View Full Version : The Mythical 8" Discus

02-03-2009, 01:33 PM
Does the mythical 8" discus really exist? How big do they really get?

02-03-2009, 02:09 PM
I have a 6.75 " male, I have committed a lot a mistakes during raising him that have been fixed by me along the way helped with a lot of advising of experimented people from here and also from personal friends aswell, the mistakes include no proper WC, no proper foods, sickness several times caused by tubifex feeding where I got him,no a big tank for eight fish(55g),etc. I have that male since he was 3 months old, he is currently 2.25 years. If all of those mistake had not happening, how big would be that male as of today?. Yes,I think that some individuals could reach the eight inches or close. I have heard of more than that.


02-03-2009, 02:20 PM
When asking the size be sure to specify either standard length or total length. SL is the body only, with TL you include the tail. I have had several really, really large males that were between 6 and 6 3/8 SL (remember no tails). I have never seen a discus bigger then the 6 3/8 SL. I have also never seen any kind of proof of one larger. I have seen hundreds of post talking about them but when press for proof no one ever supplies any. I am not claiming that my discus was the biggest of all time. I am sure there are some larger but not many. Any discus with a SL of 6 inches should be considered a monster.


02-03-2009, 02:32 PM
Then, I have a monster wild brown. :D He is very close to 6" SL (can't really measure him accurately since I don't want to take him out of the tank to just measure). He hooks up with my monster pigeon boold female close to 5.5" SL from time to time and spawns. They actually just laid eggs last night. Only if I can save them ... :( They could all be monsters. I should post pics of my monster.

Don Trinko
02-03-2009, 02:51 PM
I have a couple that are big enought to eat, In fact bigger than some of the blue gills I have eaten. They are close to 7" TL but definatly not 8" SL.
Don T.

02-03-2009, 02:59 PM
Don I would love to see a pic of them on a towel with a ruler.



Peachtree Discus
02-03-2009, 03:43 PM
I have a couple that are big enought to eat, In fact bigger than some of the blue gills I have eaten. They are close to 7" TL but definatly not 8" SL.

for some reason - i read that wrong twice. 7" TL is about 5 or 5.5" SL. still good sized tho.

Darrell Ward
02-03-2009, 03:46 PM
The fish in my avatar is very close to 7" from head to tail. It's about 4 years old now. Far from being 8" however. I know Al has a couple of whoppers. I don't know how big though.

02-03-2009, 03:47 PM
I did the same thing...LOL. I saw 7 SL when Don really typed 7 TL...Man its hard getting old.


02-03-2009, 04:06 PM
In my case I meant TL

Don Trinko
02-03-2009, 04:15 PM
I think the tail is close 1 to 1 1/4" so SL is probably closer to 5.5 to 6. I'm not going to take them out to measure but anyone who is in the area is welcome to stop by. (pm me for details) Every time I get a ruler near the tank they go nuts so I am going by the size of my hand.
I think a lot is genetics because I have others that were raised under the same conditions and are mor like 4.5 to 5.
I have seen bigger ones at a LFS in toledo. They were not for sale. They were the owners pets.

02-03-2009, 05:02 PM
I'm not going to take them out to measure but anyone who is in the area is welcome to stop by.

I feel the same way. I thought about measuring mine but having moved them 2 times recently, I don't want to risk stressing them out. I don't see how I could measure them myself. I'll extend the same invitation, anyone can come to by to see and judge for themselves.


02-03-2009, 05:02 PM
A friend had a WB that was 8", TL. He was a monster. I now have a male Checkerboard Turq that is close to 8 inches, TL. I named him Bruiser.

02-03-2009, 05:07 PM
Taking a fish out to measure them really does very little harm. I use to switch fish around all of the time and would often measure them without any ill effects. I would lay a towel down on a chair. Lay a ruler down on the towel. Net the fish and gently set it on the towel. I would have someone take a picture and then I would out the fish in the new tank. The I would look at the pic to get the size.


Don Trinko
02-03-2009, 05:46 PM
I'm sure you are right John but I don't like netting them or moving them in any way. Another thread had a good idea. They put a peice of tape with inch marking on it on the tank and then wait for the fish to swim by.
I just did that and I stick by my estimate of 7" TL. The smaller one in that tank is abought 6" TL. Are all my fish 6 and 7".... No, Most are more like 4.5 to 5.5. Don T.

02-03-2009, 07:00 PM
I'm always netting my fish up and tossing them here and there. I could pretty much feed my fish while in the net, they don't care at all.

It's strange why people don't like to net there fish. They are not that delicate IMO.


02-03-2009, 07:06 PM
For me, it's darn near impossible to catch the fish unless I take out over half the water and all the decos. Even then, it takes a lot of effort with a huge net. It's not worth all the effort just to measure the size of the fish. I will have to figure out how to measure accurately without taking the fish out.

02-03-2009, 07:07 PM
I net them only when I absolutely have to. It stresses them and the net can rub off slime coat.

02-03-2009, 07:10 PM
For me, it's darn near impossible to catch the fish unless I take out over half the water and all the decos. Even then, it takes a lot of effort with a huge net. It's not worth all the effort just to measure the size of the fish. I will have to figure out how to measure accurately without taking the fish out.

Definitely understand some situations are different. With a 265 gallon tank, you pretty much have to use a fishing net to try and scoop a fish out. That could an idea...LOL. You would just have a finer mesh net instead of the thin green rope that most fishing nets have. :D


02-03-2009, 08:00 PM
well..those ones that kenny sold. the blue snakeskins in the summer.. i got two.
they are 8 inches counting tail. and they are huge. but thats total length.
biggest ive seen so far. and those guys are thick also.
i just stuck the measuring tape in the water when the water was drained and put it along side them. they couldnt move..they were on their sides.

02-03-2009, 09:21 PM
I'm sorry, and please believe me, this is meant lightheartedly, but...

LOL, I mean I'm really ROFLing here. Does it REALLY matter whether a fish is 6" or 8" or whether it's SL or TL? Ladies might appreciate, too, that this is a predominantly male thread. :)

02-03-2009, 09:50 PM
I've had two 8.5"+TL Cobalts. I've seen 2 bigger in person. They topped 9" TL.


02-03-2009, 10:26 PM
Every time I get a ruler near the tank they go nuts

Must have at one time been raised by the catholic nuns..;)

Sorry I just had to. I remember them well......


02-03-2009, 10:42 PM
Let's see some pics guys!!!

Darrell Ward
02-03-2009, 10:56 PM
Let's see some pics guys!!!

:laugh: That's funny! You would have to take them, download them, figure out how to resize them so they fit the forum's size limits... etc.. etc.... etc...:D Just messin with ya! :) I don't even have any "monsters".

02-03-2009, 10:57 PM
Hans measured a couple of very large Stendker discus a couple of years ago and posted the photos on another forum - I can't remember the TL though. Maybe he'll chime in and post some photos.


Peachtree Discus
02-03-2009, 11:05 PM
...Does it REALLY matter whether a fish is 6" or 8" or whether it's SL or TL?...

....it matters if u r the buyer/seller :D:D

02-03-2009, 11:33 PM
Well I saw this photo of Colin's fish when he won two years ago.....perhaps over 8 ins.....what do you people think about the size?

Click the pics to view the full size.

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh127/seanyuki/th_Colin2.jpg (http://s255.photobucket.com/albums/hh127/seanyuki/?action=view&current=Colin2.jpg) http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh127/seanyuki/th_Colin.jpg (http://s255.photobucket.com/albums/hh127/seanyuki/?action=view&current=Colin.jpg)


02-03-2009, 11:36 PM
Well I saw this photo of Colin's fish when he won two years ago.....perhaps over 8 ins.....what do you people think about the size?

Click the pics to view the full size.

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh127/seanyuki/th_Colin2.jpg (http://s255.photobucket.com/albums/hh127/seanyuki/?action=view&current=Colin2.jpg) http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh127/seanyuki/th_Colin.jpg (http://s255.photobucket.com/albums/hh127/seanyuki/?action=view&current=Colin.jpg)


Thats a big dog! Hard to say Francis....Objects in the mirror are larger than they appear. :D

It would be easy to over and underestimate. Huge fish though


Don Trinko
02-04-2009, 10:10 AM
Hey Rick I'm Catholic but I went to public school and yes I got smacked by a ruler even in public school! Don T.

02-04-2009, 11:09 AM

They had paddle when I when to grade school. You even get to sign it everytime you get whack with one. We have come a long way from that mindset but on the other hand, look where we are with the kids today. We went from one extreme to the other.

Anyway, back to the 8" topic.

I think the actual size will always be a debate once you go beyond the 7.5". It's all relative to tank size and what's your stock. You can definitely tell the difference between those 5.5"-6" and the giant ones. One of these days, I may feel brave enough to scoop mine out to take the actual measurement. I still feel that it's stressing the fish out too much and I don't like touch fish.

It's really ironic that I don't eat fish and I can't stand the "fishy" smell. I don't like to touch my fish at all yet I have tanks of them.

Colin's fish looks really nice, especially the shape. I guess that's why it was the "grand champion".

02-04-2009, 12:16 PM
I know its been posted in this thread more then once, but come on folks netting a fish once in a while does not really hurt a thing. They are not as fragile as ya'll are making them out to be. Yea they might lose a little slime coat, but that is what it is there for. Everyday fish are being netted, put into plastic bags, and shipped around the world. The vast majority of those fish arrive alive. That should be a lot more stressful then simple netting one and keeping it out of the water for 30 seconds. Think of all of the show fish that you see at the ACA. They were netted at home, carried to the show, and often in the net again on the way to the show tank, yet when properly done the fish still looks great. If you don't want to net the fish because it make you uncomfortable fine, but don't blame it on the fish. It really does not bother them all that much.

Just my honest opinion.


Greg Richardson
02-04-2009, 12:54 PM
John. I agree.

People got to quit treating these fish like 18th century art objects.

They are FISH!

FISH. Say it again people. FISH!

Stress is when your fish sits in water that needs to be changed.
They are swimming around in a toxic dump for hours.

That is stress and you can tell by the way your fish acts.

There is not one discus owner who has had them for years who hasn't waited to long to do a wc for what ever reason and has seen what a stressed fish really looks like.

Net a fish, measure it, put it back.

Look at it. Even if it swims to a corner a short time later it is swimming around like nothing happened.

Fish in bad water? They are acting like they are in bad water all the time.

People lighten up.

One thing to love your fish another to smother it.

More people stress out their fish by adding chemical junk to the water testing the water daily, then ever netting their fish.

02-04-2009, 08:38 PM
I'm scared of hurting them, I don't even like pulling the hook out of my dinner's mouth...I suppose if you do it all the time, it's no biggy...but for the rest of us scaredy cats....it can incite intense anxiety....cold sweats, pacing aimlessly around the tank.....sorry, what were we talking about?...:D

Don't Discus Hans' Jumbo's hit the 8 inch mark?

02-04-2009, 08:59 PM
John and Greg, we are not on the same page here! I net my fish when I must. I have no qualms about doing that and I am sure it isn't going to hurt them. If I don't need to net them, I am not going to because I have no interest in stressing another animal for no obvious reason. It's not about treating them like art objects. It's about showing respect.

02-05-2009, 10:08 AM
Think of all of the show fish that you see at the ACA. They were netted at home, carried to the show, and often in the net again on the way to the show tank, yet when properly done the fish still looks great. If you don't want to net the fish because it make you uncomfortable fine, but don't blame it on the fish. It really does not bother them all that much.

Taking a fish and placing it on a towel to measure is a lot more than a simple netting of fish to move them from one tank to another. I can't say I've been to an ACA show or know how they transfer fish. For all I know, they may use a fish trap to transfer.

I don't disagree that "properly" done will probably not affect the fish much but doesn't that take practice? Not doing it is about me..the fish isn't going to hand me back my $250 if it stressed out and die. I have place smaller discus down to try to get a measurement and I all know is that they flop. I can only imagine what that is like with a fish twice the size. It's clearly a 2 person job if someone want some sort of proof via pictures. Measuring it and coming back to report the measurement will result with more posts about wanting to see "proof".

As I stated in the picture from my other post, I placed a breeding cone to use as a reference for the fish size. The 2 discus are in a 24" wide tank.


02-05-2009, 10:52 AM
LOL man this is funny......


02-05-2009, 11:18 AM
John and Greg, we are not on the same page here! I net my fish when I must. I have no qualms about doing that and I am sure it isn't going to hurt them. If I don't need to net them, I am not going to because I have no interest in stressing another animal for no obvious reason. It's not about treating them like art objects. It's about showing respect.

:) There's a saying in bonsai, "You should not insult a tree more than once per year". The meaning is that, while repotting, pruning, etc. is necessary, it should be done as little as possible, and nothing major (like removing a fish from water and placing it on a towel) should be done more than once per year (or season). I'm with you here mmorris, the difference between 6" and 6½" SL isn;t worth it, to me, to remove a fish from water. If it's from a seller's POV, I'd rather underestimate the size and take less, pending verification when the fish DOES need to be netted to be transported to its new home. Of course, I rarely use nets anyway, most reefers and better reef shops don't, to trap fish. It's MUCH easier herding a fish into a specimen container. Now, grade that container in inches or centimeters and you'll be so accurate as to never have to risk damage/stress to the fish.

02-05-2009, 11:46 AM
I know this might be repeating what someone said, but I just put a premeasured piece of black electrical tape on the bottom left corner where they sometimes congregate and left it there. Over a short period of time, my fish kind of forgot it was there and now any time I want to measure them, I just drop some beefheart down there and wait and watch. I know for more serious stuff I would probably have to take them out, but as they are growing I don't think it's necessary if we can find other ways.

02-05-2009, 12:13 PM
It just amazes me that discus can live in the amazon. You could take a fish and net it every single day of its captive life and it would still be a much easier life then trying to live in its natural environment.....

If you don't want to net your fish then please don't, but until you can provide some sort of proof please stop telling newby's that netting a fish is hard on the fish. Its really not. It seems that it might be hard on you, but the fish really does not care.....Like I said ya'll are making me laugh with this one....


02-05-2009, 12:22 PM
I'm sorry? The possibility of fin ray breakage, gill rakers being caught, soft tissue eye, body and fin damage from catching or rubbing, especially on towels, etc., and so forth all exist each and every time you net a fish.

Greg Richardson
02-05-2009, 12:46 PM
WOW! Political correctness takes over again!

When you net your fish put your hand under the net the second it is out of water.
The fish doesn't flop with support under body.
With other hand already having your tape measure out and tape on hold put it up to the fish.
This should take max time of 5 SECONDS!
Release the fish back into the water.

I think you people with dogs that are suppose to protect your property should retire them.
Put those dogs inside. To much stress being outside.
You stressing them out way to much.

I'm going to have to go have talk with that dog and let him know I had no idea I was dissing him all this time by telling him to earn his keep by protecting my family and property.
How could I do that to him?
Shame on me!

Keep your dogs and cats away from your tanks looking in at those fish stressing them out like that how could you all do that?

BTW. This going up to the tank and sometimes cause of the shadow they spook.

No more of that either. No no!

I want you all to get down on your belly and crawl over to that tank.

Do the soldier crawl and sneak up on them so they don't see your rapid movement walking into the room.

No more traffic in your fish room! What were you thinking?

Better yet paint all sides of the tank!

Yep, that's the ticket!

02-05-2009, 12:58 PM
Greg your problem is that you are able to look at a situation and apply logic. Don't you know that is no longer allowed in this country? You are suppose to base all of your decisions on emotions. I am sure this is just a temporary situation. I predict that within the next 2 years having an IQ and using it will be against the law.....


02-05-2009, 01:12 PM
So, you're saying the possibility of causing permanent damage does not exist? Especially in the hands of those unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the use of nets, damage becomes more likely. I can net a fish like nobody's business, as can, I'm sure, you guys. But, many people can not. Herding a fish into a specimen container is not only a viable solution for masses of people, it's easier, and safer. I'd hate to see that multi-hundred dollar, 8" show discus flop face first and hemorrhage. Then again, for many people, their 4, 5, and 6 inchers are of as great or greater value, to them.

FWIW, I work in logic, it's my job, has been for a loooong time. Oh, and I test out at 1 in 100M on most tests, never under 1 in 10M, if that's a factor of import, John, translating it into "points" might be something of interest to you, since you brought it into question.

02-05-2009, 02:09 PM
KDobbs if you want to talk about logic we can. I have a degree from a major University and I work as a computer programmer. My entire life revolves around the use of logic.

Probably be best to send me an IM. I promised Al that I would not participate in any type of major disagreement on the forum.


Al M.
02-05-2009, 02:51 PM
I have netted hundreds of fish over the years and never had any problems....

Someone posted that you can net them put your hand under the net use A tape measure with the other and it does take about 5 seconds...

dosen't anyone move fish from tank to tank anymore... its A nice easy time to measure them, VERY VERY EASY TO DO WITH NO HARM TO THE FISH....

The only way that I might not do it is if the fish was part of A pair, I would be alittle afraid of scewing up their spawnig cycle.... and thats probably being a bit paironoid........

Don Trinko
02-05-2009, 03:04 PM
I have moved fish from tank to tank. Some just lay in the net and others flop like crazy. BD's have small scales and they are sometimes damaged netting. I have seen other threads on this site where people were warned not to net but to use their hands or coax the fish to swimming into a container under water to transfer fish .
The bottom line is: You do what you want with your fish but mine do not get netted unless I consider it neccisary. The tape on the glass worked to my satisfaction. Don T.

02-05-2009, 03:08 PM
Can we get back to the topic and maybe have some more pictures posted? I really like the last Discus in the last picture. I would like to see some big guys!!!


02-05-2009, 03:28 PM
I'm sorry... I guess I'm lost... what does any of this have to do with 8'' discus?? lol....

Do I net? I try not to, but sometimes it's just not possible to do it without netting them.

Are they shook up a little? I guess... do they recover right away? You betcha!

So does anyone actually have a measured (pictured) 8'' discus?? (I guess that's the million dollar question)


02-05-2009, 03:57 PM
So does anyone actually have a measured (pictured) 8'' discus?? (I guess that's the million dollar question)

That's actually 2 separate questions. I am not going to try to nick pick on wordings but reading and participating in these post, measuring the discus is not sufficient! You need to take a picture of it and that may/may not be enough evidence.

As stated before, taking pictures of the measurement is where I am having a difficutly time with. I don't disagree with the suggestion that you can net the fish and then have the hand under to take the measurement. I have a 8" x 10" net that would do the job. My issue is being able to take a picture during the whole process. This is where I disagree with laying the fish on a towel is the same as netting.

I know that in order to satisfy the skeptic, one would have to:

1. Make sure that the measuring tools is certified (someone is going to claim that the ruler is tampered with)
2. Take a picture of the discus while doing the measurements.

There is even the whole debate of SL vs TL and let's visit the title of this topic again. 8" Discus

Whether it's 6 3/8" SL or 8" TL. Do we accept that they exist? A discus that size WILL have a tail that is way over 1" long making it in the 8" range. 8" Discus TL (as Hans had said it before, he count the tail because he never sell his fish without the tail). IS NOT A MYTH.

It is a MYTH that some/alot of folks claim to have discus that size and I guess we can direct them to the instructions here on how to measure them to PROVE IT.

I guess I consider myself as one of those that CAN'T PROVE IT. I have only measured 5.5"-6.0" TL discus in my other tanks but it's night and day between those and the giant. As stated before.. come see it yourself.

02-05-2009, 04:18 PM
AS stated earlier I have had several male discus that were between 6 and 6 3/8 inches standard length. I will see if I can find any of the old pictures. My pics would be old, before I had a digital camera so I will have to scan if I can even find them.


Peachtree Discus
02-05-2009, 04:28 PM
if i ask for pics of a SL 4" or 5" discus then you will see lots of pictures popping up. you will likely see the rules/tape on the glass but it will be fairly obvious that the fish are 4" or 5". simply stated: you hear the claims and you see those pictures all the time.

if i ask for a picture of a SL 8" discus you will not see many (if any) and the pictures that are posted will not be obvious that the fish is 8". simply stated: you hear the claims but you don't ever see the pictures.

02-05-2009, 04:43 PM
I saw a pic somewhere of Hans fish, a jumbo next to an ordinary size discus, and it was OBVIOUSLY HUGE, can't find the pic now but these comes close...



No ruler needed.....

02-05-2009, 04:49 PM
This is my only attempt at photo measuring larger discus, he is just a shade over 19cm tl. I did not enjoy the experience at all as big discus are not easy to handle, and damage to the discus is a real possibility. This strain, the males regularly get this size or even larger so i don't think 8"tl is a myth at all. But 8" sl would be about 25cm tl and although possible, it is a very rare animal indeed.

The pigeon is possibly the largest discus i have seen, i took this photo at a discus show here in Oz. He might be very close to the mythical 8"sl discus, he certainly made every other discus in the show look small.

02-05-2009, 05:35 PM
Dudes, I dont know what the fuss is about. Clearly, if I have a large specimen, I would worry about damaging it, especially if I have to catch it, and take it out in a net and lay it on a towel for a picture next to a ruler (which by the way, should be clearly marked). Simply catch the fish under water, use both hands as a net around it, and quickly lift it out of the water into a waiting large dark bucket or large dark rectangle plastic container....with maybe 2 inches of water. From there, all you need to do is to take a clear and easy to read ruler, with added marker line for 5 inches, 6 inches and 7 inches, and sink it in the bucket or rectangle container with the discus on its side with minimal water. Voila, take your picture of a zoom-in close shot and there is your proof, or non-proof...whatever. We all see this done by sponsors who tries to show us what each of the batch look like...does not hurt the fish and you can have a friend or spouse take the picture as you hold the ruler next to the discus lying flat under shallow water. No one gets hurt. Proof is always necessary, otherwise, it's no go. mike:)

02-05-2009, 06:52 PM
.. he is just a shade over 19cm tl. I did not enjoy the experience at all as big discus are not easy to handle, and damage to the discus is a real possibility. This strain, the males regularly get this size or even larger so i don't think 8"tl is a myth at all. But 8" sl would be about 25cm tl and although possible, it is a very rare animal indeed.

The pigeon is possibly the largest discus i have seen, i took this photo at a discus show here in Oz. He might be very close to the mythical 8"sl discus, he certainly made every other discus in the show look small.

beautiful.....wouldn't expect anything less from you Rod...why do you think I call the two big boofheads I got from you "Rod Lewis Specials"?;)

BTW. did he stay on the towel, or jump around and stuff?

02-05-2009, 07:25 PM
Thats a big dog! Hard to say Francis....Objects in the mirror are larger than they appear. :D

It would be easy to over and underestimate. Huge fish though


OMG that is serious!. Ive never seen one that big. And i thought my discus were of a decent size. wow


02-05-2009, 07:42 PM
OMG that is serious!. Ive never seen one that big.


That is what she said.

02-05-2009, 07:52 PM
That is what she said.

Haha lol left that one open for some interpritation.


02-05-2009, 08:16 PM
This is funny....The fish in the net won't stress it...it's the chasing it around the tank with a guppy net for ten minutes that does the damage. When a fish is chased it can go into flight or fight mode. If its flight then all kinds of physiological changes take place. The 1st response is an adrenaline surge, which ups the heart beat, blood vessels dilate in the gills affecting osmoregulation, and shrink in parts of the body, and so on...catch the fish easily or not al all...don't chase it with a crappy net

Need to catch a fish use the largest net possible for the tank..... herd the fish that you want into one end and then drop a divider in. Now you've got him in a small space....anticipate what he's going to do. This is very easy in a BB glass box full of water. I can catch anyone on my koi in 5000 gallons within 20 seconds....they don't get chased

Laying a fish, any fish, on a wet towel removes very little, if any mucus. I've seen koi and large cichlids lay there for minutes, up to an hour or more and they were every bit as slimy going back in, as they were coming out. They were knocked out at the time.

Every koi show we handle/manhandle, bowl and measure fish up to about 28''; it all takes about 4 minutes and they are no worse for the wear. Try handling a fish that worth $25k and it's not yours:bandana: that's stress


02-05-2009, 08:34 PM
These were some photos that I believe Hans had taken of the Stendker discus - they were originally posted on daah, but since these are Hans' fish and he's a sponsor here, I guess it's okay to post them here.

End of the myth. :D





02-05-2009, 09:02 PM
well, now I am a believer.....wow! :)

02-05-2009, 09:06 PM
Holey smokes! Those are eatin' size! ;)

02-05-2009, 09:23 PM
OK I guess thats settled. Now lets see a ten inch discus. :laugh:

02-05-2009, 09:24 PM
Did Barry Bonds trainer work with those fish too?!?!


02-05-2009, 09:29 PM
kenny discus was selling snakeskin at Aug last year. here some link.


02-05-2009, 09:51 PM
beautiful.....wouldn't expect anything less from you Rod...why do you think I call the two big boofheads I got from you "Rod Lewis Specials"?;)

BTW. did he stay on the towel, or jump around and stuff?

Rod Lewis specials...lol. That is funny. Hope they are doing well for you rox!

He was pretty calm on the towel, but they are so powerful in the net at that size, i don't like to muck about with them if it can be avoided.

02-05-2009, 09:54 PM
End of the myth. :D

Nice fish walter, but they are not 8"sl, not even close. 6 1/2" maybe!

02-05-2009, 10:40 PM
put some butter and lemon on those discus....yum....LOL!!! thanks for the pics guys.

02-05-2009, 11:15 PM
close but no cigar... I would say they are 7 and one half inches SL as per the tape. Monster non the less. MONSTERS

02-05-2009, 11:18 PM
Man, Hans definitely puts'em out GIGANTIC!!! Super big dogs.


02-05-2009, 11:23 PM
This is funny....The fish in the net won't stress it...it's the chasing it around the tank with a guppy net for ten minutes that does the damage. ...]


Michigan Fan
02-06-2009, 01:52 AM
Hans can send me 2 of those monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are big big discus

02-06-2009, 05:32 PM
the size of those fish has gotten me pretty excited.


02-06-2009, 10:00 PM
The largest one was 6.5" SL.

02-06-2009, 10:58 PM
OK I guess thats settled. Now lets see a ten inch discus. :laugh:


02-21-2009, 04:49 AM
Hans can send me 2 of those monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are big big discus

When do you want them???


02-22-2009, 07:59 AM
...Can you do Oz Hans? :)..seriously?

Here's the biggest I got, he's 16cm from one end to the other, so you's work it out lol...please don't anyone find that stendker jumbo pic now or my fish will look like a woos....

And catching the fish puts marks on it, can you see? Surprisingly, he only jumped on the towel once, and before anyone gives me any kind of credit for actually "Catching the fish", I have to say that it was caught by he who I like to joke about on the forum as being an air head, my husband haha....but, under the immense pressure of my constant panicky direction and yelling at him not to drop the fish or he'd be swimming with 'em, I must give credit where it's due(but let's not over do it;))....:D


02-22-2009, 12:43 PM
...Can you do Oz Hans? :)..seriously?

Roxanne, I can't and I won't because I've enough on my plate ;) ;)

But Stendker can and I know because they shipped before to Rod,


02-22-2009, 01:14 PM
Thanks Hans...I'm keen to get some but, wondering how they would do on such a long flight in the cold belly of a plane...


02-22-2009, 01:18 PM
hmmmmm you never seen that????

For long, colder flights we put ever Discus in a Sweat shirt with a Stendker print on the front to prevent they are getting cold,


02-22-2009, 04:45 PM
Hey Rox, before you ask jumbo stendkers to OZ only 2 per box. That is over $100 each just for the plane ticket, before we buy them and pay everything else. It is not an exercise for the faint hearted and is way out of the price range of the average aussie discus lover so i leave it to others to consider. But yep, he has some pretty good fish. :D

02-27-2009, 09:20 PM
Just saw one, more like 10 inches. LSSS! Biggest discus I have ever seen in person ever. Took up half the tank! I will try to get a picture when I go back to the hardware store. I saw a price on the tank 80,000 Yen, not sure if that was for the whole group. There were 5 of them in the tank. GINORMOUS!


02-28-2009, 05:48 PM
lol :DI crack up every time you mention discus at the hardware store.


02-28-2009, 06:20 PM
Dude, I went back! That one discus is $1000! I am not kidding. Its a LSS and it is 10". It must have been a competition winner or something. CRAZY


02-28-2009, 06:39 PM
pictures of this godzilla discus? Hahahaha!!!! This thread is turning into an urban legend. mike

02-28-2009, 07:56 PM
Dude, I went back! That one discus is $1000! I am not kidding. Its a LSS and it is 10". It must have been a competition winner or something. CRAZY

No pics Eddie?:inquisitive:
I'd love to see hardware store discus:alien::D

02-28-2009, 08:09 PM
No pics Eddie?:inquisitive:
I'd love to see hardware store discus:alien::D

I'll go by again today, surely nobody is going buy that fish. It's a shame because he will set in there and die. :(


02-28-2009, 08:18 PM
I'll go by again today, surely nobody is going buy that fish. It's a shame because he will set in there and die. :(


Leave your contact info w/the owner and tell him when hes tired of looking at it to give you a call. Remind him he would have more tank room for arowana (I hear they are all the rage in Asia now).

I also get a kick out of hardware store discus. How cool would that be if he was a Simply sponsor!


02-28-2009, 08:21 PM
Leave your contact info w/the owner and tell him when hes tired of looking at it to give you a call. Remind him he would have more tank room for arowana (I hear they are all the rage in Asia now).

I also get a kick out of hardware store discus. How cool would that be if he was a Simply sponsor!


LOL, I know! Even if he takes my name, he wouldn't drop the price to below 400. There are tons of females running up and down a cone in that tank!

I'll get a group picture today!


02-28-2009, 10:48 PM
Yeah. Take his picture next to a shovel or hammer or something so we can tell how big it is:laugh:


02-28-2009, 11:32 PM
Dude....in this case, it will have to a wheel barrel! LOL


03-01-2009, 04:39 AM
Eddie you know you've got to get a picture of this thing!

03-01-2009, 04:42 AM
Yeah Mike, was supposed to go today but the wife and daughter went out for the day. I'm home with my boy, chilling out. I'll try to get out there tomorrow morning.


03-03-2009, 04:51 PM
I would still love to see this pic eddie if you ever get the chance.

03-03-2009, 05:30 PM
The heck with that Eddie,,, ask them if you can pull it out and take a tape meaure to it. hahaha


03-04-2009, 08:10 AM
Hi Everyone,

I have been here on this forum for 5 or 6 years I can't remember counts. You can check out when I joined this forum. This forum is great and awesome everyone.

I had largest discus it was 7 inches. Maybe you could find photo of my discus somewhere here. Maybe in 3 or 4 years ago.

Absolute I saw two type of discus where 10" it was powder blue and pigeon blood. He took his 10" saw disc on his tank. The monster discus swim close on the saw disc. I saw them my own eyes in 1996.

In the rumour that over 8 inches discus are not good to breed because they would not spawn. If it’s true. I am sure I am beside the news from here.

I surprised that you have 3 different kind of ham’s discus are 9 inches are very cool! Prove on the photos Great job :)

Most discus are good size range at 6" and 8" are good for breeding or showing are awesome!

Lot of discus breeders in Asia have only 6"+ I don't see any largest discus.

I believe that Kenny has largest discus are snakeskin only, maybe other strains I don’t know. I don’t know if the breeder has the monster snakeskin have carry monster gene or product other strains????

Take care

Duncan + the boys

03-04-2009, 08:15 AM
Hi Everyone,

I have been here on this forum for 5 or 6 years I can't remember counts. You can check out when I joined this forum. This forum is great and awesome everyone.

I had largest discus it was 7 inches. Maybe you could find photo of my discus somewhere here. Maybe in 3 or 4 years ago.

Absolute I saw two type of discus where 10" it was powder blue and pigeon blood. He took his 10" saw disc on his tank. The monster discus swim close on the saw disc. I saw them my own eyes in 1996.

In the rumour that over 8 inches discus are not good to breed because they would not spawn. If it’s true. I am sure I am beside the news from here.

I surprised that you have 3 different kind of ham’s discus are 9 inches are very cool! Prove on the photos Great job :)

Most discus are good size range at 6" and 8" are good for breeding or showing are awesome!

Lot of discus breeders in Asia have only 6"+ I don't see any largest discus.

I believe that Kenny has largest discus are snakeskin only, maybe other strains I don’t know. I don’t know if the breeder has the monster snakeskin have carry monster gene or product other strains????

Take care

Duncan + the boys

Hello Duncan, I remember you from I first joined the forum. How are you?


03-04-2009, 09:21 AM
hello Eddie

I am doing good thanks, how are you doing?

03-04-2009, 09:49 AM
hello Eddie

I am doing good thanks, how are you doing?

I'm good Duncan, glad to see you on here.

I've got to a get a picture of the 8+ inch discus they are selling at the LFS. It's $1000.00! I'm sure it is still there. ;)


03-04-2009, 01:02 PM
:D...shovel...good 1 Ed;)...I just LMAO

Eddie BassHead...Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get a pic of this monster 'D', by distracting unsuspecting friendly Hardwhare store Owner with idle chit chat whilst slipping said monster into your handbag, take photo evidence for us, return to your computer and upload said evidence...we should mention if you are caught in the act, we don't know who you are and will deny any knowledge...the fate of the myth is in YOUR hands,,,this message will self destruct in 5...4...3..2...

03-04-2009, 01:36 PM
Need MI music to go with your message.

03-04-2009, 02:07 PM
oops sorry Moon, forgot the theme song, here goes...

da da da da da da da da

do do do do do do do do do doo doo

da da da da etc

.....(can tell I'm bored:D)

03-04-2009, 02:38 PM
hahaha LMAO funny Rox

03-04-2009, 02:59 PM
Good one Rox. I'm still laughing.

03-04-2009, 07:35 PM
LOL, you guys crack me up!

Especially Rox with the singing the MI tune.


03-05-2009, 07:35 PM
...you didn't notice the hand bag reference? I thought that was the funniest part:D Eddie with a handbag in a hardware store lolol......Eddie's gonna give me a scorching now:)...

03-05-2009, 08:12 PM
Where is the pic with the water barrel?

03-05-2009, 09:38 PM
...you didn't notice the hand bag reference? I thought that was the funniest part:D Eddie with a handbag in a hardware store lolol......Eddie's gonna give me a scorching now:)...

LOL, hey...I'm comfortable with my manhood. I admit, I carry a man satchel from time to time. ;)

03-06-2009, 04:52 PM
...hmmm....a man satchel.....doesn't sound quite right...."Hey you, drop the bag and step back"..."Hey you, drop the man satchel and step back"..

...."man bag"...might sound more manly...:D

03-06-2009, 05:15 PM
LOL, hey...I'm comfortable with my manhood. I admit, I carry a man satchel from time to time. ;)

Come on Eddie! You know you can't say this without proof! Where's the pics? ;)

Rox.... "...."man bag"...might sound more manly..."

----- I'm just gonna leave that one alone! :laugh:

03-06-2009, 05:26 PM
Rox.... "...."man bag"...might sound more manly..."

----- I'm just gonna leave that one alone! :laugh:

That's what I love about you Renee, you're quick, but subtle!! I noticed the innuendo in my words after you posted...:D...good thing I didn't pluralise lol


03-06-2009, 07:18 PM
Do you people want a picture of Eddie with his man bag/satchel or a picture of a 10" discus? hhmmm... I guess I'd like to see both really. Eddie do they still have that fish or are you shipped out somewhere already?


03-06-2009, 07:20 PM
Do you people want a picture of Eddie with his man bag/satchel or a picture of a 10" discus? hhmmm... I guess I'd like to see both really. Eddie do they still have that fish or are you shipped out somewhere already?


I don't know... but if I really had to choose... I'd take the pic of Eddie with his 'man-bag'... (I know what you're thinking Rox...) :D

03-06-2009, 07:31 PM
I want BOTH!! ;) (I know what you're thinking Renee)

and I want someone to hang around the store afterwards and get a pic of the guys face when he sees his fish was stolen and there is a wheelbarrow missing.....:bandana:

03-06-2009, 08:31 PM
You guys are crazy! I'll go today for sure!


03-07-2009, 01:38 AM
Stop posting and go detail that monster please!!

(just kidding...) ;)

Really looking forward to seeing it!

03-07-2009, 02:10 AM
Stop posting and go detail that monster please!!

(just kidding...) ;)

Really looking forward to seeing it!

LOL, I am waiting for the wife to finish getting ready, imagine how that is always the case. LOL

We are going out as a family today so I am gonna make a pit stop on the way and get a few shots of the monster. Hopefully they did not move him to another h-ware store.


03-07-2009, 04:42 AM
Ahh Renee and Rox, my favorite two... let's say... "different minded" ladies.. LOL

I've got it, the ULTIMATE Pic. Eddie posing with his man-bag-satchel in front of the tank w/ the moster discus at the hardware store with the hammers and screwdrivers hung up on the wall in the background. :D

C'mon Eddie your keeping us waiting...

03-07-2009, 06:07 AM
While we're waiting on the elusive 'Eddie & Man-bag' pics standing next to monster discus... I thought we might be entertained with other 'man-bag' pics...

So tell me, what's wrong with the following pictures:

Dude? Is that a skirt??? I don't want the 'kilt' answer either.. that's NOT a kilt...

Okay, so what's NOT wrong with this picture? ;)

Sorry, that gun doesn't make it anymore 'manly'... lol...

Thought this one was funny.

Ya know I'm just teasing ya Eddie... :angel:

03-07-2009, 06:19 AM
While we're waiting on the elusive 'Eddie & Man-bag' pics standing next to monster discus... I thought we might be entertained with other 'man-bag' pics...

So tell me, what's wrong with the following pictures:

Dude? Is that a skirt??? I don't want the 'kilt' answer either.. that's NOT a kilt...

Okay, so what's NOT wrong with this picture? ;)

Sorry, that gun doesn't make it anymore 'manly'... lol...

Thought this one was funny.

Ya know I'm just teasing ya Eddie... :angel:

HAHAHA, LOL, mine are more like the 3rd picture. Great pictures Renee, I am sure you had fun picky them out.


03-07-2009, 11:28 AM
Now thats funny!

03-07-2009, 12:31 PM
Eddie posted pictures here in a new thread.


03-07-2009, 05:49 PM
Yes he did, but still no 'man-bag' picture! Eddie, you know that you have a great deal of people waiting on this.. you can't back out now! :D

03-09-2009, 12:14 AM
I'm good Duncan, glad to see you on here.

I've got to a get a picture of the 8+ inch discus they are selling at the LFS. It's $1000.00! I'm sure it is still there. ;)


WOW Eddie, did you get the money? is that $ 1000.00 USD?

nice to hear from you again


03-09-2009, 01:15 AM
WOW Eddie, did you get the money? is that $ 1000.00 USD?

nice to hear from you again


No way Duncan, I am not spending that much on one fish! LOL It is a beautiful fish though. They have another one in the tank that is slightly smaller for $150.00. Still alot for me. :D


03-09-2009, 04:11 PM
That's a big jump from $150 to $1,000. Makes those last couple of inches pretty pricey. Sounds to me like they don't want to sell it, so it's been priced out of the market. Of course if someone should come up with the asking price...!


03-09-2009, 07:15 PM
That's a big jump from $150 to $1,000. Makes those last couple of inches pretty pricey. Sounds to me like they don't want to sell it, so it's been priced out of the market. Of course if someone should come up with the asking price...!


LOL, no way Casey. That big boy would fill up my already overstocked tanks in less than a second. Maybe I could keep him in the bath tub LOL.


03-09-2009, 07:30 PM
If some of you missed the huge LSS's that Kenny brought in on his August shippment you just have to see them.
I have seen two in person that April Ross has here in Vancouver and the are just massive.
Here are a couple of shots from Kennys threads.

03-09-2009, 07:39 PM
Man, the title of this thread be dinner plates! Those are super big too.


03-10-2009, 03:00 AM

03-10-2009, 03:22 AM

i can't believe that last one is only 6", i can't even fathom what an 8" discus will look like. we are all talking SL here right, not TL?

03-10-2009, 10:23 PM
thanks for posting the pics Dave. man those are nice fish! not just big, but NICE. so April, when you are tired of them ... well i guess I'll have to wrestle Francis, lol. Anybody else got pics?

03-10-2009, 10:30 PM
Hi Ian,

April was offered a thousand bucks for the pair huge snakeskin....she won't sell them.....she may sell them to you.


thanks for posting the pics Dave. man those are nice fish! not just big, but NICE. so April, when you are tired of them ... well i guess I'll have to wrestle Francis, lol. Anybody else got pics?

12-20-2016, 10:52 PM
Will anyone have an 8" discus in 2017?

12-20-2016, 11:57 PM

These are my 8inch+ leopard snakes from Stendker. The fish at the bottom is right is an adult 6.5inch leopard snake that is currently raising fry.... just for size reference.

12-21-2016, 03:38 AM
One of our local aquatic stores has a large display tank including 6 or so very big discus... some of them i'm sure are pretty much 8" inch or dang close to it. They are Stendkers.

12-21-2016, 01:27 PM
I was pretty sure some of those I seen at NADA this year had to be awful close. Some were much bigger than saucers and just shy of dinner plates....MONSTERS some were.

12-23-2016, 07:16 PM
I once saw a blue diamond pair in a store that was 8-9 inches body size without fins... I couldnt believe they were even discus... in fact they were so big it looked abnormal to me you could see those body lines that blue diamonds tend to show more and they looked like stretch marks. Like they were some juiced up muscle freak in the gym... Honestly i prefer my discus normal sizes... 4-6 inches is fine for me.

The store wanted $350 each for them or 700$ for the pair

12-23-2016, 11:49 PM
u guys remember when kenny brought in those show quality reds a few years ago? at $800 each, but was some of the nicest and roundess discus i've ever seen. think they were around 7". if i had money at that time i would buy them in a heartbeat.

12-24-2016, 01:09 AM
u guys remember when kenny brought in those show quality reds a few years ago? at $800 each, but was some of the nicest and roundess discus i've ever seen. think they were around 7". if i had money at that time i would buy them in a heartbeat.

Yeah, I remember the whole group being presold. That's how good they were

Jack L
12-24-2016, 11:08 AM
My fish are too big for a net
i use this

12-25-2016, 12:25 AM
700$ for a fish is ludacris IMO. even if i had the money i could think better things to spend it on then a single discus thats only 1-2 inches bigger then what i already have lol

Jack L
12-25-2016, 12:33 AM
700$ for a fish is ludacris IMO. even if i had the money i could think better things to spend it on then a single discus thats only 1-2 inches bigger then what i already have lol

look up some videos on koi, i stumbled upon some and thought...gheesh..Japanese people must have a LOT of money and REALLY like fish. $700 is nothing

12-25-2016, 04:18 AM
i know its nothing.. but still.. anything over 100-150$ for any fish is too much money even discus..

12-25-2016, 04:27 PM
i know its nothing.. but still.. anything over 100-150$ for any fish is too much money even discus..

To a hobbyist $700 is a lot for a discus. For a breeder that knows what they want in their breeding program, $700 is a value buy. Just like any other animal prize breeding, lineage means something and genes sell.

Jack L
12-25-2016, 08:54 PM
To a hobbyist $700 is a lot for a discus. For a breeder that knows what they want in their breeding program, $700 is a value buy. Just like any other animal prize breeding, lineage means something and genes sell.

well put

12-26-2016, 03:32 AM
i know its nothing.. but still.. anything over 100-150$ for any fish is too much money even discus..

This hobby like any other hobby is all about love and passion .
I see nothing wrong in spending my hard earned cash on something that I really love :) .
You can't put a price tag on passion and love :)

12-26-2016, 03:43 AM
I agree, but i have so many hobbies proably more then most of you. That i cant spend my money on just one.. I mean im just as nuts anyone here.. I have 8 tanks in my house.. recently downsized 4 of them by putting em in storage or selling them.. but i got a 34 year old 135g tank. Re-sealed it, sanded down the angle iron stand and repainted it.. did all the work restoring it.. And i onlyspent $100 on the tank and stand, and maybe $60 on the silicone and paint. VS someone who tosses money away and spends $800 on a new 125g tank and stand. I've spent alot of money on discus.. but i refuse to spend more then $80 on a discus. You can buy nice discus for under $100 just have to find the right person . I also usually prefer buying babies myself and raising them myself.. Buying a fully grown discus is cool and saves time.. but it you dont get to see em grow up really.. Its like me and my car Hobby. I have 3 Jeeps, 1 is 30 years old i paid $4500 for it an old grand wagoneer wood panel Jeep.. I could have spent $15,000 on a mint condition one.. but why do that ? I bought a decent one and with the repairs im doing myself you learn more about the car then you ever will buying one where someone already did all the work.

Thats just my 2 cents of course

Jack L
12-26-2016, 04:17 PM
This hobby like any other hobby is all about love and passion .
I see nothing wrong in spending my hard earned cash on something that I really love :) .
You can't put a price tag on passion and love :)

umm..aren't you putting a price tag on it every time you buy stuff.... ; )

12-26-2016, 07:20 PM
umm..aren't you putting a price tag on it every time you buy stuff.... ; )

Yes indeed Jack. I reconsider and even bargain with sellers about every peny I spend on this hobby but I can completly understand and relate to the urge of spending ridiculous amount of money for having the biggest or the rarest showcase discus batch in my tank as a reward and trophy , just for my pleasure .

Most of the times we can't pull that quallity or size out of our 50 dollar 3"discus , no mater how hard we try .

So I think its a money well spend and paid for someone professional who dedicated his whole life and energy to breed and raise this rare beauties.

Jack L
12-26-2016, 09:01 PM
Yes indeed Jack. I reconsider and even bargain with sellers about every peny I spend on this hobby but I can completly understand and relate to the urge of spending ridiculous amount of money for having the biggest or the rarest showcase discus batch in my tank as a reward and trophy , just for my pleasure .

Most of the times we can't pull that quallity or size out of our 50 dollar 3"discus , no mater how hard we try .

So I think its a money well spend and paid for someone professional who dedicated his whole life and energy to breed and raise this rare beauties.

I understand and agree, years of enjoyment in hobby is worth more than a fifty in wallet.

12-27-2016, 08:40 AM
I once saw a blue diamond pair in a store that was 8-9 inches body size without fins... I couldnt believe they were even discus... in fact they were so big it looked abnormal to me you could see those body lines that blue diamonds tend to show more and they looked like stretch marks. Like they were some juiced up muscle freak in the gym... Honestly i prefer my discus normal sizes... 4-6 inches is fine for me.

The store wanted $350 each for them or 700$ for the pair

4 to 6 inches is not the normal size for healthy adult discus. The minimum that an adult discus should be would be 5+ and that would be for a small female. In reality healthy adult discus should be 6+ inches. A 4 inch adult is either inbred, unhealthy, poorly raised, or a cull.


12-27-2016, 10:32 AM
Will anyone have an 8" discus in 2017?

Yes,I'll have one TL will be over 8".

Jack L
12-27-2016, 10:03 PM
I agree, but i have so many hobbies proably more then most of you. That i cant spend my money on just one.. I mean im just as nuts anyone here.. I have 8 tanks in my house.. recently downsized 4 of them by putting em in storage or selling them.. but i got a 34 year old 135g tank. Re-sealed it, sanded down the angle iron stand and repainted it.. did all the work restoring it.. And i onlyspent $100 on the tank and stand, and maybe $60 on the silicone and paint. VS someone who tosses money away and spends $800 on a new 125g tank and stand. I've spent alot of money on discus.. but i refuse to spend more then $80 on a discus. You can buy nice discus for under $100 just have to find the right person . I also usually prefer buying babies myself and raising them myself.. Buying a fully grown discus is cool and saves time.. but it you dont get to see em grow up really.. Its like me and my car Hobby. I have 3 Jeeps, 1 is 30 years old i paid $4500 for it an old grand wagoneer wood panel Jeep.. I could have spent $15,000 on a mint condition one.. but why do that ? I bought a decent one and with the repairs im doing myself you learn more about the car then you ever will buying one where someone already did all the work.

Thats just my 2 cents of course

i like raising too and seeing them develop

01-02-2017, 03:13 AM
4 to 6 inches is not the normal size for healthy adult discus. The minimum that an adult discus should be would be 5+ and that would be for a small female. In reality healthy adult discus should be 6+ inches. A 4 inch adult is either inbred, unhealthy, poorly raised, or a cull.


whatever you say.. It took me years to get to my 135g 6 foot tank.. not everyone can feed half a pack of beefheart every 2 days and have a 100+ gallons tank, you have to use what you have.. The average discus i have seen isnt much bigger then 5-6 inches.. nothing bigger... The only time they are bigger is in controlled enviornments or bought from discus hans or similar already grown.. I GARUNTEE you 80% of the people who have discus order them from online fully grown adults all they have to do is cut the bags and dunk them in their tanks.. and after years of doing that they automatically become discus experts.. I have so many hobbies and discus keeping is one i usually stay away from on forums because there are so many "experts" who have never raised discus from little 1-2 inch babies and IMO they dont know jack. I agree with you.. but discus only get that big in the perfect setup..

And yes i have 4 juvies right now.. 3+ inches and they eat half a pack of beef heart every 2 days, 3 cubes 3-4x a day.. That means every week i go through 20$ almost of fish food.. lol thats crazy.. and this is with my 135g tank.. when i had juvie discus in 55-92g tanks they didnt eat so much.. So again it depends on the enviornment

01-02-2017, 09:21 AM
... So again it depends on the enviornment

Of course it depends on the environment. But any adult discus < 6" TL is either genetically compromised or stunted. It doesn't require perfect conditions to get a discus to that size, just standard water quality.


01-02-2017, 10:02 AM
whatever you say.. It took me years to get to my 135g 6 foot tank.. not everyone can feed half a pack of beefheart every 2 days and have a 100+ gallons tank, you have to use what you have.. The average discus i have seen isnt much bigger then 5-6 inches.. nothing bigger... The only time they are bigger is in controlled enviornments or bought from discus hans or similar already grown.. I GARUNTEE you 80% of the people who have discus order them from online fully grown adults all they have to do is cut the bags and dunk them in their tanks.. and after years of doing that they automatically become discus experts.. I have so many hobbies and discus keeping is one i usually stay away from on forums because there are so many "experts" who have never raised discus from little 1-2 inch babies and IMO they dont know jack. I agree with you.. but discus only get that big in the perfect setup..

And yes i have 4 juvies right now.. 3+ inches and they eat half a pack of beef heart every 2 days, 3 cubes 3-4x a day.. That means every week i go through 20$ almost of fish food.. lol thats crazy.. and this is with my 135g tank.. when i had juvie discus in 55-92g tanks they didnt eat so much.. So again it depends on the enviornment

You are throwing away ,way too much money on beefheart CD.
Find your self a butcher's shop in your neighbourhood and buy it from there instead from a LFS.
Feeding cost should be least expensive when you don't breed professionally.

P.S. your previous discus batch ate less because they were raised in a poorer water condition then your current batch . The more fresh water they have the more they eat and more hungry they get .
Thats how people raise 7 inch discus ,lots of fresh water and lots of food .

Second Hand Pat
01-02-2017, 10:14 AM
Some wild discus get quite large. They are called Trombeta and the one I had was 7.5 TL and yes, I did put him to a ruler...not exactly perfect conditions. :D

http://i925.photobucket.com/albums/ad95/Second_Hand_Pat/Trombeta%20x%20Cuipeua/DSC_4259_zps71247bb5.jpg (http://s925.photobucket.com/user/Second_Hand_Pat/media/Trombeta%20x%20Cuipeua/DSC_4259_zps71247bb5.jpg.html)


01-03-2017, 09:00 AM
You have a some valid points but you are also dead wrong on others. I raise LOTS of baby discus. I do not have a single tank larger than 75 gallons.....I do have 24 of them but that is a different story. I have multiple generations of discus in my fish house. With any kind of water quality an adult discus should be 6+ inches. On the beef heart deal quit being lazy. The crap you buy is mostly water and not worth a crap. Make your own. You will save tons of money and have better food. Raising discus is really, really easy. All it takes is starting with healthy fish, feeding them a high protein diet, and keeping the water clean and warm. Nothing else to it.


whatever you say.. It took me years to get to my 135g 6 foot tank.. not everyone can feed half a pack of beefheart every 2 days and have a 100+ gallons tank, you have to use what you have.. The average discus i have seen isnt much bigger then 5-6 inches.. nothing bigger... The only time they are bigger is in controlled enviornments or bought from discus hans or similar already grown.. I GARUNTEE you 80% of the people who have discus order them from online fully grown adults all they have to do is cut the bags and dunk them in their tanks.. and after years of doing that they automatically become discus experts.. I have so many hobbies and discus keeping is one i usually stay away from on forums because there are so many "experts" who have never raised discus from little 1-2 inch babies and IMO they dont know jack. I agree with you.. but discus only get that big in the perfect setup..

And yes i have 4 juvies right now.. 3+ inches and they eat half a pack of beef heart every 2 days, 3 cubes 3-4x a day.. That means every week i go through 20$ almost of fish food.. lol thats crazy.. and this is with my 135g tank.. when i had juvie discus in 55-92g tanks they didnt eat so much.. So again it depends on the enviornment

01-03-2017, 09:29 AM
Hey John,
How tall are you?:evilgrin::evilgrin::evilgrin:


01-03-2017, 09:39 AM
Personally, I think theres more variability to what the range of a healthy full size Discus is... Genetics isn't so hard set in rules that All Healthy Adult Discus would be 6" Minimum. It really doesn't work like that.. Even with Humans! Theres always Genetic Variability.



Second Hand Pat
01-03-2017, 09:47 AM
Being short stuff myself I agree Al :evilgrin:

01-03-2017, 11:37 AM
Well I am short, but I still think quality discus should be at least 6 inches....Just because I am not quality does not mean a thing.....but I so still have hair...............


01-03-2017, 11:52 AM
Well I am short, but I still think quality discus should be at least 6 inches....Just because I am not quality does not mean a thing.....but I so still have hair...............

-john:) yep you do have some hair left. Looked to be graying and Thinning a bit last time I saw you, says the bald guy in the Pic.;)

Theres a world of a Difference between this...
In reality healthy adult discus should be 6+ inches and
but I still think quality discus should be at least 6 inches One is stated as a fact...which its not, and the latter is stated as John's Opinion, which is fine, a tad narrow in scope, but definitely in the range of typical John commentary.:devil:


01-03-2017, 12:03 PM
LOL!! maybe some pygmy genetics there.

01-03-2017, 12:40 PM
There is absolutely no telling the genetics of a pygmy such as myself.....


Jack L
01-03-2017, 11:23 PM
candy, if you DIY beefheart. suggest just getting the heart and cubing it up yourself. one batch i had the butcher clean and grind it, thinking it would save me time, but blood all came out of meat, it was a mess.

the blood in meat seems to make it mix better when blending

just my 2 cents.

01-04-2017, 11:58 AM
whatever you say.. It took me years to get to my 135g 6 foot tank.. not everyone can feed half a pack of beefheart every 2 days and have a 100+ gallons tank, you have to use what you have.. The average discus i have seen isnt much bigger then 5-6 inches.. nothing bigger... The only time they are bigger is in controlled enviornments or bought from discus hans or similar already grown.. I GARUNTEE you 80% of the people who have discus order them from online fully grown adults all they have to do is cut the bags and dunk them in their tanks.. and after years of doing that they automatically become discus experts.. I have so many hobbies and discus keeping is one i usually stay away from on forums because there are so many "experts" who have never raised discus from little 1-2 inch babies and IMO they dont know jack. I agree with you.. but discus only get that big in the perfect setup..

And yes i have 4 juvies right now.. 3+ inches and they eat half a pack of beef heart every 2 days, 3 cubes 3-4x a day.. That means every week i go through 20$ almost of fish food.. lol thats crazy.. and this is with my 135g tank.. when i had juvie discus in 55-92g tanks they didnt eat so much.. So again it depends on the enviornment

Isn't a controlled environment exactly what an aquarium is?

Nothing goes in or out of that closed ecosystem that you don't have direct control over.

01-04-2017, 12:31 PM
+1 on environment.Just remember if you feed beef heart,the more frequent and larger WC's will be neeeded.Beef heart is cheap and that's the main reason a lot of folks use it.Never buy it at a pet store.There are other high protein foods that can be used and not foul the water as much.The FDBW's sold on here are a good example.They do not need them with every feeding.A good flake or pellet is fine.

01-14-2019, 04:19 PM
Is there a strain of discus that grow bigger than others?

01-14-2019, 04:54 PM
Is there a strain of discus that grow bigger than others?

Giant Flora and Giant blue...in my experienced.