View Full Version : Have I got a pair?

02-16-2009, 08:28 PM
Hey Folks! Can you kindly take a few seconds to observe my discus (live webcam) to see if I perhaps have a pair? I'll apreciate any input from those of you who have been here before. Thx!

My lights are one from 5am to 10pm EST

Marfie :)

Chad Hughes
02-16-2009, 08:54 PM
Hey Folks! Can you kindly take a few seconds to observe my discus (live webcam) to see if I perhaps have a pair? I'll apreciate any input from those of you who have been here before. Thx!

My lights are one from 5am to 10pm EST

Marfie :)

Hey Marfie,

I checked out your web cam. Very cool by the way. I wastched for about 20 minutes. I can't say that I see any pairing activity. Typically your pair will strongly defend an area of the tank. Typically one end or a corner. THe true pairing characteristics will be seen when they spawn. Yo'll know if they are a viable pair once the actually lay eggs and the eggs (at least some of them) hatch. Now you know that you have a male and a female and the have the capability to produce fry. Good luck and hope to hear that they are a pair! It's a lot of fun!

02-16-2009, 09:07 PM
yep, looks like pairing behaviour too me. orange female, pigeon male? Good luck!

02-17-2009, 11:13 AM
yep, looks like pairing behaviour too me. orange female, pigeon male? Good luck!

Thx! I really only got these discus to see if I can perhaps at a later date invest more money into it. I have had them for about 5 months, incident free. I really wasn't trying to breed or anything like that, just wanted to learn. However, if I do get an incidental pair.....well I guess I will have more learning to do! Thanks everyone for taking the time to see my webcam.


02-17-2009, 02:11 PM
very nice tank....... oh ya by the way, ur IP is showin on the live stream, ain't u scare ppl hacking into ur pc??? just wondering

Keep up the GOOD work wif those hottie

02-17-2009, 02:16 PM
very nice tank....... oh ya by the way, ur IP is showin on the live stream, ain't u scare ppl hacking into ur pc??? just wondering

Keep up the GOOD work wif those hottie

Of course I am bit concerned, but I will only have the site up for a week. Thx for the comment and the concern too!
