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01-08-2009, 02:28 PM
Looking through some links I had and came across this one. I may have got it from SD and although it's pretty technical, it has some interesting info.


Also looked some of the links and further snooping and found this article that may have more general interest.


and this


Got to do more snooping.


01-08-2009, 04:36 PM
Thank you for the links. Its nice to know that South American cichlids have more chrosomes than African Chiclids. Discus has 60 pairs as compared with the rest of S.American cichlids that have 48 pairs.

This may explain tha great variety of shapes,colors & patterns hat discus fish can have as complared iwth the rest of the Chiclids.

01-08-2009, 07:27 PM
Thanks its been an intersting reading; its fun to see methods that i learned in biology applied to our favourite fish species- Discus are apperentelly special also in genetical chromosonal way as they have a higher chromosome number than other closelly related cichlids, even more, they have microchromosones that are not usual in fish species (only few , more prim itive fish species have them).
Article regarding ovarian development has a mistake in it Red discus, which is supposed to be heckel clearly has to be a blue discus.
Third article shows the important role of the humic acids as chelators for many important main and trace elements. No wonder why wilds enyoy catappo leaves and peat in their water.