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View Full Version : Wet/dry plus canister filtration?

03-21-2009, 04:26 AM
Does anyone out there run a wet/dry filter with a canister filter? I have a 75 gal. planted, drilled tank with 125 gal rated wet dry filter w/mag7 pmp.The water from the overflow goes straight to the drip tray which is located directly above the bio-balls down into the sump. The water is then pulled through a sponge by the mag7 and back into the tank I've been trying to get clearer water with just my wet dry, but no real success. I do 25%-30% wc every other day, but I continue to see very tiny particles in my water. It's not really cloudy, just kinda hazy. When I set this tank up, I wasn't thinking and set it to close to the wall to be able to use a hob filter (4 1/2"). Any advise or suggestions would be appreciated.The water doesn't seem to bother the fish, but it's killing me.These are my occupants and water parameters :

(6)- 3.5"-4.5" discus
(3)- yo-yo's (3"-4")
(1)- clown pleco (3")
(1)- leopard cory cats(1.5"-2")
(10)-zebra danios

ph-constant 7.6
water hardness-120ppm

Thanks for any help

03-22-2009, 01:47 AM
No One? I was hoping to get some help.


03-23-2009, 11:04 AM
Sure. Your idea is very common. I run a wet/dry, and wish I had a canister at times. I run a Lifegard mechanical and chemical module in closed loop from the sump. You could do the very same thing with a canister... simple in and out from the sump area, since you are close to the wall, and may not want hoses running down the side of the tank. You dont need bio filtration in the canister.. I would focus on mechanical and chem (if needed).

Chad Hughes
03-23-2009, 06:05 PM

I use both on a 150 gallon.

Best wishes!