View Full Version : My Jan shipment from Kenny-pic heavy

02-20-2009, 04:30 AM
Here are some updated pics of my 5 discus I got from Kenny in January. I think I have had them for a little over a month. Ricardo, correct me if I am wrong! I love them! They each have their personalities and now everytime they see me open the freezer door, they go crazy!

Thank you Kenny for the great selection!:D:D

I have a blue scorpion ( the piggy), a domestic brown, a penang eruption, altum flora, and golden butterfly. The 2 big PBs are my original OGs!
Sorry went a little pic crazy.
Here is the thread with pics of them I think about a week after I got them.


The golden butterfly is the one that was the smallest and now has grown the most.

Please feel free to give me some input about my altum flora. I am a little worried about him, as he seems to be the only one not growing. When you see the older pics and now the newer pics, you can actually see it.

He and the penang eruption are at the bottom of the pecking order, but the altum flora is a really picky eater too. He will only eat enthusiastically if I put worms in there, and even then, when he pecks at his food he misses it 70% of the time. He's like clumsy or something LOL!

Ummh, sorry, this kinda turned into a sickness question. I just got even more concerned when I compared the old thread with these pics!

Apart from that little hick up the rest of the kids are doing fantastic.









02-20-2009, 05:17 AM
Hey there,

The fish look great! They all look fine, wouldn't be too worried about it. Some discus have bad vision, trying to peck at food and missing it. It's something that I only assume is from in-breeding. In my very first group of discus there were a few with the same problem. I found the best way to ensure they would get their food was to use a mix, beefheart or seafood. Since its a cube of food, they can actually take chunks off the cube. Back then I only bought mixes. You should try my seafood recipe. It may take a few days for them to accept it but others have found it to be instantaneously a huge hit. Might pump the Eruption and Flora up.

Again, they look great, super nice.


02-20-2009, 06:51 AM
Very nice, Kenny is the man


02-20-2009, 12:35 PM

Thank you! Don't you remember how much I bugged you about your seafood mix?! LOL! I have been using it for a few weeks now and my fish love it!! Maybe I should feed it more often. Right now, I feed it once a day before my water change, although I will reiterate that it doesn't make a mess! The rest of the million other feedings they get are a wide range of pellets, flake, red wigglers and frozen foods.
Maybe I should feed the mix more often. I like the concept of bigger chunks to help clumsy/eye sight problems!

I am just concerned about my altum flora's eye to body ratio compared to the first picture...

Maybe I am overanalyzing this :o

02-20-2009, 12:37 PM
Congrats! They look great! Thanks for sharing :D

02-20-2009, 01:38 PM
You have some nice fish there. They seem to be doing really well. Their shapes and colors are good too. Keep up the good work.

02-20-2009, 02:17 PM
The bad eyesight problem is a pain ...

I have 3 that have that, including 2 I got from Kenny's Feb shipment. They are eating fine, but it takes 4-5 times the effort of the other fish. I'm slowly using a mix as well, since it's easier for them to eat, but I also make sure to drop more FBW in the are of the tank they are, so when it hits the bottom there's a big number of worms and they aim for one piece and end up eating another! :D

I might actually start a separate thread on the eyesight problem. Because 2 of my fish has no problem eating from the surface (flakes) or while is floating mid level (everything else), but has a very hard time eating from the bottom. My tank is bare bottom with insulation material touching the bottom. I'm not sure if they see reflection or something like that. That's a topic to another discussion ...

02-20-2009, 04:19 PM
LOL! I think it is so funny ( well, not really)! I guess anything with eyes can have eye sight problems right?!

I will try to concentrate more food around his area too to increase the chances fo him getting something! He goes absolutely crazy for FBW and CBW, although I am a little worried about the CBWs because last time I ordered some, my female PB got an internal bacterial infection ( that cleared up great with KANAPLEX). Right now I am ruling it as coincidence. I am currently giving them CBW right before bed time ( no mess). I keep my fingers crossed that everything will be fine.:)

Should we consider them special needs fishies?;)

02-20-2009, 04:32 PM
LOL! I think it is so funny ( well, not really)! I guess anything with eyes can have eye sight problems right?!

I will try to concentrate more food around his area too to increase the chances fo him getting something! He goes absolutely crazy for FBW and CBW, although I am a little worried about the CBWs because last time I ordered some, my female PB got an internal bacterial infection ( that cleared up great with KANAPLEX). Right now I am ruling it as coincidence. I am currently giving them CBW right before bed time ( no mess). I keep my fingers crossed that everything will be fine.:)

Should we consider them special needs fishies?;)
I think it's frustrating when one of these fish tries 5-6 times, then another fish comes and eat it right under their nose! :mad:

I don't feed CBW due to fear of disease. I tried it once and couldn't keep it clear enough. Most of it ended up in the toilete ... I think it's too expensive of a food, honestly.

02-20-2009, 04:46 PM
Yeah, keeping those CBW clean is a pain in the ****. I cave in and buy it because they go soooooo crazy for them. So my I know for sure my picky eaters ( the ones who will only eat worms!) are getting good calories.

My husband's fish eat them too and our turtle, so a shipment gets eaten pretty fast! We decided we would only order them once every couple of months at the most, because you are right, it is really expensive.

You know, this eye problem is interesting, because I think my altum flora moves his eyes weird too. Kind of like a little robot, when he is searching for food. One eye at a time. Does that make sense?:confused:
I haven't noticed that on my other fish.

02-20-2009, 04:53 PM
Yeah, keeping those CBW clean is a pain in the ****. I cave in and buy it because they go soooooo crazy for them. So my I know for sure my picky eaters ( the ones who will only eat worms!) are getting good calories.

My husband's fish eat them too and our turtle, so a shipment gets eaten pretty fast! We decided we would only order them once every couple of months at the most, because you are right, it is really expensive.

You know, this eye problem is interesting, because I think my altum flora moves his eyes weird too. Kind of like a little robot, when he is searching for food. One eye at a time. Does that make sense?:confused:
I haven't noticed that on my other fish.
Picky eaters is another reason I decided to stay away from CBW. They started to stop eating other foods, even though I was only feeding CBW once a day. Picky eaters are a pain. At one point in time, all my fish were eating flakes. Then I got red wigglers and beefheart mix introduced and now only a few eat flakes ... :mad:

I never noticed weird eye movements. Let me pay some more attention. I'm not too worried, cause one of the fish from kenny is around 4.5" and has good eye/body ratio, so he's not stunted. If he got to this size with this eyesight problem, he should be alright. It's just annoying to me.

02-20-2009, 07:27 PM
looking good Julie. some of them have grown considerably. today is exactly a month since we recieved them and i also wanted to post a monthly update but unfortunately my computer crashed and i can't do anything right now. it's a good thing i get internet access at work though which i am about to leave :D. i'll just take the pics and post them at a further date. keep up the good work

02-20-2009, 08:18 PM

Thank you! Don't you remember how much I bugged you about your seafood mix?! LOL! I have been using it for a few weeks now and my fish love it!! Maybe I should feed it more often. Right now, I feed it once a day before my water change, although I will reiterate that it doesn't make a mess! The rest of the million other feedings they get are a wide range of pellets, flake, red wigglers and frozen foods.
Maybe I should feed the mix more often. I like the concept of bigger chunks to help clumsy/eye sight problems!

I am just concerned about my altum flora's eye to body ratio compared to the first picture...

Maybe I am overanalyzing this :o

Hi Julie, totally forgot about the mix. LOL I've been so busy revising for a test so now I can probably get my head on straight, test is over.

Yeah, they look super nice. I'd definitely up the mix, it's alot better for them IMO.

Keep up the great work!


02-21-2009, 07:36 PM
Hi Ricardo- Thank you! I am finally enjoying them after all my water problems! They are now in water that is 2/3 RO, 1/3 tap w/prime and definitely much happier!
While I was waiting for my RO unit to come in I would go by 30 gallons of RO water almost every day, it was getting really expensive! But as of a few days ago, I have my unit up and running, although I need to set it up a little better.
Can't wait to see your fish! I loved your video!

02-21-2009, 08:49 PM
Hi Ricardo- Thank you! I am finally enjoying them after all my water problems! They are now in water that is 2/3 RO, 1/3 tap w/prime and definitely much happier!
While I was waiting for my RO unit to come in I would go by 30 gallons of RO water almost every day, it was getting really expensive! But as of a few days ago, I have my unit up and running, although I need to set it up a little better.
Can't wait to see your fish! I loved your video!

wish it was that easy, my laptop needs a new hard drive which is a PITA for sure. also, my brother's computer got a trojan virus which was my second option to upload the pics. i have the pics on the camera though. hopefully i get the laptops up and runnning soon, i'm at a family part on their internet ;)

02-21-2009, 08:53 PM
Wow Julie, they look great! It's unfortunate about that one fish having problems eating because I have the same issue with one of my fishes.

I really like your domestic brown and penang eruption. I think after these fish are done with their juvenile stage I'll go for a batch of those.

02-21-2009, 09:28 PM
Thanks Casper! Yeah, that feeding thing is annoying! How are your other fish doing? You had gotten red Melons and Tigersnakes rgiht?

02-21-2009, 09:44 PM
Thanks Casper! Yeah, that feeding thing is annoying! How are your other fish doing? You had gotten red Melons and Tigersnakes rgiht?

he got carnations if i'm not mistaken

02-22-2009, 12:16 AM
Oh yeah, Ricardo, You're right!

02-22-2009, 06:18 AM
The bad eyesight problem is a pain ...Because 2 of my fish has no problem eating from the surface (flakes) or while is floating mid level (everything else), but has a very hard time eating from the bottom...

Maybe they wear bifocals.lol:crazy::rolleyes2:
