View Full Version : My Alenquers spawning..

01-03-2009, 07:21 PM
Tried to put the vid on photobucket but I was informed it was a lil to big so I had to settle for youtube. I lost the lighting when I zoomed in ...Sorry bout that...:o

This is the Alenquers second try since Al brought them over. The first try they had a dozen or so wigglers but were a lil hungry it seemed and I dont have the greatest water. We'll see how they do this time. :)

BTW...RO unit is on its way to Stonington now! :D :D :D


01-03-2009, 08:57 PM
Thanks for sharing the video. Wishing you luck with them.


01-03-2009, 09:01 PM
The pair looks great. Good luck!

patrick richard
01-03-2009, 11:33 PM
Hey Mark,

Congratulations on your Alanquers spawning. I could watch my discus spawning all day, if it didn't get in the way of everything else in my life. I still would like to make it up to see your fish room. I know for a fact that these fish rooms take up alot of time and money.

Good Luck with the Alanquers.


01-04-2009, 09:29 AM
Super Cool... Good Luck

01-05-2009, 09:35 AM
Told you they would spawn for ya!;):D:D:D Nice to see they still have it in them!:)


01-05-2009, 09:40 AM
That's great, Mark. How about an update?

01-05-2009, 09:48 AM
What pretty fish they are....ur a guy so you probably don't want to hear that but they really are very pretty colours & the eyes are just gorgous...can't see in your tubevid, but did you notice the colour changes when they were doin 'it'? Did yours go really intense? ooo so exciting....good luck;)

01-05-2009, 10:09 AM
Thanks for all the kind words you guys an gals! :)

I was pretty dissapointed with the video! Not at all what I thought it was gonna be and was kinda hopin this thread would kinda go away. Guess I was just a lil excited bein able to actually video the whole thing.

Sad fact of the matter is that my well water is crap really and nothing becomes of the eggs "for the moment"... ;)

I have an RO unit coming this week. Al's gonna come up and give me a crash course on plumbing 101 with this thing. Then the fun begins!! I am gonna grow out some Alenquer fry if it kills me...:D :D :D

When I got the 10 Alenquers from Al awhile back and grew em out they quickly became one of my favorite fish! A close second to the WG's.

Rox...Yes the color changes are pretty dramatic when they are "doin it". :D Thats what I like about the wild strains. They have character and you can see it all the time. I can sit an watch the WG's for hours and watch the bars fade in an out with each sparrin session...:D

01-05-2009, 10:19 AM
Hey Mark, nice alenquers! Let me know how it goes with the RO plumbing! We still have ours sitting in a box and still go out and buy RO water! (lol) :D Definitely will have to figure out something before setting up that 120... (that's alot of water!) ;)

01-05-2009, 10:30 AM
Hey Mark, nice alenquers! Let me know how it goes with the RO plumbing! We still have ours sitting in a box and still go out and buy RO water! (lol) :D Definitely will have to figure out something before setting up that 120... (that's alot of water!) ;)

Ninja posted me!! :D :D

Why ya still have the RO Unit in the box?? Definately not as efficient in there! It works a lil better on the outside of the box! ;) :D :D :D

01-05-2009, 11:40 AM
lol.... we never got it out since we thought we might be moving, but now that it looks like we might be staying for a bit we're going to have to get it started! I don't know anything about the plumbing, but I'm sure I can (hopefully) figure it out! ;)

Diamond Discus
01-05-2009, 05:53 PM
Very beautiful fish. Good luck for the next go round with RO!!

01-05-2009, 05:57 PM
Thanks Sue!! I am sure I will get nice fry from them here soon. :)