy...is the ticket.

EddieSpot on :)

01-16-2009, 08:41 PM
Wicked tanks Paul, beautiful fish!
