View Full Version : Moving a pair to a 29 gallon breeder

02-05-2009, 05:18 PM
I have a pair of wilds that spawned 3 times in a 65 gallon with some other fish in the tank. The eggs turned white each time so I decided to move them to their own tank. They have been there for a week but they are really unhappy and just hide behind the filter all the time. If I sit in the fish room for a while they will eventually come out but they are clearly not settling in and I don't they will spawn again like this.

I have observed them closely and I am sure that they are not sick. The filter came from the 65 gallon they were in, the heater is new and I have been carrying out the WC's as usual. They eat well when I move away from the tank but always very nervously.

I know that I will be advised to wait for them to settle in but last year I had this same pair in this same tank for 3 months and they did the same exact thing. Could it be that they simply don't like the colour or position or size of the tank and will never settle in ?


02-05-2009, 05:53 PM
Gosh Aaron, I know patience is a virtue but wild's as you know are a whole different breed. Being use to the Amazon river could be a whole different issue. I'd say leave them but it probably wouldn't be any different, maybe it would. It would probably take a 55 or your 65 gallon all to themselves to change what they're use too. I've had a wild RSG and a domestic breed in my 29's no problem's have never had wilds from the wild though breed for me. Hopefully some experts here that have wilds can help myou out better than I can. Good luck with them Jim in Ridgeville Where is the 29 located at, how far off the floor maybe you're spooking them. I have my breeders at eye level or 4 feet off the floor.

02-05-2009, 08:28 PM
The tank is at the same level as the 65 gallon they were in previously.

You are 100% right about needing patience but this pair did the same exact thing last year and I waited 3 months with no change. The minute I put them into the 65 with the other fish they started spawning !

I also forgot to add that they have been at me now for two years and they only went into the 65 gallon after Christmas. The way they settled into that 65 gallon and spawned immediately though convinces me that the move is not such a big deal as long as they feel comfortable in their new surroundings.

I will give it some more time and then maybe back to the 65 gallon ... and then move the other fish out maybe... where to ????? need another tank....

Peachtree Discus
02-06-2009, 10:21 AM
i don't know wilds, but try adding a dither fish to the breeder tank. sometimes a 3rd fish will jumpstart their territorial/breeding instincts. i'd choose a fish that you don't mind getting beat up a bit - cuz eventually they will force it to stay in a corner.

02-06-2009, 12:46 PM
i don't know wilds, but try adding a dither fish to the breeder tank. sometimes a 3rd fish will jumpstart their territorial/breeding instincts. i'd choose a fish that you don't mind getting beat up a bit - cuz eventually they will force it to stay in a corner.

Do you mean another discus or something like a few tetras ?


02-06-2009, 01:10 PM
Do you mean another discus or something like a few tetras ?


yes a tetra or two i believe he meant

Peachtree Discus
02-06-2009, 01:58 PM
i only keep discus so i don't know if tetras would work - i dont see why not. same concept, though its probably easier to keep 1 fish away from the eggs than 2., especially with the size of tetras.