View Full Version : Penang or Super Eruptions?? Help!

02-14-2009, 11:49 PM
I was thinking about getting a pair of eruptions but not sure which one to get. I know both are gorgeous but I have room for only four more discus in my 55 gallon tank which the other two will be Red Diamonds. Right now I have a pair of Golden Lepard Snakes and a pair of Golden Ring Leopards. So before I do any purchase I was wondering if anyone knows what the difference between the two and how are both distinguished? I thought that the penang was better but the price between the two the super is greater. Anyfeed back by anyone with experience of these two beauties please reply. Thank you.

02-15-2009, 12:07 AM
In my opinion the Super Eruptions are an improved version of the Penang Eruptions......LIM PEI HAO' the creator of Penang eruptions discus in Malaysia.


Al M.
02-15-2009, 12:54 AM
Frances is right, but sometimes it might be hard to tell the difference between the two, pair up some Penangs and the best of the best of the babies should be supers..... I hope that made sence.....

02-15-2009, 01:15 AM
I've had both Penangs & Super Eruptions, the difference is Super eruptions are just that, the density of their spotting is much higher. I mean spotting on their lips its ridiculous. However in selecting for higher spotting density the body shape has suffered a little. Im sure Lim Pei Hao is working on that as we speak. HTH


02-15-2009, 08:13 AM
Am i reading this right, You want 8 discus in a 55 gallon?


02-15-2009, 09:24 AM
Am i reading this right, You want 8 discus in a 55 gallon?

I think you added right, Joe. Are these juveniles?

02-15-2009, 10:12 AM
Am i reading this right, You want 8 discus in a 55 gallon?


I think he should be fine if he has the right filtration and the right water change schedule.

02-15-2009, 10:23 AM
Not that I recommend it but I have 8 in each of my 55gs. They are doing extremely well. ;)


big mike 13
02-15-2009, 12:58 PM
to quote kenny... penang or super eruption?
"you dont even need to think or ask. of course the super eruption"

02-15-2009, 02:37 PM
Keep in mind that just because you order Super Erupts and pay more for them, it doesn't mean you will get them. You must buy through a reliable and trustworthy supplier that isn't just using that name to sell fish at a higher price.
The Supers are more than just cherry picked Penangs, they are a different strain.


02-15-2009, 03:50 PM
Agree with Kacey, as a wholesaler of tropical fish i have imported the lss varients many times including discus from Lim Pei Hao and imo they are a different variation genetically. Lims strain has red eyes and a different body shape, they are far superior to normal lss types. When you see them side by side the differences are immediately obvious.

02-17-2009, 03:12 AM
Thanks for the replying everyone. Yes I am going to keep 8 discus in my 55 gallon till I get a good pair out of them then move the two into their own 29 gallon tank. All I have is sand couple of nubias plants and three filters running with every 2-3 day water changes of 80%. I will hopefully upgrade to a 90 later but not right now. I do agree that if you pay more for a certain strain your not going to get the quality that you paid. But thanks again everyone for replying all the answers were very useful.

02-17-2009, 03:32 AM
Hey....I don't care what anybody says.....my Penang Eruptions are SUPER. :D
