View Full Version : after tank change, darkened, easily frightened and slight loss in appetite

01-20-2009, 07:54 PM
hi recently i've changed to a 41g tank from my standard 2ft 15g tank consisting of my 13 discus some juveniles some adults. i've checked the water parameters and all is fine, except some of them are darkened, easily frightened and slight loss in appetite. may i know if this spells trouble? thanks. :(

ps: sry for the long wait, tank got delayed but is eventually here, together with test kit and coral chips. pics in planted section if anyone wanna check it out. got stunted discus so don't expect too much xD

01-20-2009, 08:12 PM
You had 13 discus in a 15 gallon tank.....and moved them to a 40 gallon. :(

The move scared them but they should settle in. You must be doing 100% WC twice a day. How often are doing WCs?


01-20-2009, 09:14 PM
previously 100% daily. now twice 100% as i fear for diseases.

01-20-2009, 09:17 PM
previously 100% daily. now twice 100% as i fear for diseases.


William Palumbo
01-20-2009, 11:21 PM
I feel is just a matter of time before this bomb explodes. Need to thin out into another tank...preferably by size. Coral chips?...Bill

01-20-2009, 11:56 PM
Just wanting to share a general rule of thumb regarding discus keeping. Each adult discus requires 10 gallons of water per fish. You may want to consider aquiring another/larger tank in the near future, for the general health and well being of your fish.

In reference to the transition from one tank to the other. It is very normal for discus to become stressed with a change of environment, which will cause them to hide, be skiddish, and not feed properly. A few things that may help is rasing the temp in your tank slowly to 88% to 90% to stimulate appetite. Sometimes keeping the lights off in the tank for a few of days helps to reduce stress. Although many find this to be controversial, salt is said to help reduce stress, provide electrolytes and aid in the promotion of disease recovery. My husband and I use salt regularly in our discus aquariums.

Best of luck, Cathy

01-21-2009, 12:27 AM
1. test your tap & tank water, what are the parameters?
2. have you been adding new discus to the others you already had?

Don Trinko
01-21-2009, 10:02 AM
All of this IMO; You need a bigger tank, more tanks, or less discus. You can get a way with a little to many fish by WC but not that many even in the 41g.
With good food and clean water your discus will be way to big to have that many in a 41g. A breeder or a dealer may have that many in a 41g but only for a short time untill they are sold and they would not do it with large discus. Pickture 30 people living in your house. Sooner or latter there will be trouble. I have pushed the 10g/discus rule myself but not near as much as you are.
The "time bomb " analogy is a good one. Sooner or later even with the WC one will get sick and it will spead quickly in the crowded tank.

01-21-2009, 10:03 AM
I feel is just a matter of time before this bomb explodes. Need to thin out into another tank...preferably by size. Coral chips?...Bill

i really wish i could but miss's doesnt allow it so i can only do 100% twice daily

01-21-2009, 10:04 AM
A few things that may help is rasing the temp in your tank slowly to 88% to 90% to stimulate appetite. Sometimes keeping the lights off in the tank for a few of days helps to reduce stress. Although many find this to be controversial, salt is said to help reduce stress, provide electrolytes and aid in the promotion of disease recovery. My husband and I use salt regularly in our discus aquariums.

Best of luck, Cathy

thanks ill definitely try out those medications. hope they recover asap.

01-21-2009, 10:05 AM
1. test your tap & tank water, what are the parameters?
2. have you been adding new discus to the others you already had?

1.- temp _30C____

- ph _6.5____

- ammonia reading __0__

- nitrite reading _0___

- nitrate reading __0__

- well water __nil__

- municipal water _yes___

2. just some cory, tetra, rummynose, guppy and shrimps. can these spread diseases?


01-21-2009, 10:09 AM
All of this IMO; You need a bigger tank, more tanks, or less discus. You can get a way with a little to many fish by WC but not that many even in the 41g.
With good food and clean water your discus will be way to big to have that many in a 41g. A breeder or a dealer may have that many in a 41g but only for a short time untill they are sold and they would not do it with large discus. Pickture 30 people living in your house. Sooner or latter there will be trouble. I have pushed the 10g/discus rule myself but not near as much as you are.
The "time bomb " analogy is a good one. Sooner or later even with the WC one will get sick and it will spead quickly in the crowded tank.

i seriously wish that day would never come.

01-21-2009, 04:25 PM
Dude, if you can convince your missus that a bigger tank will mean less frequent water changes, and that will give you more time to admire her beauty & wonderfullness(new word), she may just go for a bigger tank!!

If something unforseen should happen and you couldn't do water changes for a day, you would end up with big problems.....get either another tank and split your stock up, or one big tank and then keep your 45 as a QT.....I got a feeling you have been adding them without QT'ing first which means in that crowded environment they can all get sick...and yes, anything you buy, even little fish, needs QTing first....

Discus are a big fish...They really need a big tank cos they aren't like other fish..With such a beautiful creature comes great responsibility and it isn't responsible to have so many packed in there mate, even though I can tell you're not trying to be cruel...check your local papers and stuff for cheap or second hand tanks, you don't have to buy new as long as you bleach everything REALLY well(4 times)


01-22-2009, 06:27 AM
i think she's just being stubborn but will turn around soon enough.

ya i didnt qt the small fishes hence i think it may be cuz of them.

after my bad experience with 2nd hand tanks (all cracked) i think ill search for cheap new tanks.


Don Trinko
01-22-2009, 09:46 AM
most of the major LFS have sales on tanks fairly often. Don T.

01-22-2009, 11:15 AM
ok sure hope prices will be lower this time