View Full Version : adding a few more discus

01-05-2009, 12:01 AM
i got a 75g tank with 2 discus about 4 inches from head to tail, wondering if i could add about 10 quarter size discus to the tank?
ive had the only 2 now for about 2 years-good hearty eaters. i change 60% of the water every otherday, i have 2 sponge filters and a power filter.
the real question would be if the new ones would be too small? i have no plants or anything-just a plain glass bottm tank with a flower pot for breeding purposes (which haven't happened yet).
about 4 years ago i had 5, but since then moved away-and lost a few.
i also was wondering if anyone got fish from the discus hatchery before, he has a few auctions on aqua bid.

01-05-2009, 12:41 AM
You should QT your discus for at least a month if possible, if not pray the babies don't have anything! :angel:

You should have more than 2 discus in a tank, at least 4 or 5. :)

I wouldn't worry about the small discus being with the large discus because with 12 discus in a tank everyone will have plenty of chances to eat.

You may want to consider having some anti-parasite and anti-fungal medication on hand just in case a problem occurs. JMO.

01-05-2009, 03:53 AM
i got a 75g tank with 2 discus about 4 inches from head to tail, wondering if i could add about 10 quarter size discus to the tank?
ive had the only 2 now for about 2 years-good hearty eaters. i change 60% of the water every otherday, i have 2 sponge filters and a power filter.
the real question would be if the new ones would be too small? i have no plants or anything-just a plain glass bottm tank with a flower pot for breeding purposes (which haven't happened yet).
about 4 years ago i had 5, but since then moved away-and lost a few.
i also was wondering if anyone got fish from the discus hatchery before, he has a few auctions on aqua bid.

I wouldn't advise keeping that size difference together. Kind of defeats the pecking order doesn't it.


01-05-2009, 04:13 AM
Right now I have five 3.5-5" Discus on one side of the tank and eight 2-2.5" Discus on the other side with egg crate dividing them. I would suggest doing it that way. It is said that the older Discus will take away food from the smaller ones, thus, not letting them grow as fast. I believe I read that some where on Simply but whether or not it's true, I'm not sure.

However, the smallest of the eight (the runt or slow grower from the same hatch), who is only 1.5" sum how got to the other side with the bigger ones. They leave him alone so I just left him on that side because he was getting picked on, on the other side with the small discus. He is the first one to the food and they don't even bother him what so ever. I'm gonna give it a couple weeks and see how he does and if he starts to grow or not.


01-05-2009, 06:07 AM
Right now I have five 3.5-5" Discus on one side of the tank and eight 2-2.5" Discus on the other side with egg crate dividing them. I would suggest doing it that way. It is said that the older Discus will take away food from the smaller ones, thus, not letting them grow as fast. I believe I read that some where on Simply but whether or not it's true, I'm not sure.

However, the smallest of the eight (the runt or slow grower from the same hatch), who is only 1.5" sum how got to the other side with the bigger ones. They leave him alone so I just left him on that side because he was getting picked on, on the other side with the small discus. He is the first one to the food and they don't even bother him what so ever. I'm gonna give it a couple weeks and see how he does and if he starts to grow or not.


Thats would be a success story. That could make alot of changes in the growth of slow growers. Let us know how it turns out Anthony.


01-05-2009, 07:04 AM
I have or had a similar problem. I had one juvenile out of three kept with two adults. One of the juveniles harrassed one of the other juveniles whenever it saw it . I moved the victim to 75 gal tank with bleeding heart tetras,black phantom tetras, von rio tetras, gold white clouds, clown plecos(2) khuli loaches, and three gold and one blue german rams. The discus runs all other fish away at feeding time and gets more than it's share of food for i am careful to add pellets along with the flake and frozen foods. As near as i can tell the fish is keeping up with growth of the remaining juveniles still with the two adults. The only downside is that the 75 gal used to get once weekly water changes and now it requires four. It is humerous to watch the lone discus in the 75 gal run the rams and others away from where ever it is feeding from while it was unable to feed with the other discus.

01-05-2009, 10:01 AM
i got a 75g tank with 2 discus about 4 inches from
i also was wondering if anyone got fish from the discus hatchery before, he has a few auctions on aqua bid.

I just got ten discus from him, he is shipping them today, seems like a good attentitive breeder..I'll let you know how it works out..

01-06-2009, 01:21 PM
thanks for the replies-triadtropz let me know as soon as u can.

01-13-2009, 02:56 PM
ok-got my 29g set up-know where im getting the fish at!
quarantine them for a month/feed them alot/do alot of wc/keep temp 83-87-anything else i may need to know?
i plan on doing at least 50-80 percent w/c a day.
feeding 4-5-6 times a day (i drive a truck kind of tough) but i do have an automatic feeder to put there with flake, feeds them 2 times a day with that?
how much light should the young'ins have?
i have a big sponge filter i plan to add from the 75g.-no power filter.
this is just the quarantine tank-i'll move them to the 75g after a month-i may keep 2-3 in it though maybe i get lucky and they will pair off after awhile....

01-13-2009, 07:31 PM
Get your fish from one of the sponsors!

I keep my young fish around 86-87.

The autofeeder is good.

Light is not an issue in a QT, just whatever standard light strip is on the tank is fine.

Goodluck on your discus hunt.
