View Full Version : OH MY GOSH- I HAVE EGGS!!!

03-02-2009, 08:32 PM
For those of you that have been following the soap opera that is happening in my tank, otherwise known As The Tank Turns, there having been incredible developments. Here is the original thread on how all of this started:


Here are the eggs. I'm assuming that there is no hope for the eggs since they are on the heater. I did turn it off and cranked up the other one a little higher.






The male and the other similar PB used to be paired up and were my original 2 discus I got in November. The other 5 are from Kenny's January shipment.

Again, bummed this beautiful domestic brown paired up with this guy, but I guess she and the blue scorpion female felt otherwise ( makes sense if you read the original thread :D)

Now the whole drama makes sense.

03-02-2009, 08:52 PM
i bet your loving that RO unit now huh Julie?

03-02-2009, 08:55 PM
Best investment ever! :D

03-02-2009, 09:09 PM
Wow Julie, you had them fish for what....a month or 2! They grew and bred in that time. Thats amazing! That brown is a beauty.


03-02-2009, 09:26 PM
Hey Congrats. I am glad it all worked out for you.

03-02-2009, 09:54 PM
Nice fish and nice pics - good luck with them!

Is that a Penang Eruption in that tank?? I absolutely LOVE the looks of those fish!


03-02-2009, 10:18 PM
Congrats, Julie! I love that brown. :) 'Bout time to get them into their own tank, eh?

03-02-2009, 10:40 PM
:sun:Great pictures! I know the excitement you feel when they lay eggs! It is quite a joy to see. Good luck! Beautiful Discus by the way!;)


03-02-2009, 11:01 PM
Congrats. Now the fun part. Waiting for wrigglers.


White Worm
03-02-2009, 11:50 PM
If I were you, I would place those heaters near the bottom of the tank horizontally and provide them with a proper breeding cone or post. Congrats. Its funny how you can see the rest of the discus keeping their distance from the two love birds....uh love fish?

03-03-2009, 02:25 AM
Eddie- I think it is because of the awesome quality Forrest/ Kenny provide. I think it also made them more forgiving to my mistakes ie- water issues I had at first, but once they were in ro/tap water they were happy as clams. Your mix has been a really big factor too!

cschwaderer- YES! The Penang Eruption should be the next one in line to reach sexual maturity, so I am praying it will be a male. He is not very high in the pecking order so I hope it won't affect his growth too much. I need a good male in that tank. I have 2 females for sure (blue scorpion, domestic brown), and 1 most likely female PB ( she used to be paired with the male PB). Evryone else is unknown...

white worm- I should have totally done that. I had even read about that a while back! It just happened so fast. 2 days ago, the blue scorpion was the one who was going to lay eggs and she was doing runs on the glass. Then the male PB decided he liked the domestic brown better, and here we are now!

I think all the eggs are turning white anyways so not much hope, but at least it will give me time to get better prepared for next time!

Definitely really exciting and rewarding that my fish are happy enough to want to spawn, and fight over boys, for that matter! LOL

Chad Hughes
03-03-2009, 10:24 AM
Eddie- I think it is because of the awesome quality Forrest/ Kenny provide. I think it also made them more forgiving to my mistakes ie- water issues I had at first, but once they were in ro/tap water they were happy as clams. Your mix has been a really big factor too!

cschwaderer- YES! The Penang Eruption should be the next one in line to reach sexual maturity, so I am praying it will be a male. He is not very high in the pecking order so I hope it won't affect his growth too much. I need a good male in that tank. I have 2 females for sure (blue scorpion, domestic brown), and 1 most likely female PB ( she used to be paired with the male PB). Evryone else is unknown...

white worm- I should have totally done that. I had even read about that a while back! It just happened so fast. 2 days ago, the blue scorpion was the one who was going to lay eggs and she was doing runs on the glass. Then the male PB decided he liked the domestic brown better, and here we are now!

I think all the eggs are turning white anyways so not much hope, but at least it will give me time to get better prepared for next time!

Definitely really exciting and rewarding that my fish are happy enough to want to spawn, and fight over boys, for that matter! LOL

You can't beat RO water for breeding! It's the way to go! Great job! Beautiful!!

03-03-2009, 12:32 PM
Congratulations Julie! The best of success with them!... Now you too are hopelessly sucked into this hobby! :thumbsup:

03-06-2009, 04:14 AM
Update: Well to my surprise the eggs made it until tonight. I don't think they were fertilized because almost all of them were white and maybe a dozen stayed amber color. I went to class tonight and when I got home my husband said the female was eating all the eggs. Myabe she finally realized they were bad?

I have to say eventhough I am not too thrilled about my domestic brown having paired up with the male PB, he has turned out to be a great dad. This guy was fanning his eggs none stop, never taking any breaks.
I was using a thin plastic airline tube to suck up the poop on his side as to not disturb the water around the eggs and he would full on attack my hand! No Fear!

The HUGE sponge filter has turned out to be quite handy because it gave the pair some privacy and no one other discus even dared to go on the other side of it!

I guess the one thing I am bummed about is that I read that once females start to lay eggs they stop growing. Is that true? She's not that big yet, I've only hda her for 1.5 months...

Chad Hughes
03-06-2009, 10:01 AM
Females are ypically a bit smaller than males. The female will likely still grow, just slowly.

Best wishes!

03-09-2009, 03:12 PM
Thanks Chad, at least she will still grow. I guess this breeding thing is a double edge sword! LOL

Well, we are now at round 2 of eggs... A very small number ( about 50 of them), probably because it was so close to the last spawn. They haven't turned white yet and it has been over 36 hrs since they have laid them. We are improving.

They are still amber color though so I don't know if they will be any good!

Chad Hughes
03-09-2009, 05:55 PM
Well, as long as they have not turned whit, you are still in the clear. Hope this one works out for you! If not, they will spawn manymore times. They'll get it right eventually.

Best wishes!

03-10-2009, 12:18 PM
Came home from school last night and the eggs were gone1 what really bugs me is that it keeps happening when I am not home and my husband swears that he and the kids weren't going anywhere near the aquarium.

I think I am going to cover the sides, in case that has anything to do with it.


Chad Hughes
03-10-2009, 12:30 PM
They are still trying.. You'll have to be patient. I would try covering the eggs on the next spawn to see if you have fertile eggs.

Best wishes!