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View Full Version : Filtration question

03-01-2009, 10:32 AM
I have kept fish for many years, but just started keeping Discus, and I see that I have much to learn. My main question is about filtration. I have a 75 gal. planted, drilled tank with 125 gal rated wet dry filter w/mag7 pump. I have a great deal of flow out of a single discharge, which I have drilled multiple holes in trying to cut back on such a concentrated surge of return flow. I have tried bouncing the flow off different walls of the tank, but I still have enough that the fish semi avoid it. Also, I have a slight cloudiness to the water (not much, just enough to be annoying). I thought about adding a canister filter to help remove the cloudiness, but then I would be adding more turbulence to the tank.

Tank spec's

(6)- 2.5"-3.5" discus
(3)- yo-yo's (2"-3")
(1)- clown pleco (3")
(2)- leopard cory cats(1.5"-2")

75 gal. planted, drilled tank with 125 gal rated wet dry filter w/mag7 pmp.

water parameters are

ph-constant 7.6
water hardness-120ppm

Any advice would be appreciated

03-01-2009, 11:14 AM
fish that size shouldn't be kept in a planted tank. they will not grow to full size. they should be grown out in a bare bottom tank then put in the planted tank..

03-01-2009, 11:37 AM
I appreciate the advice, and I'll consider it, but my question was really concerning the filtration. I have thought about going bb, but I haven't made that decision yet.

Thanks for your response

Darrell Ward
03-01-2009, 12:31 PM
Put a tee in your return line, and split it into 2 returns, or make a spray bar. This will cut down on your turbulence.

03-01-2009, 01:05 PM
The return comes out of a bulkhead running lenght wise of the tank (short).