View Full Version : Need a critique

12-28-2008, 03:28 PM
Ok, I'm new to discus, but have had my tank "complete" since September now. I did my research and decided to set up a planted tank, and take the risks that come along with it. . .I purchased my fish from a local breeder. I asked all of the questions, although I did forget to ask what age they were, so I don't know. I'll assume they're somewhere around 8 months now- they're all from 3.5-4" in length. The blue diamond is younger and smaller than the rest, but it was the only set of blue diamond fry that he had and I decided he was similar enough in age. . .I do have questions regarding the fish, so critisism and help would be appreciated!

Here's a pic of the tank first. It's a 75 gal planted/community tank. Tankmates include 6 discus, 2 blue rams, +/-16 rummynose, 4 corys, 1 guarami, and 2 bristlenoses

1. This is my pigeon blood- he hasn't been eating properly (I posted about this in another thread. Think he's too skinny? Should I worry? He does chase others away from food, just doesn't eat himself)
Hiding a bit lately

2. This is my red turquoise. He seems a bit mis-shaped to me. Is this correctable at his age? What could have caused this? He is the least dominant fish of the discus. . . (I do a min of weekly 30% water changes, and feed a variety of foods)

3. My blue diamond- he's younger and smaller, and I would say he fights with the fish above for last in rank (you can see he has a little "ding" on his side from the dominant fish)

4. This fish was called a "Sunset" at the breeder. He's about in the middle of the ranks and seems pretty healthy. . .

5. Red Spotted Green. . .he's actually probably fighting for that second-from-the-bottom rank with the blue diamond

6. . . .last, but not least. . .this is my most dominant fish. He chases all the others around, without discresion. Is there anything I can do about this?

Any comments about size/shape, etc would be appreciated. As noted above, I do 30% weekly water changes (more as time permits, although I'm hesitant to do too much more b/c of the plants) They eat a mix of mostly Hikari Frozen Bloodworms & Brineshrimp, Beefheart (which they're not too fond of), and Spectra. I do toss a veggie cube in once in a while for them, as well as the other fish in the tank.