View Full Version : What size to move/take away from parents?

01-13-2009, 03:30 AM
Ok at what size should you take away parents or fry from parents? My pairs are about 1/2 inch now maybe +/-,but they seem not to be bothering the parent yet. They are eating BBS and looks as if they pick at CBW,but for sure they eat BBS. Anyway just thought I would get some feedback on this task. Also what is with some of them scratching around? Should I be worried about fluke yet? And if so what do you all treat them with? I am doing 50% WC every other Day. I think I know what everyone is going to say,but please sound off if you would. What size tank should I transfer them to when the time comes? There are about 53 Fry and I am thinking a 55gal would be grand for them.In the past I took them out when they started bothering parents,but the past was 15 years ago in high school and I am making sure I am doing things correctly for the times.



01-13-2009, 10:22 AM
Some people leave their fry with the parents too long, IMO. Really, after the fry begin eating bbs well, they can safely be moved. I'm talking 7-8 days.


01-13-2009, 10:46 AM
53 can be moved when your ready. small broods I leave with the parents a bit longer or move with other babies that are a diff strain(so I can tell them apart later) Chop up your cbw with a razor or chop up frozen blood worms while still frozen and add to the BBS.

01-13-2009, 10:53 AM
IMO Some people remove the fry too soon. I'm talking three weeks. LOL Fry are getting antibodies from the parents and I'm happy to have that continue as long as possible without harming the parents. When the fry are still turning to the parents during scary moments I'd like to keep them together. What size tank are parents and fry in at the moment? How old are the fry? I do 80% wc three times a day when I have a batch that size eating bbs and living with an adult in a 29 gal. I move the fry to a 55 gal. when they are about four weeks old. I begin to add shaved bh at two weeks. If the only symptom is scratching I'd dramatically up the wc's and if it doesn't stop, or if fry look like they are suffering, you might try f/mg (Quick Cure).

Peachtree Discus
01-13-2009, 12:52 PM
For the most part the previous 3 posts sum it up. some will say whenever the fry are eating well, others will say the fry benefit from the parents slime coat, and it will boil down to whenever you think. i do not believe there is a hard & fast rule here. i tend pull the fry at about 2 weeks or 3 weeks.

watch your parents when the fry are around 2 weeks. watch for fighting between the parents and watch for scars on the parents - the fry will chow down on their parents if they can get to "the good stuff".

01-13-2009, 06:48 PM
Thanks everyone. My pair are in a 29gal and parent look content a the moment. I will up the water changes to daily 50% or better. I knew all did it differant,but wanted to here what people had to say. I will figure out my way by useing bits and peice of others. They are only scratch around alittle no harm seams to come from it yet. I have some coppersafe and used I years ago and it seem to work ok. I hope I didn't leave anything out! I will move babys into a 55 I think!

Oh fry started free swimming on 30th of December.

Anymore info would be great!


01-14-2009, 06:51 AM
Congrats Kyle:)

01-15-2009, 05:29 PM
The main reason to move fry as quickly as possible is to prevent, as best as possible, any transfer of parasites from the parents to the fry. Since a good deal of internal parasites are found in fecal matter, when the fry are large enough to be picking at the parent's food on the bottom, not only do the pick at the food. The also pick at the fecal matter there. This is when they ingest such parasites. Also, flukes would be another concern. When you understand the fluke's life cycle and their mode of movement, then you'll understand how flukes move from fish to fish. Movement and shadows are their key. Tiny fry cast hardly any shadow and are scarcely seen. Move them before they are too large. Any antibodies the fry receive from the parent's slime will be gotten in 7-8 days. An extra week or two will be no difference.


01-19-2009, 03:25 AM
Ok so fry are eating BBS and chopped up Bloodworms so I moved them to a new home,because they where bothering the parents and they where not really needing them anymore. Anyway I put them in after making sure all my water conditions where the same and put them in. After about 10 fry where in I put in some food and added the rest and they all eat like pigs. They are 3 weeks old. What size should they be at this time and how do you feed them 6 times a day if you have a full time job?

Thanks all for the help!



01-19-2009, 09:39 AM
Work really gets in the way, doesn't it? I use an automatic feeder. Regarding size, this thread might help:

01-19-2009, 09:49 AM
raising discus and full time jobs dont mix...do you have a spouse or child who could feed?..Im in agreement the babies should come away from the parents once they are eating bbs fully.12-14 days..the pair can set up and spawn again, and it does less damage to the parents.

01-19-2009, 09:53 AM
raising discus and full time jobs dont mix...
A good reason to keep the fry with the parents for as long as possible. You do need to watch the parents that they aren't looking the worse for wear but they should be fine up to three weeks.

01-19-2009, 09:59 AM
A good reason to keep the fry with the parents for as long as possible. You do need to watch the parents that they aren't looking the worse for wear but they should be fine up to three weeks.

true...are you the guy on aquabid with the blue snakeskins?..have you sold them?..I figure their cant be many discus guys in hatfield.ma? Im from cape cod originally..

01-19-2009, 10:17 AM
There aren't any discus `guys' in Hatfield. :D

01-19-2009, 10:23 AM
There aren't any discus `guys' in Hatfield. :D

OOps discus gal...:D

01-19-2009, 10:39 AM

01-19-2009, 08:09 PM

Now is the time to get them eating whatever it is that you are planning to use as your main menu item. Getting them to eat beefheart or seafood, or both, is easier now than it will be later. I would also get them eating a ground up pellet or flake as well.


01-19-2009, 08:35 PM
yes I have them eating bbs and chop Blood worms and they will eat chopped up Brine shrimp. I also have been trying tetra bits also. I feed this to the parents. I have not found a good Recipe for Beefheart yet any out there? They seem to be doing great today after the move. Parents seem to be great also. Thanks for all the info and hope I can get these babie to grow well. I can feed them about 4 times a day,but not wile I am at work. I will work on my dad maybe to come over and feed them. I would like to get them to eat dryfood so I can use an automatic feeder.

