View Full Version : Breeding Questions..

02-01-2009, 12:43 PM
I am so excited I just set up my first Discus tank yesterday.. It is in the cycling process so I have a little time before I stock it.. (55 gallon BB Tank)

My goal is to purchase 8 – 10 juvies and hopefully get a few pairs out of the batch. After reading the sticky “Discus genetics and breeding…”, I am more confused so hopefully someone can explain this to me like I am a 2 year old.

If my goal is to have them pair up, shouldn’t I purchase one stain i.e. spotted leopard bred with spotted leopard?

If these spotted leopard breed I am assuming their off spring would be spotted leopard.. Is that a correct assumption?

Should I make my purchases from two different dealers that why it would decrease the chances of interbreeding?

I am sure I will have more question..
Thanks for the help..


02-01-2009, 12:49 PM
I am so excited I just set up my first Discus tank yesterday.. It is in the cycling process so I have a little time before I stock it.. (55 gallon BB Tank)

My goal is to purchase 8 – 10 juvies and hopefully get a few pairs out of the batch. After reading the sticky “Discus genetics and breeding…”, I am more confused so hopefully someone can explain this to me like I am a 2 year old.

If my goal is to have them pair up, shouldn’t I purchase one stain i.e. spotted leopard bred with spotted leopard?

If these spotted leopard breed I am assuming their off spring would be spotted leopard.. Is that a correct assumption?

Should I make my purchases from two different dealers that why it would decrease the chances of interbreeding?

I am sure I will have more question..
Thanks for the help..


if you breed two of the same strain you will get that strain fry, unless there was a cross to get your original pair and then maybe some fry might be a reflection of that cross. you can make a purchase from the same breeder (hopefully SD sponsor) just ask if he/she has 2 different lines rather than interbreeding. there is a lot of interbreeding in the discus hobby because sometimes it makes patterns more pronounced. i would advise you to plan as you have done so far and get 8-10 and first take it from there. breeding is something really complicated and you might want to read up a bit, it's not easy.


02-01-2009, 02:17 PM
Personally I would get 2 different strains...I like a variety. This way you won't get bored. You'll always want more. ;)

As Ricardo said, it really depends on the genetics of the leopards as to how the fry will turn out. I don't have a clue about breeding, especially leopards. Leopards are very exquisite.

Good luck with your beginning and read up as much as you can.

Best advice you will ever get....get fish from a sponsor on this site. Starting out with quality discus is the first step in the right direction.


02-01-2009, 04:17 PM
I am defiantly going to purchase from one of the sponsors here. However that opens up another can of worms.. It seems like some of the sponsors purchase imports which I have read may or may not include hormones which according to many opinions, might lead to infertility.

I live in Columbus OH and Central Ohio Discus (a sponsor) is very close by so I am looking at them strongly because I can a least visit him...

In my original post I was only using leopard skink as an example.. Which now leads me to another question, if two different strains pair up, would their off spring be a mix between the two like a dog/mutt or a percentage of the two? If that makes any sense.

One thing for sure I have even gotten my first Discus and I am some what addicted or obsessed :) This could cost me a lot of $$$.. I already have purchase my 75 gallon show tank from Craig’s list the other day and when a 30 gallons shows up for a reasonable price I have feeling I will be getting that as well..


02-01-2009, 04:42 PM
I am defiantly going to purchase from one of the sponsors here. However that opens up another can of worms.. It seems like some of the sponsors purchase imports which I have read may or may not include hormones which according to many opinions, might lead to infertility.

I live in Columbus OH and Central Ohio Discus (a sponsor) is very close by so I am looking at them strongly because I can a least visit him...

In my original post I was only using leopard skink as an example.. Which now leads me to another question, if two different strains pair up, would their off spring be a mix between the two like a dog/mutt or a percentage of the two? If that makes any sense.

One thing for sure I have even gotten my first Discus and I am some what addicted or obsessed :) This could cost me a lot of $$$.. I already have purchase my 75 gallon show tank from Craig’s list the other day and when a 30 gallons shows up for a reasonable price I have feeling I will be getting that as well..


Good to see another Ohioan on Simply! :) Mike is a great sponsor and has gotten nothing but great reviews. All of my discus have come from him. I too am lucky to live in the area (Cleveland) and have gone down to his place a few times. You can read up on his fish here http://www.forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisplay.php?f=109

Be glad you have someone nearby with quality fish, from what I hear, alot are not so lucky = far travels, or expensive shipping costs.

...and to the addicted obsessed comment - you have no idea what you are in for! Just do all your research, plan for a sh** ton of water changes and don't cut corners. Oh and don't make the mistake of doing anything but BB to begin. Good luck

02-02-2009, 01:45 AM
I am defiantly going to purchase from one of the sponsors here. However that opens up another can of worms.. It seems like some of the sponsors purchase imports which I have read may or may not include hormones which according to many opinions, might lead to infertility.

I live in Columbus OH and Central Ohio Discus (a sponsor) is very close by so I am looking at them strongly because I can a least visit him...

In my original post I was only using leopard skink as an example.. Which now leads me to another question, if two different strains pair up, would their off spring be a mix between the two like a dog/mutt or a percentage of the two? If that makes any sense.

One thing for sure I have even gotten my first Discus and I am some what addicted or obsessed :) This could cost me a lot of $$$.. I already have purchase my 75 gallon show tank from Craig’s list the other day and when a 30 gallons shows up for a reasonable price I have feeling I will be getting that as well..


there are a ton of discus people in Ohio. any sponsor here will get quality discus that for sure have not been subjected to hormone use. we put our trust in their judgment and so far they have all been great from what i have read. look at it this way, if you purchase from a LFS you might be dis encouraged down the road if they do not turn out great. i went to a LFS yesterday, they wanted 90 for a 3" blue diamond. do you know how much i got my BD from Kenny for? $22! and Kenny has top notch quality. although shipping seems expensive if you get a batch of like 6-8 it evens it out if not beats the prices of your LFS and sponsor discus surpass the quality of any LFS i have seen and i have a lot of them close by