View Full Version : Big Al's Coquitlam

01-26-2009, 07:55 PM
Hi everyone,
Not sure if anyone has been out to Big Als in coquitlam lately..and maybe im missing a thread/post..but i just came back from there and i was in shock. I didnt ask the manager but they are all burned - if that is the right word - from i would suspect being in transport too long. I would say 90% of all the discus' fins were gone and one had no fins at all..it was just the body (alive) floating along..

The regular prices were up and the girl said they were selling them..

I started looking at the other fish around and found ick in another tank on some smaller fish..

Normally i do my rounds in the store and go back to check out the discus again but i couldnt even make myself go down the isle..it was horrific..

Has any one else seen this?

01-27-2009, 08:29 PM
I was there a week ago, discus seemed fine. new shipment I guess.
Never seen them carry large amont of discus in good quality anyway.
must be ammonia burn from shipping. it happens.