View Full Version : Handling Discus out of Water (video link)

02-14-2009, 02:08 AM
Look how this guy handles his wild discus he's showing out of the water:


The 2nd fish almost got away but he was too fast. I don't know if I'd be this confident (or willing to traumatize) in holding my discus like that.

02-14-2009, 02:22 AM
Look how this guy handles his wild discus he's showing out of the water:


The 2nd fish almost got away but he was too fast. I don't know if I'd be this confident (or willing to traumatize) in holding my discus like that.

Why not, they are not made of glass. Just hold them over the water if you plan on doing it. I hold mine all the time and flip them, no issues.


02-14-2009, 04:06 AM
those are huge. notice that they are getting fed prime reef ;)

02-14-2009, 06:53 AM
I think he handled them really well. You can tell the way he's holding them that he's paying extra careful attention to handle them with care. Those are stunning discus though, especially those heckels! :shocked:

02-14-2009, 09:36 PM
I feel the less you net and handle your fish the better. You want to hold something wet and slimey, get a frog.. Netting or handling my discus is something I do strictly out of necessity only.. Just the way I look at it. Beautiful fish in the video.

02-14-2009, 09:40 PM
I feel the less you net and handle your fish the better. You want to hold something wet and slimey, get a frog.. Netting or handling my discus is something I do strictly out of necessity only.. Just the way I look at it. Beautiful fish in the video.

Mine don't mind at all really. I actually think they enjoy it. As soon as I drop them in they are begging at the top. Beware of timid discus.


02-14-2009, 10:03 PM
For the record, I picked up my albinos and goldens today by hand to move them from the quarantine tank to the big tank (transported in a large bowl). They didn't mind a bit... they flopped a little until I held them and lifted them out of the bowl and placed them in the big tank. They were just fine, not traumatized at all.. in fact, they were doing great! They looked at me instantly through the glass and were not afraid of me at all... they're already starting to do their mating shimmy.. :D

Al M.
02-14-2009, 10:04 PM
Right on Eddie

A nice healthy fish dose not mind being handled at all, and just in case you don't know 80% of the time they will not flop out of your hand...... know why ?....... because they like the warmth of your hand..... just in case anyone was wondering.........

02-17-2009, 09:38 AM
because they like the warmth of your hand.....
Note to self. Never let the wife handle our discus! :D