View Full Version : gloves

03-02-2009, 07:12 PM
Hey everyone, I sliced the palm of my hand open on a piece of metal, and I have a deep cut. I'd like to still be able to work in my tank without having to worry about it. Does anyone know of any full sleeve gloves that are good for working in the aquarium? Are their any materials I should stay away from (latex, ect?) Any advice, or words of sympothy are accepted :D

As if not being able to work in my tank isn't enough, I also have a basketball game tonight! Stupid sharp edges! :angry:


03-02-2009, 07:13 PM
Hey everyone, I sliced the palm of my hand open on a piece of metal, and I have a deep cut. I'd like to still be able to work in my tank without having to worry about it. Does anyone know of any full sleeve gloves that are good for working in the aquarium? Are their any materials I should stay away from (latex, ect?) Any advice, or words of sympothy are accepted :D

As if not being able to work in my tank isn't enough, I also have a basketball game tonight! Stupid sharp edges! :angry:


Dude, I'd just pretend that my arm is broke and do everything with one arm. :D


03-02-2009, 07:16 PM
Look you the reef guys. They have full lenght gloves....I have scars from corals because I didn't wear them

03-02-2009, 07:17 PM
Bummer on the hand..hope you heal well and quick..definetly keep it out of the tank water unless you have a glove...Infections set in fast on a bad cut.

take a look at something like this..



03-02-2009, 07:19 PM
Those are some pretty nifty gloves Al, might have to get me a pair!


03-02-2009, 07:27 PM
Hi Eddie,
I slice my hand open bad once rock climbing a few years ago, and had some stitches that I needed to really protect....had a pair of gloves similar to those...Not something I use here now.:)

take care,

03-02-2009, 07:33 PM
Hi Eddie,
I slice my hand open bad once rock climbing a few years ago, and had some stitches that I needed to really protect....had a pair of gloves similar to those...Not something I use here now.:)

take care,


My hands get really bad dry skin in the winter and keeping my hands under water doesn't help. Those gloves could definitely help out. I appreciate the link.


above design
03-02-2009, 07:34 PM
I had to get a pair of those gloves because of skin allergies. They work great keeping your hands dry.


03-03-2009, 01:08 AM
Thanks guys. I'll have to get a pair of those. I help out at my LFS and my hands are in and out of tanks all day. Not only am I worried about infections, but a lot of those tanks are very salted. Any open cut burns like heck.


P.S. In case anyone was wondering we won our basketball game ;)

03-03-2009, 01:25 AM
Thanks guys. I'll have to get a pair of those. I help out at my LFS and my hands are in and out of tanks all day. Not only am I worried about infections, but a lot of those tanks are very salted. Any open cut burns like heck.


P.S. In case anyone was wondering we won our basketball game ;)

Dang Blake, if you can play basketball, you can definitely clean your tank!

Congrats on winning the game,

03-03-2009, 01:49 AM
Thanks Eddie,
But I think that the gauze and tape holds up a little better during a basketball game than under the water :) But with a nice pair of gloves I should be back in business.


03-03-2009, 08:47 AM
Open wounds definitely should be covered when working in fish tanks. You can get anything from Impetigo to Mycobacterium infections. If the cut is on your hand, simple latex gloves (without lubricant) work very well, are much cheaper, and disposable.

03-03-2009, 03:46 PM
Definitely better to be safe than sorry. A friend developed a granuloma from a Mycobacterium infection and it was a nasty looking lump that took forever to get rid of.


03-03-2009, 03:51 PM
I use the Aqua gloves,did on my reef tank too. They are very good, just don't get your hand wet at all and put it in the glove, they stay wet forever when water gets inside, otherwise they are perfect.

03-03-2009, 05:27 PM
Definitely better to be safe than sorry. A friend developed a granuloma from a Mycobacterium infection and it was a nasty looking lump that took forever to get rid of.


And Fish TB can do wierd things to your hands if it gets in too...