View Full Version : Moving Day!!

02-07-2009, 02:08 PM
Hey All,

Just to let you folks know after thinking about My upcoming vacation (April) I thought it might be time to move a couple of Kenny's Sept shipment into my display tank so I can begin to draw down my grow out tank prior to leaving for 7-10 days. I moved the White butterfly throwback and the eruption Leopard. This way about every 2 weeks I'll add a couple more to the display as to not overload the sump and the 2217 canister prior to heading out. here is a few pics of them in their new home. A Special SHOUT OUT to Kenny for some real quality specimens. Thanks again Kenny.

Their new home... a 140g planted


Checking out the new Pad....


meeting the new neighbors....


Man! allot more leg room in here:)


So far no :argue:


All The Best


02-07-2009, 02:44 PM
Wow Troy! That's a lovely tank. Fish look great too, of course. But that is one nice looking planted discus tank!

Well done! :)

02-07-2009, 02:56 PM
Hey All,

Just to let you folks know after thinking about My upcoming vacation (April) I thought it might be time to move a couple of Kenny's Sept shipment into my display tank so I can begin to draw down my grow out tank prior to leaving for 7-10 days. I moved the White butterfly throwback and the eruption Leopard. This way about every 2 weeks I'll add a couple more to the display as to not overload the sump and the 2217 canister prior to heading out. here is a few pics of them in their new home. A Special SHOUT OUT to Kenny for some real quality specimens. Thanks again Kenny.

Their new home... a 140g planted


Checking out the new Pad....


meeting the new neighbors....


Man! allot more leg room in here:)


So far no :argue:


All The Best

Wow nice tank. What do you have growing all over your rocks? It looks awesome. The laptop/website is a nice touch to the picture.


02-07-2009, 05:04 PM
Very nice! That tank is something to be proud of!

02-07-2009, 11:15 PM
Beautiful tank and fish!


02-07-2009, 11:18 PM
Nice big beautiful fish, love the blues. I always loved blues in planted tanks, they set the colors off like no other strain IMO.

Take care,

02-08-2009, 10:15 AM
Morning All:)

Thank you for the kind words,

Steve, I've seen your tank and you are the man for planted tanks!!

P, I wanted to continue my planted theme when I moved up from my 55g but didn't want to "loose" the fish in it by having tall plants throughout the tank. I went low with my plant selections, so I did allot of mosses on small driftwood pieces which do remarkably well when tied like the folks on this site do:http://www.aquamoss.net/Introduction.htm I also have tied Ricca to a couple of pieces of driftwood as well, The Ricca will get into the mosses without manually removing it though (allot of maint)

Eddie, I've had the blue Turqs in the 140 for almost a year by themselves and to be honest with you when I put the eruption and the butterfly in yesterday the tank really exploded with Color!! I'll be adding the RGDs and the Pigeon bloods soon and I think folks will really like it allot more:) I already get asked if its a saltwater tank by allot of folks that come to visit:D

All The Best


02-08-2009, 11:14 AM
Troy - I didn't know riccia would tolerate discus temps until I say your tank! That's good news. From the looks of yours, it looks fairly mature (in the whole tanks shots), so I'm assuming you've worked with it before.

Good luck!

02-08-2009, 06:50 PM

As our PMs have revealed;) I have had Ricca in this tank sense inception and you can indeed raise it in higher Discus temps. I have to retie every month as it will "float away" from it's attachment but I find the texture more pleasing than the extra work involved with keeping it. My WPG is just a tick above 2WPG So this is by no means a High Tech tank. Here is the results of putting the Eruption Leopard in yesterday:) My Big Blue Turq has Been waiting for a fine foxy lady to show up. He now leaves my other Blue Turqs breeders alone as he is a bit preoccupied lately;)
P.S. Sorry abot the dirty uptube But I really did'nt think they would get this busy this soon:o


All The Best


02-08-2009, 07:03 PM
Wow Troy, they didn't waste any time. He must have been checking her out when you brought her in the house!

That's great news, wonder what the X will bring?


02-09-2009, 01:33 AM
Beautiful tank and fish Troy. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Good luck with the young lovers. I hope to see baby pictures in the future.

02-09-2009, 07:00 AM
Congradulations on a beautiful setup. Those fish are absolutely beautiful and it's evident that they are well taken care of. :) More pictures would be great.. ;)