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02-06-2009, 02:16 PM
Hello ! :)

I'm Yann, a french discus lover. I create a little website about our favorite fish !
You'll find articles, pictures, reports.
I start to translate it in english. Now you'll can find lot's of pictures (universal language ! )
I add new pictures and comments regularly.

some key word :
pictures=photos (in french)
add comments: (commentaire) at the end of each pictures or articles. You can add comments, it's always a pleasure !
discus perso : my discus !
liens/partenaires : links and partners (if someone want, we can exchange our link/banner)

the link:


hope you'll like it !

see you

Yann Hoiret

02-07-2009, 02:58 PM
Nice site Yann. I may be moving to France at some point in the future so it would be good to know how to get my hand some some wilds there


02-07-2009, 09:24 PM
Nice site Yann. I may be moving to France at some point in the future so it would be good to know how to get my hand some some wilds there


Yup, me too. Might retire and live there later on down the road. My wife is from South of France near Nimes.


02-08-2009, 02:52 AM
Hi :) !

Thanks a lot for your comments Aaron; for wild discus, i don't know where you'll be able to find a spécial place in France. I'm not a specialist of wild discus but i know that wild discus lovers here speaks a lot about a shop in Belgium named Hustinx; i give you the link :
or an other named Battenberg in germany, i also give you the link :
It depends where you are in France for the distance; for example, Battenberg is approximatly at 500 km from Paris and Hustinx from 390 km.

Hi Eddie !

I know Nimes, i've got family next to this Town. It's funny, you live in Japon and you want to come in France... Me i dreamed to visit Japan !!!:p

Thanks for your comments,

Yann Hoiret

02-08-2009, 07:21 AM
Hi Eddie !

I know Nimes, i've got family next to this Town. It's funny, you live in Japon and you want to come in France... Me i dreamed to visit Japan !!!:p

Thanks for your comments,

Yann Hoiret

Yes Yann, all of my wife's family lives in Vauvert. I have been to France many times. I really enjoy spending time there with my wife's family. Last year in July we had a second wedding in a castle near Vauvert. It was amazing, HOT but amazing.

Maybe we'll cross paths one day in France. It's a very small world.

Take care Yann and keep up with those beautiful discus you have there in France.


02-08-2009, 12:43 PM
Thks Yann,

I would be living in Paris. In fact I lived there for 4 years juts before coming to the US. I had just set up my first tank intended for discus when I had to move to the US. So I started afresh here. I do remember though that I was having a hard time locating a supplier for wilds.

It was easier here in the US. If I do end up in France though I would have no problem driving over to Belgium from Paris.


02-08-2009, 12:44 PM
Yup, me too. Might retire and live there later on down the road. My wife is from South of France near Nimes.


Not a bad place to live ! I lived just outside Paris for a few years. But the South is just great and the weather is far better.


03-14-2009, 02:30 AM
Hello ! :p

Just to share with you the last update of Fanatik-discus. This update is daticated to Raymond, a sympathic breeder from Singapore.
You'll can find a new article in the "best of web" section and new series of pictures in the "photo" section (pictures in english).
Hope you 'll take pleasure to visit Fanatik-discus.
Your comments are welcomed in the "commentaires section" at the end of each picture or article.


Bye !


04-01-2009, 06:09 PM
Hello !

Some news of fanatik-discus blog...
A new vidéo is online, i hope to have enought time to share with you other vidéos.
This new article show you the 2008 world discus championship in Duisbourg Germany.
Hope you will like this new article...
See you on Fanatik-discus http://fanatik-discus.blog4ever.com



04-03-2009, 01:10 AM
Hello !

Some news of fanatik-discus blog...
A new vidéo is online, i hope to have enought time to share with you other vidéos.
This new article show you the 2008 world discus championship in Duisbourg Germany.
Hope you will like this new article...
See you on Fanatik-discus http://fanatik-discus.blog4ever.com



Great video Yann, thanks for sharing. The show looked like a great competition!


04-03-2009, 03:46 PM
Hello !

Thanks for your comment Eddie !
Yes this show is very interresting ! in some times i hope to add some new vidéos off this show.
I'll update.

Bye !


04-20-2009, 04:37 PM
Hello !

I promise to update when a new vidéo will be online...
You'll find a little vidéo of the pigeon blood winners of duisburg 2008, i give you the direct link :


You'll be able to find pictures of the winner, results of this pigeon blood catégorie and a small vidéo of the 3 winners.
Hope you'll like it.


04-21-2009, 01:18 AM
Hello !

I promise to update when a new vidéo will be online...
You'll find a little vidéo of the pigeon blood winners of duisburg 2008, i give you the direct link :


You'll be able to find pictures of the winner, results of this pigeon blood catégorie and a small vidéo of the 3 winners.
Hope you'll like it.


Thanks for the video Yann, the pigeons were super nice. The winner was my favorite. Super beautiful pattern and color.

Appreciate the update and take care,


06-06-2009, 05:37 PM
Hello !:p

Just to share an update with you ! It concern Duisbourg 2008 and the blue discus catégorie...


Hope you'll like it !


06-06-2009, 06:00 PM
Thanks Yann, I really enjoy these video's and would love to see more catagories if possible.


06-06-2009, 06:42 PM
Hello !

Thanks Kaceyo, no problem i have to work on it a little...A 2 minutes vidéo take some hours of working ! :) (select vidéos, music, cut etc...)
It takes some hours to select and to share here and on my blog...:p
happy that you like this vidéo !!!


06-06-2009, 08:29 PM
Sounds good Yann. Getting a chance to actually see the prize winning fish swimming is a real treat. A still pic just doesn't give you the real overall appearence and ballance of the fish.


06-07-2009, 06:34 AM
Gorgeous blue discus! Thanks for sharing the video Yann. Last I remember Danziger only feeds his fish Tetra Bits. That is something else!

Take care Yann,


06-07-2009, 06:38 AM
Here is quote about it.

Hello to all the DISCUS lovers,
My name is Shahar Danziger and I am the breeder and the owner of the "discus farm in Israel" - named "DANZIGER DISCUS FARM".
First of all I want to thank Koty that because of him I am a member in this fantastic site.
Second I want to thank all the pepole who were so genuros with their compliments.
Now I will try to answer the questions that some pepole have asked here:
At the moment I have around 60 breeding pairs of Discus and I raise the fry both ways, naturally and artificially feeding.
The ponds/vats and most of the aquariums which shown on the movie are treated by 2 central biological filters each one treats 30000 liters per hour (made in the USA - bubbele beed filter ).
I change around 10% of the water everyday due to the lack of water in Israel this is the maximum amount of water that i can change,in order to deal with the high quantities of discus and the lack of water I am using a "high tech" U.V system called "ATLANTIUM" and made in Israel.
I am using only tetra discus dry food (no meat/frozen/live food at all) from the moment Baby Brine Shrimp is not requaired any more (6-8 weeks).
I hope I have answered the questions and please forgive me for my poor English and the spelling mistakes...
Shahar Danziger - "DANZIGER - DISCUS"

Post #29


06-08-2009, 02:36 PM
Hello Eddie !

Yes this is this breeder, M.Danziger. He told me the same things when i meet him at the Duisbourg show. A sympatic breeder!
Happy that you like the update !

regards my friend


06-08-2009, 04:22 PM
I wonder if it takes him longer to get his fish to their full size using dry foods on growouts.


06-11-2009, 04:07 AM
Hello !

That's an excellente question Kacey! i never ask him!


07-04-2009, 05:35 PM
Hello ! :p

Just want to share with you the new update of my blog...an update about the red catégory won by Jeffrey Yang in Duisbourg 2008.
I really enjoy this fishes and meet Jeffrey was a pleasure !
You'll find a vidéo about the most beautiful red discus and also the 3 winners.
Hope you'll like it !



07-06-2009, 10:20 AM
Can't wait to check it out Yann, I will have to watch it tomorrow as my work doesn't allow picture/video file viewing. :(

Thanks for adding the video!


07-06-2009, 07:44 PM
Great video Yann, Jeffrey took all three trophies! His fish were gorgeous. I really liked the fish that took 6th. ;)

Take care and thanks for sharing!


07-09-2009, 03:43 AM
Hello ! :)

Thank you Eddie ! I take pleasure to did this vidéo...fishes was so beautiful !
Happy that you like it !
This day Jeffrey Yang had 3 amazing discus !

regards !

08-04-2009, 05:52 PM
Hello ! :)

This summer, 2 articles are online ! they are about the last Aquarama 2009.
You'll find pictures about some discus of the show.
You'll also be able to see some pictures and interview of Raymond Lee the grand champion, in exclusiveness for Fanatik discus.

enjoy !




12-07-2009, 09:58 AM
Hello ! :)

For those who didn't see it on simply discus forum...

Beautiful pictures of Aarni's wild discus

http://fanatik-discus.blog4ever.com/blog/lire-article-261406-1496577-les_discus_sauvages_de_aarni___the_wild_discus_of_ .html

http://fanatik-discus.blog4ever.com/blog/lire-article-261406-1496617-elevage_du_discus_vert_tefe___green_tefe_discus_br .html

Have a nice moment !


03-25-2010, 02:10 PM
Hello dear discus lovers ! :)

Just want to share this news with you about Fanatik-discus ! :p

Do you want to discover more pictures, more internet links, more informations about discus?

Become fan of Fanatik-discus on Facebook and reach has new headings dédicated to discus !

click on "become fan" and you will receive all the news of the discus world !

Become a fan it's also share and exchange with many discus lovers around the world !

This fan page of Fanatik-discus is just born, but I ever place some unseen pictures... others will arrive gradually !

The link to facebook : http://tinyurl.com/yls4ogt



06-24-2010, 07:35 PM
Hello ! :)

I send this message to thanks all the discus lovers who come to visit my discus blog.
Each month they are more visitors. 11000 persons visit Fanatik-discus blog last month.
So thanks to all who are like me....crazy about discus !!!:p

best regards


02-03-2011, 04:45 PM
Very nice pictures.

02-03-2011, 05:11 PM
Great site!!!!! I have been there a couple of time in the past

02-05-2011, 06:22 PM
Great site!!!!! I have been there a couple of time in the past


Thanks for your comment!
Happy that you like it; i always try to do my best for the Fanatik-discus readers...

best regards

10-25-2011, 07:01 AM
Hello Yan,
I was visiting your blog a lot but i find this this thread only today...
Thank you for bringing us all those amazing Discus pictures, movies and info,
see you on Duisburg 2012
best regards,

10-25-2011, 06:19 PM
Hello Yan,
I was visiting your blog a lot but i find this this thread only today...
Thank you for bringing us all those amazing Discus pictures, movies and info,
see you on Duisburg 2012
best regards,

Hello Shahar!

I'm happy to know that you like what i did ! It's always a pleasure to hear that someone spend good time on my blog.
Unfortunatly, there will not have Duisburg 2012 show... It's the end of this show...
Maybe i can see you in an other show!
If you like my blog, you can click on "i like" and follow the news in my facebook page... i also have more vidéo to share...
Fanatik-discus on facebook (http://fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/Fanatik-discus/106357636055724)
I'm working on a new version where i will be able to have more opportunity to developp the blog.
Hope to see you on my blog.

Best regards
Yann Hoiret

02-17-2012, 07:33 PM
Hello Simply discus friends !!!

The new Fanatik-Discus web-blog is now available!
I'm working on the english versions but you can already switch french to english by clicking on the US flag.
Many informations where update.
Please note the new adress :
See you there and don't forget to leave comments, it's always a pleasure to have feedbacks.

Best regards
Yann Hoiret

02-08-2013, 10:33 AM

Soon in UK...


Yann :)

Jeff O
02-08-2013, 11:27 AM
awesome! :)

09-15-2013, 03:39 AM
Hello! :)

Just want to share this new article publish on my website...

An article to thank all the Fanatik-Discus readers...


Thank you !!!!

Yann :)