View Full Version : A1 Darren are you AOK?

02-02-2009, 05:45 PM
Hey Darren

You have had about 4 cyclones in Northern QLD this week:bandana:...how you doin up there?


Darren's Discus
02-02-2009, 07:03 PM
Hey Darren

You have had about 4 cyclones in Northern QLD this week:bandana:...how you doin up there?

WET ! Hi Roxanne,
Thank's for your concern,I think god is doing a major w/c hope he's using prime !:D.All the roads in and out are flooded but no major problems at the moment,we had another 200mm overnight and we are expecting the same again today.it's crazy part of the country in a heat wave with bushfires and part of the country with storms and flooding.


02-03-2009, 04:51 PM
Ahoy Dazza:)...a month's rain in 2 days I heard......I see on the tele, you're surrounded by water...I think between Two Utes Joe's boat, and my husbands little tinnie, we can motor over and attempt a rescue.....discus and children first:D

.... in all seriousness, glad you're ok;)


02-03-2009, 06:11 PM
Glad your okay Darren! I didn't realize the weather was so off there!:(

Stay well, dry and safe!


two utes
02-03-2009, 06:31 PM
Hey Darren. Seen all the flooding on the news last night. Caught any Barramundi off you back porch yet mate? Watch out for the crocodiles that are roaming around to mate.
I think you guys copped more rain in one day that we do here in melbourne the whole year. Yes it is crazy isn't it!

Darren's Discus
02-03-2009, 09:22 PM
Thanks for your concern,It certainly has been wet here,lots of flooding roads cut.We have been pretty lucky.Yesterday on one of our main roads (ross river rd) a guy hit a crocodile !My friends in ingham (1 hour north) have not been so lucky with the whole town flooded he sent me a picture with his boat tied up at the back of his house ! Joe at least the Barra season is open for him !:D


two utes
02-03-2009, 09:50 PM
Is that the one l heard about where the croc' blew out his Tyre?

Darren's Discus
02-03-2009, 09:57 PM
Is that the one l heard about where the croc' blew out his Tyre?
I know the wildlife carer Lana that went out and got it,she took it home and put it in her bath tub until the DPI picked it up !:D


02-03-2009, 10:02 PM
well..glad you all have boats over there....we had more snow than we ever had in vancouver..for many many years. i guess the water shortage is ok for now?
well put pontoons on your discus tanks. dont let the crocs inn there. geez...

Darren's Discus
02-04-2009, 12:53 AM
i will gladly swap you millions of litre's of water for some nice clean snow !:D


02-04-2009, 06:27 AM
Try to stay dry Darren. Glad you are ok


02-04-2009, 02:15 PM
Ya need to sacrifice somethin to the rain gods down there Darren! Man you guys have gotten alot a rain! Nuthin in the fish room I hope...

Darren's Discus
02-04-2009, 06:56 PM
Ya need to sacrifice somethin to the rain gods down there Darren! Man you guys have gotten alot a rain! Nuthin in the fish room I hope...
It just means we have plenty of water for future W/C !:D.I did have a couple of inches of water through the fishroom.::(


02-04-2009, 09:18 PM
It just means we have plenty of water for future W/C !:D.I did have a couple of inches of water through the fishroom.::(


:shocked2: :shocked2: The stands man!! Please tell me it didn't hurt yer stands!! :shocked2: :shocked2:

Darren's Discus
02-05-2009, 12:12 AM
:shocked2: :shocked2: The stands man!! Please tell me it didn't hurt yer stands!! :shocked2: :shocked2:

Their feet got a bit wet,but i'm sure they will be fine !


02-05-2009, 03:58 AM
Oh no, not those beautiful tanks stands.

Seriously, glad you're ok. So did it fall over the catchment area?

Mr Wild
02-05-2009, 05:03 AM
Thought you might have had your hands full, garage, house fishroom full!

Take it easy one day it will stop and then think of the cleanup! Better rest up now and have another one!:spit:

02-05-2009, 07:15 PM
I heard they have to start cleaning as the water recedes or they end up living in a mud brick dwelling......

Mr Wild
02-05-2009, 07:24 PM

oooooooooo, got a mental picture, not nice, not nice at all!


Darren's Discus
02-05-2009, 09:04 PM
All our dams are full have been for a couple of weeks,the Burdiken dam has 3 olympic size pools of water falling over the gates per second.We do have a couple of low's just north of us that will bring more heavy rain over the weekend plus this weekend we have king tides over 4 metres so it could be interesting !


Mr Wild
02-06-2009, 03:32 AM
Oh gosh! Can you send some this way? Our grass is crackling under foot and I am already suplementing the sheep feed! We need the rain!

02-06-2009, 07:41 AM
Darrens waterlogged and you're baking..How long has it been without rain Kath?

News tonight was that the latest tropical cyclone off the Coast might not gain full strength...batten down the hatches Captain Dazza, we are all thinking of ya ...pics of the King Tide would be awesome, but don't go out in the cyclone just to please me..lol

two utes
02-07-2009, 06:44 PM
Hey Darren...Can we please have your access water please. With the 45 degree heat and 30 knot winds yesterday fire caused lots of havoc not far from here. One of our friends lost their home. Thankfully today is a cooler 22 degrees....Its amazing how much difference that cold front made last night.
Thank god.

02-08-2009, 07:47 AM
fire caused lots of havoc not far from here. One of our friends lost their home. Joe, my heart goes out not only to you & your friends who lost their homes - but to all the Victorians who died & the survivors who lost everything they own, in this horrid monster fire weekend.

It is so sad & so hard to believe it's happened. I hope you are ok.

two utes
02-08-2009, 05:33 PM
Thanks for your concern Robyn...we are safe. The fires have resulted in 108 deaths, and over 700 homes lost....with firemen still not able to access some small communities, l am sure that this will turn out to be more tragic.
And to think that there are people out there lighting these fires to get a thrill.So Sad!

Meanwhile back up in Northern Queensland we have heard that the flooded waters are receding...we also heard that a young boy has been attacked by a croc and is missing.

Darren's Discus
02-08-2009, 06:53 PM
Morning all,
Yes was a pretty crazy weekend for weather here in OZ,rain has eased here in North Queensland,Joe will try and put some pics up later today.My heart goes out to all those poor people in the Victorian bushfires who lost their lives on the weekend 108 died (death toll still rising) 750 homes destroyed.How can one part of the country be flooded while the other part burns ?:(


02-09-2009, 04:07 AM
...well, I grew up in the WA bush and the older, traditional aboriginals used to back burn sections of bush at the right times, during the right conditions and this avoids problems...I actually remember an old aboriginal guy with a his fire stick talking to my dad every few months he would come up the road...seeing as the Aboriginals have lived in this country for so very long, they know it, we should be calling upon them to educate the rest of us IME...begging for their help more like it...:o Anyone who has seen the Aussie bush on fire, knows what I mean, sometimes you can't outrun it..

Glad the weather is giving you a break up there Darren.


Mr Wild
02-09-2009, 08:06 AM
Has'nt rained here since Xmas but it is the heat doing the damage, but of course since I last posted all hell has broken out in Victoria so my problems are insignificant to that.

Those volunteers doing the best job they can, putting themselves in harms way and still they are unable to stop it. Must be one hell of a fire alright.
My thoughts are with you guys.

02-09-2009, 05:04 PM
Death Toll is 200 as of this morning

Sorry Daz, what turned out to be joy that you guys are ok, has turned into a sad Armageddon Thread..

Darren's Discus
02-09-2009, 06:32 PM
It's hard to imagine the total devastation in Victoria,just watching the news last night was enough to make anyone cry !:(


02-09-2009, 09:09 PM
:cry::cry: Well, I'm not an Aussie, but this tragedy is just so sad for you all...reminds me of the same horror in this country in Calif...happens way to often.....& how awful that some mentally deranged individuals feel they have to cause all this terrible loss of life & loss of homes just for their entertainment...& they seem to be everywhere, don't they? I pray that this will be resolved soon for all of you with no more loss of life & property

Please all, take care & be safe....:sad::sad:

02-22-2009, 08:27 AM
Dazz, are ya dry yet?


Darren's Discus
02-22-2009, 06:42 PM
Dazz, are ya dry yet?


we still got wet feet,We had a couple of dry days even the sun was out but the rain is back !:( Oh well cant complain i would rather have rain any day over fires !


02-23-2009, 06:56 AM
...wet feet huh?....hmmm...you might need a course of something something for fin rot if they don't dry out soon:D...what IS it with this weather?

Glad to hear you're ok:)
