View Full Version : Ack...two pairs laying at same time!

03-04-2009, 08:51 PM
It must be in the water :spit:

I currently have two tanks. In one we put what we thought was a pair..after a couple of weeks and not even a jitter, we put them back in the display. I noticed that each Discus of the "pair" were flaunting with another Discus. So, we put one new "pair" into the breeding tank, and planned on getting another tank this weekend. The display currently holds 6 Discus (2 are paired).

So, (are you following me!) This evening I went downstairs to watch some tv and watched in awe as both pairs were laying at the same time.

The problem now is seperating the four out of the Display without harm to the babies. I ran out and bought a divider but the dad swam on the wrong side so I had to remove it..will have to wait till my husband comes home tonight to help!

I wonder what the babies will look like (if they are even viable at all).
I have a Colbalt Blue and Snow White pair, and then a High Body LSS and a Snow White. Our initial mistake came when we took out the wrong Snow White with the LSS - he was interested in the other one - who of course was a female :o

03-05-2009, 12:29 AM
Sounds like your having fun! Congratulations on the spawning's and i hope things work out, but at any rate it will be interesting to see what the fry will look like. Please post some pictures we love pictures of Discus!....

Good luck!:thumbsup:

Chad Hughes
03-05-2009, 12:03 PM
Awesome! I have the same luck with pairs deciding they all wat to spawn at the same time.

How old are they? Just to put you a bit at ease in regards to urgency, it's rare that first spawns are viable. Sure, they are laying eggs, but are they fertilizing? If they are, is the male fertile? You won't know until about 50 hours from now. If they all turn white, the pair is still young and just making test runs for the big event! If they don't turn white you are in for a fry ride!

That being said, there are some that hit the nail on the head the first time and have spawns that result in fry.

I wish you all the best! PICTURES!! :) We love pictures!

03-05-2009, 06:00 PM
This is the second clutch for my LSS/Snow White. The first clutch was immediately removed by the dad.

But it's the first clutch for the Blue Colbalt/Snow White pair..who seem to be doing fine so far.

There are a couple of eggs that have turned white so far...and there are some that are starting to be darker than others.

Chad Hughes
03-05-2009, 06:12 PM
Great! Best of luck! Be patient and maybe get some more tanks?? LOL!

03-05-2009, 06:20 PM
We ran out and got another 45 this morning. So in total:
1 x 90g Discus Display
2 x 45g Discus Breeding tanks

1 x 27g Nano Reef (downgraded because of layoff)
1 x 10g Betta Tank

Chad Hughes
03-05-2009, 06:28 PM
Well done!

03-05-2009, 07:03 PM
:D:D congratulations:D:D

I think that may be why alot of people here tend to advise leaving them all together until the breeding actually starts so they are sure that it is a real pair.

Best of Luck with it...


03-06-2009, 02:50 AM
got any pics? i love to see mix matched pairs and their offspring. i love trying to guess what they're going to look like.