View Full Version : EGG EATER - Part 2

01-06-2009, 11:08 AM
:confused:UPDATES: So Far my frustrations with breeding continue. I have 7 Discus of which 5 are now confirmed females. it becomes a slugfest during egg laying time as they all fight with each other and begin to eat each other’s eggs as they come out. I have two other Discus which do not seem to care and I’m hoping one of those if not both of them are males. I mean what are the chances I purchased 7 discus and they would all be females.?? From what I have been told males take a longer time to mature than females. I m assuming most of my discus are about 1 year old. Im just not sure how to proceed at this point. Do I need to go out and purchase confirmed males? Does that even guarantee pairing??.. All frustrating now!!... Any suggestion greatly appreciated!:confuse d:

01-06-2009, 04:28 PM
Your best bet is to try putting one of the females you have seen lay eggs with another one that hasn't into there own breeding tank. See if they do anything. Trying to breed in a community tank will get frustrating because the percentage that you will get fry is slim to none.

01-06-2009, 08:51 PM
I was just trying to get a pair before seprating them. Would it be best to take my most frequent egg layer and purchase a confirmed male and seperate them?

01-10-2009, 05:47 AM
You can try that. But make sure you do proper quarantine so you don't lose your valuable fish.

01-10-2009, 09:12 AM
At one year of age its harder to find a good male. What I mean by that is getting a male that is mature enough, but also a good parent. If you decide to purchase a confirmed male then keep in mind your breeding goal. What kind of discus do you have now? The other big thing to consider is your water. Make sure the eggs would hatch. Getting a confirmed male and female to breeder is the easier of the two IMO. Part three would make sure the water is clean enough to hatch viable wigglers. It goes on. If you make the first three work than the hard part is over and the labor part begins:D