View Full Version : Looking to see what this guy may look like...

03-02-2009, 02:08 AM
This picture was when I first got him. I don't have any recent pictures but he looks exactly the same, just bigger. I got him New Years Eve at about 2.5" TL and he is now pushing 4.5" TL at the very least and has rounded out nicely. He is my fastest grower and biggest eater. He came from an Eruption pair that had Leopard Genes. The Eruption pair belonged to Chris. The one thing I'm confused about is what he is going to look like. He only has 9 bars so he is definitely not Eruption but I've seen younger Leopards and they have patterns at a young age. Does anyone have any before/after pictures of something similar? I'm really anxious as to what he is going to look like... :confused:

http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp151/anthonyporkchop/th_DSC00405.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/albums/pp151/anthonyporkchop/?action=view&current=DSC00405.jpg)


03-02-2009, 09:09 AM
No expert here, but he reminds me of a Brown crossed with something... he's pretty none-the-less. :)

William Palumbo
03-02-2009, 09:31 AM
Hi Anthony...I think like what was stated above by FLGirl...it's just going to be a brown based fish. I don't think you'll see any sudden burst of markings or patterns, but the overall body may turn redder and deeper, especially if fed Tetrabits. I would think Chris would have a better idea, since that is a throwback from his pair...Bill

03-02-2009, 11:42 AM
Chris told me that he would look like more of a leopard but that's what I'm having a hard time believing. His patter has gone down more into the body from the top but not much. Well, I'm guessing he just may look the same but a little nicer then. I will keep this thread and post pictures a few months from now. Hopefully, I will shock every one :p


03-02-2009, 06:29 PM
Hey Anthony, thats a very nice little fish no matter what. I would take him so if you don;t want him, you know you have a taker! LOL

He may have leopard genes but he does not display any leopard pattern. Even at a young age you can see spotting. Maybe when he is full grown, he will get 1 or 2 spots but nothing like a true leopard.

Any ways, like I said, I definitely like him. I see that his belly is full, keep it that way. ;)


03-02-2009, 11:49 PM
Hey Anthony, thats a very nice little fish no matter what. I would take him so if you don;t want him, you know you have a taker! LOL

He may have leopard genes but he does not display any leopard pattern. Even at a young age you can see spotting. Maybe when he is full grown, he will get 1 or 2 spots but nothing like a true leopard.

Any ways, like I said, I definitely like him. I see that his belly is full, keep it that way. ;)


Eddie, that pic of him was when I first got him, you should see him now :D He has a little bit more of the pattern between the eye and the dorsal fin. It does on an angle I guess you could say.

He has grown SO much and is the fastest grower in my tank. His body is so thick! I have some other fish that took a while before there body filled in nicely and he has always had a thick body, even at a young age. He is the first one to the food and the last to eat. He is probably the only one in my tank that eats anything I put in.

I will post a pic soon...I don't want to give away the middle picture. I rather show a "then and now" picture. :p

It's still hard to believe he came from an Eruption pair...


03-04-2009, 01:43 AM
Anyone else have any input as to what he may look like?


03-05-2009, 03:22 PM
I have seen small rose reds that looked like that but to tell what it might be even an expert would have a hard time. I have seen baby discus change their look completely over time and you'd never believe its the same fish, so hope for the best. :)

03-05-2009, 05:06 PM
I have Alenquers that are the same size and they have yet to color up besides the dorsal and anal fins (have red and blue) with a faint of blue striations on the face but that's it. They are still pretty much brown.

Whether this guy changes or not, he is still an awesome Discus. He is so big now and growing so fast. As I said above, he has rounded out nicely and even at young age, it's almost like his eyes are flush with his body. It's a great feeling! I'm still having a hard time believing he came from an Eruption pair lol.