View Full Version : Need expert advice

03-16-2009, 08:46 PM
Hello everybody
Last week i bought three adult discus that had been raised together in a planted tank with an under gravel filter.As i didn't have a cycled tank i took them with their tank,water and filter.The problem is it's an under gravel filter and the guy who raised them was very careless(WC every month,ugf,nitrates tested 250 yes 250 and lots of debris in gravel).Anyway I've been doing a 30% WC twice daily nitrates now down to 50(still too bad),added two sponge filters to cycle them.Now the thing is it's very hard to vacuum the gravel and when i add the new water clouds of dirt come out of the gravel as if i had done nothing.So here is the question if i take some of the gravel ,clean it then put it in a wet/dry filter and remove the rest of the gravel and the ugf ,with my sponge filter only a week old would ammonia and nitrites spike? Or should i stick with what I'm doing for a month till my sponge filters are cycled and hope the fish can live with it

03-16-2009, 09:09 PM
Here is what I would do and if you are doing twice daily 30% WCs, you will be doing less work IMO.

Remove the fish to a storage container or extra tank with an air stone and a heater.

Break down their existing tank COMPLETELY! Remove everything and cean it like you are gonna drink from it. Do NOT use any soaps or detergents. Just use clean water.

Once that is complete, I would personally paint the bottom and back if you plan on doing this at all.

After that, throw in your water conditioner and fill the tank. Remove the fish from the container or other tank and place them in their new renovated home. Rinse the sponge filters in the water where the discus where temporarily housed while you did the renovation. Then simply add the sponges to the main tank.

You will go through a cycle and you can control it with water changes. There will be spikes and you can either add a product like Prime or something similar. I would also try to get your hands on some "snake oil" as Graham would call it. A good bacteria in a bottle, I have had success with Stability. This will help jump start your bacteria colony.

Your tank may take a while to cycle since you will be doing daily 50% WCs at least.

This process will take a while but it will be far better and healthier for your fish in the long run.


03-16-2009, 09:37 PM
Thanks Eddie seems you're always here for help
Here is what I would do and if you are doing twice daily 30% WCs, you will be doing less work IMO.

Remove the fish to a storage container or extra tank with an air stone and a heater.

Break down their existing tank COMPLETELY! Remove everything and cean it like you are gonna drink from it. Do NOT use any soaps or detergents. Just use clean water.
That's exactly what i had in mind,only i thought of using a new tank

Once that is complete, I would personally paint the bottom and back if you plan on doing this at all.
You mean like paint it in white??

After that, throw in your water conditioner and fill the tank. Remove the fish from the container or other tank and place them in their new renovated home. Rinse the sponge filters in the water where the discus where temporarily housed while you did the renovation. Then simply add the sponges to the main tank.

You will go through a cycle and you can control it with water changes. There will be spikes and you can either add a product like Prime or something similar. I would also try to get your hands on some "snake oil" as Graham would call it. A good bacteria in a bottle, I have had success with Stability. This will help jump start your bacteria colony.
Prime i know,unfortunately we don't have it here in Egypt."snake oil" ????hmmm what is that ???

Your tank may take a while to cycle since you will be doing daily 50% WCs at least.

This process will take a while but it will be far better and healthier for your fish in the long run.

Thanks again
Is using old gravel in filter a good idea?

03-16-2009, 10:05 PM
Thanks Eddie seems you're always here for help

No problem

That's exactly what i had in mind,only i thought of using a new tank

A new tank would be perfect

You mean like paint it in white??

Yes, spray paint the bottom or back of the outside of the tank. You can use most spray paints but check to make sure that it can be used on glass. Make sure it is the OUTSIDE of the tank, NOT the inside.

Prime i know,unfortunately we don't have it here in Egypt."snake oil" ????hmmm what is that ???

Forget the Prime then, just control the ammonia/nitrite through water changes. "Snake Oil" is a bacteria in bottle that states it can cycle your tank very fast. There are many brands but I don't know what you have in Egypt. Use the gravel as mentioned below.

Is using old gravel in filter a good idea?

It can help, use it in a Hang On Back filter or canister until the sponges can establish a good bacteria colony.

PS. DO NOT RINSE THE GRAVEL IN TAP WATER, IT WILL HARM THE BACTERIA. Use dechlorinated water, preferably old water from the existing tank to rinse it.

Best of luck,


Al M.
03-16-2009, 10:38 PM
Don't paint your tank, Use some 1" white foam that you can get at a hardware store.... use it on the bottom Sides & back, it will save on heating bills, you can change colors to light blue, pink or one of many other colors that they may have in youe area.... plus you don't have to paint or scrape the paint off if you get tired of the color, or maybe someday you'll want to sell your tank..... and who wants to buy A tank that you might not like the color of......other than that little difference I'm with Eddie.....

03-17-2009, 11:40 AM
Don't paint your tank, Use some 1" white foam that you can get at a hardware store.... use it on the bottom Sides & back, it will save on heating bills, you can change colors to light blue, pink or one of many other colors that they may have in youe area.... plus you don't have to paint or scrape the paint off if you get tired of the color, or maybe someday you'll want to sell your tank..... and who wants to buy A tank that you might not like the color of......other than that little difference I'm with Eddie.....

Come on Al, you know what I do when I get tired of the color, I just buy another tank to paint. And you know I ain't never selling any tanks. Gotta build up for the future fish room. ;)


Al M.
03-17-2009, 09:27 PM
Good One Eddie

But some people might get rid of their tank some day....NOT YOU YOUR ADDITTED.....

03-17-2009, 09:29 PM
Good One Eddie

But some people might get rid of their tank some day....NOT YOU YOUR ADDITTED.....

Hey....if it's already painted, then I won't have to do it when I buy it from them. LOL


03-18-2009, 05:48 PM
Made the move,seems they like their new home so much they spawned before they spent their first day
Thank you all for your help

03-18-2009, 08:33 PM
Made the move,seems they like their new home so much they spawned before they spent their first day
Thank you all for your help

Wow, thats great! Best of luck
