View Full Version : I installed this and WOW does it work!

Greg Richardson
03-16-2009, 02:24 AM
Wanted to share my blessing with you!

From Iobit what they give you to email others...............

Advanced SystemCare -- at www.iobit.com. It heals and speeds up my PC in just 1 click, so that I do not have to re-install my Windows or purchase a new computer. It is the simplest way to protect, clean, repair, and optimize my PC. I also find that it can scan and fix what other tools miss. I really like it and best of all, it is completely free. They do not insert adware to your PC and they do not spy on you. Advanced SystemCare has received very positive reviews from publications such as Forbes, CNET and PC Magazine. It will keep your PC error-free and running smoother than ever. You can download it for free at http://www.iobit.com/advancedwindowscareper.html

03-16-2009, 08:32 AM
So, what did the tool do for you and what problems did the tool fix on your PC? Just wondering ...

Greg Richardson
03-16-2009, 01:31 PM
A bunch of registry problems which unless you are an expert shouldn't touch.
Privacy issues.
Cleaned it up real well. Clone files exsposed. Better defrag.
You really need to explore the tool to see all the benefits.
I have tried out a lot of products some paid as well as free.
This is the best tool amongst them and it's free on top of that.

William Palumbo
03-16-2009, 05:38 PM
Hi Greg...I installed it and could not believe all the errors I had! Registry errors, security errors...everything errors. PC seems to be running better so far, Thanks for the link...Bill

Greg Richardson
03-16-2009, 09:46 PM
Bill. Yep. Same thing here. And I've had some of the other so called cleaners on. Now I have this and Avast for my virus protection.

03-17-2009, 12:25 PM

J/K, will try it out.

03-17-2009, 12:33 PM
Hard to believe something like that is free with no strings attached. I am going to do some investigation and try it out. Thanks, Greg!

Mr Wild
03-18-2009, 08:58 AM
Just installed and yes found problems even though I run anti virus and spyware stuff. Hope it stays good!

03-18-2009, 04:01 PM
Yes, it found and fixed a whole bunch of stuff, but I am not sure how much faster my PC is running ...

Mr Wild
03-18-2009, 06:08 PM
Exactly but hey if it keeps the boogy man away from my pc I am happy! lol Kath

03-23-2009, 02:02 AM
works quite well,
thanks for sharing,


03-23-2009, 06:23 AM
Installed and it found 2 problems with spyware, that's it.
I didn't run adaware last night (what is automatically done), so just only 2 spyware problems is a bit bad result for me.

I've tested it on 2 pc's and both the same results.

03-24-2009, 10:22 PM
well, i tried it on my desktop ...310 spyware files, 592 resistry files, 651 privacy files and 1.42 gigs of files. i'll let you know how it goes clearing them all off.

Diamond Discus
04-05-2009, 02:46 PM
Hi Greg...I installed it and could not believe all the errors I had! Registry errors, security errors...everything errors. PC seems to be running better so far, Thanks for the link...Bill

Me too, I just installed it. Thanks Greg!

Greg Richardson
04-05-2009, 09:13 PM
I gave in and bought the $20.00 version. I think it's worth it. But times are tough some of you be just fine with the free version. I only have the free version of Advast and love it and still not tempted enough to buy the pro version. LOL!

04-07-2009, 04:52 PM
But what did it install that you don't know about :confused: Are you sure it's not sending all your personal info to someone, or some group :confused:

A lot of good freeware out there though, just can't help but be a conspiracy theorist sometimes though :p

04-20-2009, 05:05 PM
just installed one and it worked like a charm! Thanks Greg :thumbsup:!


05-07-2009, 08:55 PM
Adware is a pretty good FREE virus protection software that I like!

05-08-2009, 08:56 AM
just installed one and it worked like a charm! Thanks Greg :thumbsup:!

Ditto, Thanks!

05-10-2009, 09:17 PM
I remember having to do all that maintenance and worrying about viruses and spyware. Switched to Linux (Ubuntu) two years ago and never looked back. No viruses to worry about, no defrags to worry about, no spyware to worry about.........life on the computer is good again

04-06-2010, 09:43 PM
I've been using this for over 3 years now, and I'm also currently using Iobit Security 360 along with it as well, which is also free. As for other software, I also currently use Zone Alarm firewall and Avira Antivirus as well, both of which are very good and also free; as a result, I almost never have any problems with spyware, adware, rootkits, viruses, etc. :D If you want a really good source of excellent tested and peer-reviewed freeware, go to:


They have just about everything you could possibly want for free, but also have links to the paid "pro" versions as well; in particular, look for the software programs labeled "HOT" in red, as they are the ones that are rated highly by the site admin/contributors. I have used majorgeeks for almost 10 years and as a result, have never paid a red cent for any of my software, ever.



04-06-2010, 11:05 PM
windows 7 with microsoft security essentials and you have no issues with all that crap, its free and dont need any other stuff installed to slow down the system. I used Avanced system care for a long time with xp and I find it comes up with errors even on freshly installed OS'es so it makes me wonder. Be careful with the registry cleaning and defrag options as I have killed some windows installs that way, had to fix from that. Seems to be ok for free. I find CCleaner to be a good tool for free use.
If you know computers well enough I dont see the argument for Linux vs windows. I can run either fine and never have an issue with viruses, root kits or the like. Windows more for mainstream users do to its ease of use with many products out there. Linux seems more destined for business/enterprise situations where gaming, mulitmedia and entertainment would be reserved for windows or mac.
check out lifehacker for good tips and reads. Majorgeeks is good just pay attention to what you are clicking on, its a bit distracting and unorganized if you are a novice compared to some sites.

07-13-2010, 04:01 AM
thanks for the link, will have to try it out tonight.


07-16-2010, 01:01 AM
microsoft products suck, but its cheap, built that is, not the price.

i have to use this junk cause i cant afford a mac or linux at this point in time, but these windows programs are pissing me off, keeps telling me my pc is not legit, screw you microsoft, i'm not gonna pay $200 some plus to buy your half a$$ed work, why don't they just add more software to windows xp, instead of taking half the programs in xp and create half useless Sh!T, that we don't need and charge an arm and a leg for it.

07-16-2010, 02:16 PM
microsoft products suck, but its cheap, built that is, not the price.

i have to use this junk cause i cant afford a mac or linux at this point in time, but these windows programs are pissing me off, keeps telling me my pc is not legit, screw you microsoft, i'm not gonna pay $200 some plus to buy your half a$$ed work, why don't they just add more software to windows xp, instead of taking half the programs in xp and create half useless Sh!T, that we don't need and charge an arm and a leg for it.

I dont agree with everything Microsoft does but there products dont suck! They are a huge company and have a giant share of the pc market so they get viruses and all targeted at them because of it.

Linux if you have a computer you can get for free so no basis on that argument, go use it if you want to. Not quite for the everyday user yet either.

Mac is so overpriced I cant believe people argue about the price of windows!
Mac is now starting to have as many if not more problems than windows now that they have taken over a larger market share.

No argument for one over the other really.


07-17-2010, 03:34 AM
I have been using advanced system care since it came out with version 1.0 its great for cleaning out those pesky internet hookworms rootkits and cookies.
and it has a bu in registry cleaner. It is 100% safe i am sure of it im a PC builder my self and use it on my own computers and have never had issues with it. The only PC killer is mozzila firefox using up to 1GB OF RAM AT A TIME.

07-24-2010, 01:32 AM
>>>>Mac is now starting to have as many if not more problems than windows now that they have taken over a larger market share.

Yeah, they went from 8% to 10% in the last two years. Whoopee.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Mac fan, but their market share is still minuscule and to say they "have as many if not more problems than windows now" is ludicrous.

William Palumbo
07-24-2010, 01:59 AM
I went thru too many PC's...so I bit the bullet and bought a MacBook Pro. Expensive, but worth every penny. Being a long time PC user, using a Mac, I will NEVER go back!...Bill

07-24-2010, 08:53 PM
I have used both and I always return to my PC. MAC IS having many hardware issues now, they make you use only their products as often as possible(which everyone rips microsoft for) and the price is just way over ridiculous. They use the same manufacturing from china as all the rest.
Buy what you like but dont fan up one over the other. There is no more power in a mac than a pc regardless of what people lead you to believe, they both can do awesome things.
If you have windows 7 no need for Advance system care!!!!

07-29-2010, 03:42 AM
I have used both and I always return to my PC. MAC IS having many hardware issues now, they make you use only their products as often as possible(which everyone rips microsoft for) and the price is just way over ridiculous. They use the same manufacturing from china as all the rest.
Buy what you like but dont fan up one over the other. There is no more power in a mac than a pc regardless of what people lead you to believe, they both can do awesome things.
If you have windows 7 no need for Advance system care!!!!

Why would you give people false information? I'm sure because you just said that you don't know the smallest thing about computers. :mad: Don't do that please the default things given out by microsoft all fail. and you have to check the updates carefully some of the windows updates aren't good for you pc.
For instance for windows vista they relased some updates prior to windows 7 being launch that made vista run slower. WHY? to make more money. And macs are not practicall AT ALL. they only work for what i like to call " email people".( internet blogs forums and email). Anything else and your incompatible. Macs are ridiculosley overpriced USING THE EXACT SAME HADWARE. for the price of a macbook. i can build a pc that can tear through multiple intense applications at once. For instance my pc cost only 1000 dolllars ( but i built it myself) :And it is 3X stronger than the best mac.:D

07-29-2010, 08:28 AM
Sound interesting , concidering slow ways of my pc i shall give it a try

07-29-2010, 09:50 AM
Why would you give people false information? I'm sure because you just said that you don't know the smallest thing about computers. :mad: Don't do that please the default things given out by microsoft all fail. and you have to check the updates carefully some of the windows updates aren't good for you pc.
For instance for windows vista they relased some updates prior to windows 7 being launch that made vista run slower. WHY? to make more money. And macs are not practicall AT ALL. they only work for what i like to call " email people".( internet blogs forums and email). Anything else and your incompatible. Macs are ridiculosley overpriced USING THE EXACT SAME HADWARE. for the price of a macbook. i can build a pc that can tear through multiple intense applications at once. For instance my pc cost only 1000 dolllars ( but i built it myself) :And it is 3X stronger than the best mac.:D

Wait im confused now!!! what false info? I build PCs, code, network admin, you name it on computers. False info would be to say that all default things from microsoft fail(completely not true) they would be a small company if that were the case. Vista failed yes, I never bought it or liked it. Windows xp and 7 so far are great. Linux is making strides and I will use a mac if needed but i could never have built myself one until they finally came around and use the same parts as PCs do (so why do macs cost sooo much more even now that they use the same hardware as PCs? What are kids going to school paying for ...OSX?) Its so not worth that price difference.
Anyways if you have any windows older than 7 then give this program a try, if you have 7 you dont need to use it, the more programs you install the more potential issues you have with your pc becoming slow, good practices of uninstalling unused programs helps loads.

Also you can try two other similar programs called Glary utilities or CC cleaner, both work great and all these programs just use microsoft programs your computer has installed from the factory but with a fancy GUI so people can just push a button and fix their computer.


William Palumbo
07-29-2010, 11:10 AM
And macs are not practicall AT ALL. they only work for what i like to call " email people".( internet blogs Macs are ridiculosley overpriced USING THE EXACT SAME HADWARE. for the price of a macbook. i can build a pc that can tear through multiple intense applications at once. For instance my pc cost only 1000 dolllars ( but i built it myself) :And it is 3X stronger than the best mac.:D

LOL...Whatever you say...Bill

07-29-2010, 12:55 PM
If your computer isn't a piece junk it will not be slowed down by ASC asc will speed it up and it uses much less RAM than the windows default cleaners ( which is what i meant when i said fails). Uninstalling junk will only speed up a computer that is one of two things 1)low on HDD space 2) has not been properly defragged.

07-29-2010, 12:56 PM
LOL...Whatever you say...Bill
What you think i was kidding? the fastest mac is a core 2 quad thats history..:D

William Palumbo
07-29-2010, 01:23 PM
For me, it ain't all about speed. I am not a gamer. I want reliability. I don't want to have to re-boot, recover from crashes and freeze-ups...or worse yet, the re-formatting. Keep your Windows. I would rather have a limited software selection, that is ACTUALLY designed for my Mac, that runs and does what it's supposed to do, than a bunch of worthless software made by anyone who can make software. I'm done with this as I am not going to debate/defend one over another. I just know what I like and prefer, as I have used both. Enjoy...Bill

07-30-2010, 01:56 AM
Also you can try two other similar programs called Glary utilities or CC cleaner, both work great and all these programs just use microsoft programs your computer has installed from the factory but with a fancy GUI so people can just push a button and fix their computer.


Yup, have used CCleaner for years, its the HEAT!! I rarely have to defrag my PC, EVER. I use both a PC and Mac and like them both, they both have there pluses. Even better, I use a program similar to Parallels to run XP on my Macbook. I rarely need it though, as I have multiple laptops. :o

07-30-2010, 07:53 AM
Got all the things you need huh Eddie!! =)

Bill why do you have to keep reformatting? no need to do that.

"If your computer isn't a piece junk it will not be slowed down by ASC asc will speed it up and it uses much less RAM than the windows default cleaners ( which is what i meant when i said fails). Uninstalling junk will only speed up a computer that is one of two things 1)low on HDD space 2) has not been properly defragged."

Say what? no defrag is needed anymore with windows (7 of course), uninstalling helps more than just because of space that is just an added bonus, why are you worried about RAM these programs are not memory resident they run and close except if you leave ASC running in the background. ASC performs functions that are normally built into windows but most people disable them then install a bunch of programs to do what it was already going to do! lol
As a hard drive fills it becomes slower as it needs to seek and write data further out on the platter, so by removing unused programs you will see a decent performance increase.
It does affect them as soon as 30% full.
