View Full Version : Discus varieties

01-05-2009, 10:51 PM
Hi all,

As I continue to learn, I still don't quite understand the "varieties" as well as I think I should.

My question - so many websites have types and names that I've never seen before. Yet on this site libray there only seems to be a few scientifically recognized varieties.

How exactly does this work? Are breeders constantly trying to create new varieties? And at which point are they consdered a true new variety of discus?

I can't seem to keep track let alone identify the discus is bump into in pics around the Internet.

Thanks in advance for any explanations.

William Palumbo
01-05-2009, 11:07 PM
A hard one to explain. Fancy names...new names...are something that are applied to Discus strains both new and old. Is all for marketing reasons. One man's yellow is another man's gold. There are a several legit strains out there...but a lot that are not. I been into Discus for a couple decades and I aint figured it out...and quit trying to...Bill

01-06-2009, 04:49 AM
