View Full Version : Something different

12-29-2008, 03:27 PM
Just bought my better half a new camera for Christmas.HA HA HA. I think she is starting to realize that I will be using it more than her.. HA HA HA HA Just a different kind of fish I raise. These two are right in the middle of getting to start laying a batch of eggs.

12-29-2008, 05:55 PM
Ha ha sounds like my situation over here only I bought my GF a pink camera so it's more personalized. I've definitely been using it more than her though lol.

Those are very nice! What does it mean when two Angels lip lock? Is that there way of fighting? I have 2 on their own in a 25 gallon right now and I caught them doing that yesterday but haven't seen it since. I kept Angels in the past and they've never done that.


12-29-2008, 06:02 PM
I have never witnessed it in my tanks ,but my fish friend says his do it sometimes. I would have say it is part their mating ritual. I have heard of discus doing this too.

12-29-2008, 06:11 PM
Those are beautiful specimens! Have you bred them before?


12-29-2008, 06:29 PM
Those are very nice! What does it mean when two Angels lip lock? Is that there way of fighting? I have 2 on their own in a 25 gallon right now and I caught them doing that yesterday but haven't seen it since. I kept Angels in the past and they've never done that.

AnthonyI have seen it a few times when I had mine. The pair in the photo below laid the day after this so either it was a way of "flirting" or of one convincing the other to mate.... either way I haven't observed a definite pattern....:o

12-29-2008, 06:39 PM
I used to have 3 pair breeding steadily. This line of Half-blacks have a very good exspressing percentage . .Had alot of beautiful Half-blacks for sale and gave bunch to my local hardcore fish hobbiest around my area. Sad to say that most if not all of my pictures of past half-blacks got caught on my previous computer hard drive melt down. These two are proven pair, multiple times.Just my last two and very hard to part with. I wish they would have one more batch of fry, just for me to raise up.

Darren's Discus
12-29-2008, 07:17 PM
very nice pair.I did the same thing i needed a new camera so i just bought my other half one for christmas !;)


12-29-2008, 11:50 PM
I have seen it a few times when I had mine. The pair in the photo below laid the day after this so either it was a way of "flirting" or of one convincing the other to mate.... either way I haven't observed a definite pattern....:o

Will they do the lip locking even if they are not a pair? The smaller one when I got it was the size of a quarter and the bigger one was the size of a dime. Both have always been in the same tank and fed the same food and till this day the smaller one is the boss because it was once bigger. I see the smaller one chasing the bigger one away a lot and that's why I don't think they are a pair.

I used to have 3 pair breeding steadily. This line of Half-blacks have a very good exspressing percentage . .Had alot of beautiful Half-blacks for sale and gave bunch to my local hardcore fish hobbiest around my area. Sad to say that most if not all of my pictures of past half-blacks got caught on my previous computer hard drive melt down. These two are proven pair, multiple times.Just my last two and very hard to part with. I wish they would have one more batch of fry, just for me to raise up.

Good luck with you pair. They are very nice. keep us updated with pics of the eggs and fry when they come.


12-29-2008, 11:56 PM
Now these are some beautiful Angelfish!! Quite stunning I'd say! :gorgeous: I don't think I've ever seen any this pretty locally!

Anna :sun:

12-30-2008, 12:28 AM
Aquadiva, thanks for the reply. You stated locally, what would you call locally? Just think, I bred and raised problably thousands from 3 pair of this line. Would be nice to see where they went and what they look like today

12-30-2008, 10:19 AM
Will they do the lip locking even if they are not a pair? Yes, I have seen mine do this.