View Full Version : My first (3rd) eggs

01-12-2009, 12:22 PM
I have a pair of completely unmatched discus in my community tank who finally decided to get together. After 2 sets of eggs, the second time I practically caught them in the act, I decided to move them to my 29, while moving everyone else out. They had been laying they eggs on a driftwood spire I had, so I moved that with them. It took a month of waiting, and alot of them sulking over the move, but it seems they're content with their new home, and decided to lay eggs again. I'm fairly sure this is the first time in the new home, but this time they laid them right on the glass wall. The eggs have been there for 2-3 days, theres only 50 or so. I believe the parents may have been eating the bad ones (it was the sounds of them eating something the other morning before i fed them that clued me in to look around their tank!).

Should I stop my daily water changes while the eggs are in the tank? I don't want to spook the parents into eating the eggs. Also, how soon after they hatch (if they hatch this time) should I start offer BBS?


01-12-2009, 12:30 PM
Congrats, Jersey, now the fun really begins! I carry on with the wc's. I've been feeding bbs around day 8 but I think in the future I will be starting on day 5. Some people feed even earlier. I hatch out the bbs twice a day because they are the most nutritious when they are newly hatched.

01-14-2009, 06:54 AM
Good Luck Jerseyfish:)

01-14-2009, 11:46 AM
I'd love to see some pictures!:)

01-14-2009, 06:28 PM
I'd love to take picutres, but they laid them on the side wall of my bowfront. Can't get to that side(its next to a dresser), and i can hardly see them from the front. Might try later to move the heater to see them.

I do have an update! I've got wigglers! About 70-80% of the eggs turned white, but from a quick count i could make (super hard to tell from across the tank) i've got 15ish wigglers out of the ones that didn't. The mother is staying right on top of them, and the father is nearby too. So excited!

01-14-2009, 07:50 PM
if you happen to loose those wigglers don't despair ..it takes them a while to get it right . With all the work that is required to grow them you might wish to have more than around ten free swimmers. ( I did once just raised four :( )
