View Full Version : Driftwood gone bad....

03-15-2009, 01:20 PM
I was at a local petshop the other day and saw 2 pieces of wood that looked excellent and asked more about them. The owner replied that the wood comes from B.C. and that they were excellent for fish tanks and he just got em in. Well i stuck them in a tank that has a rainbow and some tetra's before puttin em in with my disc's and two days later noticed they had a transparent white film on 50% of the wood so i ripped em out. This wood is not the normal dark brown drift that shops sell, it is light brown and has alot of arms running off of it. Does anyone have any experience with this type of wood?? Should i just take it back?

03-15-2009, 01:56 PM
Your wood is not bad. I have found that any type of wood that is not completely aged or dried out gets that slimey white film on it. It is still leeching out and needs to age more. I have boiled and even baked wood in the oven before and it helped. You could even leave it out in the sun for a long time but could take months I guess. The white slime never hurt any of my fish. I used to wipe it off every few weeks but eventually grew tired of that.


03-15-2009, 02:11 PM
Mine is doing the same thing. I got 3 bn's and they are cleaning it for me. Since I got them I hardly see anymore.

03-15-2009, 02:30 PM
Yes, like the others said, there's nothing wrong with your wood, its perfectly normal to get that film on it. I have BNs too and they seem to keep it clean, but I also think that since its been in my tank for quite awhile now, the film is no longer developing.

White Worm
03-15-2009, 04:26 PM
BN's are the way to go. Great for discus and drift wood.

03-15-2009, 06:42 PM
Hi... I've had the white slimey stuff on several pieces of new wood in the past... It's not harmful to the fish... in fact as mentioned some eat it. I was told it's because the wood is new/sterile when put in the tank and as the wood ages you will not get this any more.. I just wipe it off with a toothbrush and after a while it no longer comes back.. I would not worry about it at all.. HTH Sue:D

03-15-2009, 11:15 PM
Thanks for the replies