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View Full Version : Additive for RO water?

01-13-2009, 11:47 AM
We have our new RO unit up and running, so we won't have to buy RO water anymore!

After doing a water check on the new unit, seems it does a great job! Problem is, my RO water that I used to purchase must have had an older membrane or something, because the GH was about 20-30. Thus the pH was around 6.5.

With my new water, the GH is 0 and the pH is 6.0.

What can I add for basic minerals that are essential for growth to my water?

Where we live we have VERY hard water, and even after aging water (in the past) has managed to kill any fish in my tank (thus buying RO water from the LFS), so I really don't want to take any chances and add any amount of my tap water to the RO water.

Is there something else I can use?? :confused:

01-13-2009, 12:07 PM

Kent Marine Powdered RO Right 1000g. This works well for me as I use 100% ro for all fish and adjust amounts accordingly. Harder for babies and young, softer for breeding.

01-13-2009, 12:17 PM
Thanks so much, found it! :)