View Full Version : Discus not eating

02-26-2009, 10:35 PM
Well, I have 3 discus pairs. I used to have them in a 100 gallon aquarium but have now separated them into smaller tanks. One fish does not eat at all. I have tried everything. Different kinds of flake food, different kinds of pellets, frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms, baby earthworms, ghost shrimp, and beef heart. I feed a mix of different things 4 times a day and while they all don't eat all the things I put in, they usually eat 3 out of 4 meals. I don't think she's sick because she doesn't act sick and all of the other fish act fine. Her mate is also fine and eating like a pig. I raised their water to 32 degrees. I can't get it higher without using a bigger heater, but I do have a bigger one available if that will help. Is there anything I can do to get her eating? I bought some mollies and hope someone will have babies soon so I can try that, but I'm out of ideas. I don't want her to starve to death, but I don't know what else I can do. I change 50% of the water every day. The ph is 6 and the gh is 3. She hasn't eaten since i've had her which has been 3 weeks. I honestly don't know how she's still alive, but I'm getting pretty desperate! Please help!!

02-26-2009, 11:38 PM

Sorry to hear about your stubborn eater. I really wish I could help you but seeing as you tried everything I have ever tried, it's probably not going to make difference.

You turned the temp up, thats good. Have you tried live foods, like CBW or white worms, live brine shrimp. There was another poster on here earlier that fed live foods when their fish went off their food and it worked.

I've only had an instance where a fish didn't eat for a month and it didn't make it. Nothing worked and I tried everything. Sometimes, you can only wait it out and let the fish do what it is going to do.

Hopefully it will take something. I wish the best for you


02-27-2009, 12:53 AM
Thank you for the fast reply. Live foods here, (Korea), are hard to come by. There was a place that had baby guppies, but when I went yesterday they were out. I wish I could find some black worms, but I haven't had any luck at all. I did just now get some other worm cultures, but they're pretty small the biggest being grindal worms. Are they too small to try? I will go buy some maggots today, but I am really dreading that. I can do earthworms, but maggots are just... I'm currently trying to grow out some brine shrimp. It's been 3 days and they're still alive so I'm hoping they'll grow big enough to eat soon. I'll also order some white worms. I've seen a couple of places that will ship those to Korea, but it'll take over a week so I fear they will get here too late. How about wax worms? Do discus eat those? I'm reluctant to buy them because we used to feed them to my arowana and I think some escaped and turned into moths. A half a year later, and a move to a new city and we're still finding moths!

02-27-2009, 01:41 AM
I can't help with those foods as I do not feed live foods at all.

The other thing you can do is add a garlic supplement to maybe entice the the fish to eat. I heard of some people using it with some good success. I don't know exactly which product but I would do a search. Might give it a try. I think something like garlic extract. :o


02-27-2009, 06:34 PM
I noticed that you are in Japan. Do you happen to know of anyone who could send some black worms to me over here in Korea?

02-27-2009, 06:57 PM
I noticed that you are in Japan. Do you happen to know of anyone who could send some black worms to me over here in Korea?

LOL, sorry, wish I could.

I wouldn't even know how to ask for them. Personally, with the abundance of fish here in the pacific, I would be making my own seafood mixes if I were you. They are very easy to make.

Best of luck

02-28-2009, 09:29 PM
Well, it looks as though she may pull through! I'm still a little worried because all she has eaten are the ghost shrimp, but at least it's something! I put 6 in there yesterday and saw her eat 3 right away. When I came this morning, only one was left. The male didn't seem interested in them at all, so I'm hoping she was the one who ate them. Let's see how this week goes. She'll either stop eating again and die, or she'll keep eating and hopefully start eating more than just the shrimp. I'll keep looking for a place for worms.

02-28-2009, 11:50 PM
Well, it looks as though she may pull through! I'm still a little worried because all she has eaten are the ghost shrimp, but at least it's something! I put 6 in there yesterday and saw her eat 3 right away. When I came this morning, only one was left. The male didn't seem interested in them at all, so I'm hoping she was the one who ate them. Let's see how this week goes. She'll either stop eating again and die, or she'll keep eating and hopefully start eating more than just the shrimp. I'll keep looking for a place for worms.

Well, at least she ate something. I'd definitely keep trying. If she ate, her metabolism kicked in so maybe she'll be hungry again soon.

Best of luck