View Full Version : hobbyist breeders

02-25-2009, 03:24 AM
I was just wondering what peoples experiances are as hobbyist breeders. If this is an innaproapriate question I apologise, but I was wondering if being a hobbyist breeder is lucrative, or if it's more of a love of the hobby thing where the money you make goes right back into it. No reason for this question, just something I was thinking about and wanted to know some experiances from people who do it. If you don't mind answering, but would rather do it more privately- go ahead and send me a pm. Thanks, and sorry to anyone that thinks this is an innapropriate question.


Chad Hughes
02-25-2009, 09:56 AM

My experience is that you have to have your heart in it AND you have to have a real job.

I love discus, but it's a hobby. I cannot devote enought time or money to establish a facility that can produce thousands of new discus fish every month. That's pretty much what it would take for me to make the money I do with my real job. As much as I would love to stay home and breed discus all day long, I can't see making 6 figures that way.

Anyway, my discus breed frequently enough that I decided to add on to my home and build a large fish room. This allows me to still breed on the hobby level, but not require my undevided attention. I still have to pay my bills!

Basically all the money that I make through discus sales goes right back in to supplies and new stock. Hope this answers your question!

William Palumbo
02-25-2009, 11:28 AM
I think when I first started and really got hooked in the Discus, I always thought if I could breed them I would be rich! But then reality sets in, and then you are happy to make just enough to help pay for the hobby and electric bill...which is where I am at today. A lot of times you can't sell Discus babies like you would think. So you have to hold them...feed them...waterchange them...use electric on them...at times it seems like all I'm doing is chasing my money with them. You had BETTER be in it for the love of the fish first and foremost. Anything else, including money...is a bonus...Bill

02-25-2009, 11:51 AM
Blake, just to add my 2 cents worth......Discus was the big thing back in the Jack Wattley days, with few domestic breeders and a big demand. But breeding discus took very well in just about every country, so competition made the market even. Nowdays, domestic breeders in the USA cannot compete against places like Malasia & Thailand, where labor is cheap, land is plenty and so is excellent natural free water to make volume water changes while raising fish by the zillions...that's why so many varieties are imported.

Do it for the fun & hobby, but don't expect to make a lot of money, if any, selling $35-50 fish. If you have hopes of making a buck, you might try your luck at other fish like frontosas, zebra plecos or flowerhorns, which would give you a better markup. Good luck. :D

02-25-2009, 12:50 PM
Thanks guys. I was mostly hoping to hear someone say that it helps pay for the hobby. I would never consider just raising discus as my sole job. But I am going to school to be a teacher, which means summers off. Lots of time for the discus hobby in the summer. Keeping fish is something that I love, and if raising discus gives you enough money to keep the hobby going, it sounds great to me. Might be a fun job to have in retirement also. Thanks for the replys guys.

02-25-2009, 04:31 PM
I think if any hobbiest breeder can break even in the USA they are doing well.


02-25-2009, 04:53 PM
I use to make a little profit with my fish...not enough to interest the IRS....but a profit...LOL. Now I use to produce about 6000 discus a year for sale. I did this with seven 29 gallon tanks, two 120 gallon tanks, and four 75 gallon tanks. If you can maintain that type of output then you can pay all of your expenses (including the trip to the ACA) and still have a little left over.....


02-25-2009, 05:02 PM
The way to get alittle money at breeding is to start with alot of money. you will end up with just a little money. discus keeping is a hole in the floor you keep tossing money in.. only reason to breed is so you can keep a bunch of fish and to get alittle money from that to help pay for the habbit..

02-25-2009, 05:08 PM
The way to get alittle money at breeding is to start with alot of money. you will end up with just a little money. discus keeping is a hole in the floor you keep tossing money in.. only reason to breed is so you can keep a bunch of fish and to get alittle money from that to help pay for the habbit..

Oh dear, so true! Now and again I think, `there - now I have everything I need.' LOL That idea doesn't last long!

02-25-2009, 05:59 PM

Basically all the money that I make through discus sales goes right back in to supplies and new stock. Hope this answers your question!

I am in the same situation, when I sell some discus, I will use to money plus part of my salary to buy some new stock and new supplies.
I need to pay electricity bills with the salary from my real job, you know, in MA, how code it's during the winter, and winter in MA is so long!

02-25-2009, 06:03 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone. Sounds like it's no different than anything else in the aquarium hobby. I already find myself spending all sorts of money that I don't have, as well as buying new tanks to make room for things that I don't need (even though I may think I do). At the end of the day, i'm always happy, though. I suppose that's all a guy can ask for.


Chad Hughes
02-25-2009, 06:10 PM
I couldn't have said it better! Just keep that tucked in the back of your mind!

02-25-2009, 06:33 PM
Another thought is:
if there is NO local hobbyist breeders in US, the price of imported discus will JUMP!

Just my two cents.

Chad Hughes
02-25-2009, 07:01 PM
Good point. A monopoly would definately give theman edge on the market!

Darren's Discus
02-25-2009, 07:07 PM
I think when I first started and really got hooked in the Discus, I always thought if I could breed them I would be rich! But then reality sets in, and then you are happy to make just enough to help pay for the hobby and electric bill...which is where I am at today. A lot of times you can't sell Discus babies like you would think. So you have to hold them...feed them...waterchange them...use electric on them...at times it seems like all I'm doing is chasing my money with them. You had BETTER be in it for the love of the fish first and foremost. Anything else, including money...is a bonus...Bill

Well said.
