View Full Version : New set up

02-11-2009, 02:43 AM
I apologize if i picked the wrong section for this post. I have a 40 gallon long tank that is planted and has two small discus and some other community tankmakets (tetras, corys, four small rainbows...)

I help out at my LFS for store credit, and I decided that I wanted to use this store credit to upgrade my set up.

I'd like to keep the stand I have now for my 40 long, so I figure I could upgrade to a 55 gallon. This would allow a bit more vertical space for the discus.

I suppose my question is this- would a 55 gallon tank be alright size for a few discus. The tank will be fully planted with high light and Co2. I plan on drillling the tank and setting up a sump. With frequent water changes (which I am in the habit of) would I be able to keep a healthy group of discus.

I know that somewhere more towards a 90 gallon tank would be ideal, but i'd like to keep the same stand I have, as well as the amount of space it takes up (I live in a college apartment). Also, cost is an issue and I figure that a 55 gallon tank is more affordable.

All suggestions are welcome. Thanks and sorry for such a long post.

Jim Curtis
02-11-2009, 02:46 AM
A 55 gallon would be perfect for 5 or 6 discus.

02-11-2009, 02:55 AM
How large of a sump would you run?

02-11-2009, 03:20 AM
A 55 gallon would be perfect for 5 or 6 discus.

agreed, i believe i saw a video of your setup earlier and i believe it was a bit snug so you might keep that in mind. sorry if it wasn't your video btw

02-11-2009, 05:34 AM
I believe you did see a video of my set up. I posted one today. That video was taken almost a year ago. I have thinned the tank out a little since. Thanks for the advice.