View Full Version : RSG and Penang Laid Eggs

02-17-2009, 11:00 AM
I woke up this morning to find that my RSG and Penang Eruption had laid eggs on one of the filter tubes. Can I take this filter tube and put it in a 20 gallon tank, put some Meth blue in there and see if they hatch on their own? Can the baby's then be fed liquifry and Better than Brine forumula until I can get some microworms? Can this work without the parents? Just toying around with the idea. Thanks for any input! :)

Anna :sun:

02-17-2009, 02:11 PM
Was my question too foolish to ask? Is it impossible to raise Discus without the parents even with live foods for the fry? If so, then can I put one of the parents in with the eggs into a smaller tank?


William Palumbo
02-17-2009, 02:32 PM
Hi Anna...No not foolish to say the least. For me, I never had luck raising the fry like I would my Angelfish and Killi fry. I tried the micro worms...powdered foods and Liquidfry...but with no luck in the past. I am now trying it from the advice of a fellow SD member(BIG TUCK) about building the breeding contraption that holds the fry in a coffee filter. Am not sure how to post the link. So far, with only a few fry that I put in it(am scared to put a whole spawn in yet) it seems to be working, as I have never gotten Discus fry to this size before artificially.. The main idea behind the contraption is a larger volume of water for less fouling, and a steady flow thru the coffee filter which keeps the fry in contact with the food constantly. I am using GOLDEN PEARLS from Kens fish, because the BETTER THAN BRINE is on backorder. Not that one is better than the other. After 3 or 4 days, I hatch out the San Francisco Bay brand eggs, as they are the smallest nauplii when first hatched. I never had any luck with the bowls and egg yolks like many have had on here...Bill

02-17-2009, 02:40 PM
Hi Bill,
Thanks for replying. I wonder if I could just move the intake tube that the eggs are on, into a smaller tank along with the RSG who is the main one guarding these eggs? Do you think this might work? I appreciate your feedback on your own experiences with raising the fry on your own. Also, if I do move the eggs and RSG, should I put Meth Blue in that tank to help keep the eggs from fungus or will that hurt my RSG? Thanks again for any input.

Anna :o

Hi Anna...No not foolish to say the least. For me, I never had luck raising the fry like I would my Angelfish and Killi fry. I tried the micro worms...powdered foods and Liquidfry...but with no luck in the past. I am now trying it from the advice of a fellow SD member(BIG TUCK) about building the breeding contraption that holds the fry in a coffee filter. Am not sure how to post the link. So far, with only a few fry that I put in it(am scared to put a whole spawn in yet) it seems to be working, as I have never gotten Discus fry to this size before artificially.. The main idea behind the contraption is a larger volume of water for less fouling, and a steady flow thru the coffee filter which keeps the fry in contact with the food constantly. I am using GOLDEN PEARLS from Kens fish, because the BETTER THAN BRINE is on backorder. Not that one is better than the other. After 3 or 4 days, I hatch out the San Francisco Bay brand eggs, as they are the smallest nauplii when first hatched. I never had any luck with the bowls and egg yolks like many have had on here...Bill

William Palumbo
02-17-2009, 02:57 PM
Hi Anna...I have moved fish and eggs the way you want and MOST times it worked. So I would say try it. Do you feel the other one will eat the eggs? Maybe cover them? The best luck I have had making a move like the one you want to do, is usually AFTER they become wigglers, as the parents seem to go into protective mode. Personally, I do not add anything to the water for eggs, but meth. blue should be ok for your adult(S) but you will have to find out at what rate to add it. I would use it in the past for Angelfish eggs and Killi eggs, but stopped using it a never really saw a difference. A healthy egg is a healthy egg. Dead ones fungus...good ones don't. To me, less is more. Many times had fry hatch and swim out of a "cotton" ball of fungus that was all around them. All you can do is try it. If something goes wrong...they will lay eggs again...Bill

02-17-2009, 03:35 PM
Hi Bill,
The Penang who is the other adult, I'm not sure if this is another female or not? I don't think the Penang will eat the eggs as he/she hasn't so far. I figured one adult (the RSG) would be enough for the eggs/fry but I am new at this so open to suggestions.

Can you ever tell if a Discus is a male or female aside from seeing the obvious female laying eggs? In the past my RSG paired up with my Turquoise Discus and they had eggs a couple of times. This time around my Penang and RSG having been hanging out together alot and then I saw the eggs this morning. The Penang warns other fish away from the eggs occasionally, but the RSG is the one guarding them with her life. So, I was thinking maybe I should just move the RSG and eggs for now. If all else fails, I can wait for the next hatch since they seem to be laying eggs somewhat regularly. If I knew for sure if the Penang was a male, I'd put him and the RSG in a tank together, but I don't know if Penang is male or female. So much to learn! Yet I love the process! Discus truly are the most amazing fish! Thanks again for your help Bill.

Anna :sun::sun:

Hi Anna...I have moved fish and eggs the way you want and MOST times it worked. So I would say try it. Do you feel the other one will eat the eggs? Maybe cover them? The best luck I have had making a move like the one you want to do, is usually AFTER they become wigglers, as the parents seem to go into protective mode. Personally, I do not add anything to the water for eggs, but meth. blue should be ok for your adult(S) but you will have to find out at what rate to add it. I would use it in the past for Angelfish eggs and Killi eggs, but stopped using it a never really saw a difference. A healthy egg is a healthy egg. Dead ones fungus...good ones don't. To me, less is more. Many times had fry hatch and swim out of a "cotton" ball of fungus that was all around them. All you can do is try it. If something goes wrong...they will lay eggs again...Bill

William Palumbo
02-17-2009, 03:55 PM
You can try it Anna...Like you said they'll lay eggs again. As far as sexing the fish...I usually go by the finnage the most. Typically the males are the bigger, more colorful ones, though not always. My males have the larger finnage, with the trailers, tho I hear females can develope trailers as well. At any rate, one parent can and will raise the spawn. In my fishroom, most of my males are the main providers, with some pairs having to be seperated because of fighting over the brood. All you can do is try. Getting to know your fish, and keeping track of their behavior, and manipulating it to your advantage is what will make you an above average Discus keeper. Knowing what to do...and when to do it...Bill

02-17-2009, 04:04 PM
Bill, I am going to give it a try tonight when I return back home if the eggs are still there. My RSG is for sure a female as I've seen her lay the eggs and the Penang is a big beautiful fish with long finnage so maybe a male, although the RSG is a large beautiful fish with long finnage too. As you said, I need to keep an eye on them and see what happens to learn more. I'll see what happens and if something exciting happens, will post to Simply! I can't help but think they would produce some lovely Discus as they are two of the most beautiful Discus in my tank. I am however a beginner when it comes to the raising fry end of it so my skills need much polishing in that dept.! Thanks again for everything.:fish:


You can try it Anna...Like you said they'll lay eggs again. As far as sexing the fish...I usually go by the finnage the most. Typically the males are the bigger, more colorful ones, though not always. My males have the larger finnage, with the trailers, tho I hear females can develope trailers as well. At any rate, one parent can and will raise the spawn. In my fishroom, most of my males are the main providers, with some pairs having to be seperated because of fighting over the brood. All you can do is try. Getting to know your fish, and keeping track of their behavior, and manipulating it to your advantage is what will make you an above average Discus keeper. Knowing what to do...and when to do it...Bill

William Palumbo
02-17-2009, 04:17 PM
Not much to raising them Anna. The Discus pair do all the work. They feed their babies for us! We just step in when they reach a certain size and take over...Good luck with them...Bill

02-17-2009, 10:04 PM
Hi Bill,

I came home to find that even though my RSG has been guarding the eggs faithfully, a feisty Turk ate most of them! I caught him in the act! So, will have to wait for the next batch to be laid and try again then. I am looking forward to this challenge, should be fun! Thanks for your help and for being optimistic with me! :D:D

Anna :angel:

Not much to raising them Anna. The Discus pair do all the work. They feed their babies for us! We just step in when they reach a certain size and take over...Good luck with them...Bill

02-17-2009, 10:41 PM
Sounds great Anna, you got any pictures of the pair. I'd love to see them!


02-18-2009, 11:13 AM
Hi Eddie, I'm going to take pictures of my RSG and my Penang today and see if I can figure out how to upload them to the group. Otherwise I'll send them to you directly. Thanks for asking! :fish::fish:

Anna :angel:

Sounds great Anna, you got any pictures of the pair. I'd love to see them!


02-19-2009, 12:38 AM
If you end up trying to raise them artificially, there is a lot of good information within this part of the message board - Big Tuck has laid out a pretty neat option in one of his posts.

I've raised a few artifically out of hundreds, but have only had success with the few that can eat bbs right off the bat. Powdered egg yolk smeared on the sides of a bowl and such works I've heard, but I've not had much luck with it.

Looking forward to seeing the pics of your pair.